--- title: Bulma --- ## Bulma Bulma is a free and open source frontend CSS framework based on Flexbox. It contains HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grid systems, navigation and other interface design elements. ## Features * 100% Responsive. * Modular. * Modern. * Free (Source code on GitHub). * growing community. * Easy to learn. * Quick Customization. * No JavaScript Required ## Getting started There are three ways for you to start using bulma. You can use npm to install the Bulma package (recommendede), you can link the Bulma stylesheat via CDN or you can clone the GitHub repository of Bulma to get the latest developement version. ### Using NPM Just type the following in your terminal: ```terminal $ npm install bulma ``` ### Using a CDN Take one of the links from [this page](https://cdnjs.com/libraries/bulma) and embedd them in your project. ### GitHub Repository Clone [the Bulma repository](https://github.com/jgthms/bulma/tree/master/css)