--- title: Ruby Numbers Operations --- In Ruby you can perform all standard math operations on numbers, including: addition `+`, subtraction `-`, multiplication `*`, division `/`, find remainders `%`, and work with exponents `**`. ## Addition: * Numbers can be added together using the `+` operator. ```ruby 15 + 25 #=> 40 ``` ## Subtraction: * Numbers can be subtracted from one another using the `-` operator. ```ruby 25 - 15 #=> 10 ``` ## Multiplication: * Numbers can be multiplied together using the `*` operator. ```ruby 10 * 5 #=> 50 ``` ## Division: * Numbers can be divided by one another using the `/` operator. ```ruby 10 / 5 #=> 2 ``` ## Remainders: * Remainders can be found using the modulus `%` operator. ```ruby 10 % 3 #=> 1 # because the remainder of 10/3 is 1 ``` ## Exponents: * Exponents can be calculated using the `**` operator. ```ruby 2 ** 3 #=> 8 # because 2 to the third power, or 2 * 2 * 2 = 8 ```