--- title: Buttons --- ## Buttons The Bootstrap framework provides you with various styling options for buttons. These styles help you provide a visual representation to the user of what the button may do. #### How To Use: To use bootstrap buttons you follow the same steps that you would to create a button in HTML except you also apply the applicable CSS class to the button. A code example has been provided below. **Code Example:** `` You can also use bootstrap buttons with the `` and `` elements as shown in the examples below. `This button is a link` This button is a link `` #### Bootstrap Button Class List: This is a list of the CSS classes that bootstrap provides for buttons. `.btn` This is bootstrap's basic button. `.btn-default` This is bootstrap's default button. `.btn-primary` This is bootstrap's primary button. `.btn-success` This is bootstrap's success button. `.btn-info` This is bootstrap's info button. `.btn-warning` This is bootstrap's warning button. `.btn-danger` This is bootstrap's danger button. `.btn-link` This is bootstrap's link button. `.btn-light` This is bootstrap's light button. #### Bootstrap Button Sizes: This is a list of the CSS classes for different size of the buttons. `.btn-lg` This is bootstrap's large button. `.btn-sm` This is bootstrap's small button. `.btn-xs` This is bootstrap's extra small button. #### Bootstrap Outlined Buttons: It is possible to also have outlined buttons rather than fully colored in ones. This is achieved by placing the mid fix `outline` between the button class you want. A sample usage would be as follows: `` Outlined buttons are a part of Bootstrap since version 4, please be sure that you are using the right version if you are unable to get them work. _Note: Do not include the dot in the HTML Class Attribute, referring to the classes with a dot is only used when adjusting the classes in CSS._ #### More Information: * Bootstrap Buttons documentation * Bootstrap Button Group documentation * [Bootstrap Get Started](/articles/bootstrap/bootstrap-get-started)