{ "$schema": "https://unpkg.com/knip@next/schema.json", "ignore": "**/*.d.ts", "ignoreBinaries": ["cd", "echo", "sh"], // Only workspaces with a configuration below are analyzed by Knip "workspaces": { ".": { "entry": [], // Configuration options can be overridden individually (necessary here as the default is `cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}`). "cypress": ["cypress.config.js", "cypress/e2e/**/*.{js,ts}"] }, "client": { // Files used by Gatsby are handled by Knip's Gatsby plugin (https://github.com/webpro/knip/blob/next/src/plugins/gatsby/README.md) // The rest are `webpack.entry` files. "entry": [], "project": ["**/*.{js,ts,tsx}"], "webpack": { "config": "webpack-workers.js", "entry": [ "src/client/frame-runner.ts", "src/client/workers/sass-compile.ts", "src/client/workers/test-evaluator.ts" ] }, "ignore": ["i18n/schema-validation.*", "**/__mocks__", "**/__fixtures__"] }, "client/plugins/*": { "entry": "gatsby-node.js" }, // This monospace gives a few unused files, so as not to make the node.js-find-unused workflow fail this is still commented out // Also try --production to find more unused files. // "tools/ui-components": { // "entry": ["src/index.ts!", "utils/gen-component-script.ts"], // "project": ["src/**/*.{ts,tsx}!", "utils/*.ts"] // }, "tools/scripts/build": { "entry": ["*.ts"] } } }