extends ../layout block content .jumbotron.negative-15.text-center h1.hug-top Global Control Shortcuts for Mac h2 These Global Control Shortcuts for Mac will save you hours by speeding up your typing br .embed-responsive.embed-responsive-16by9 iframe.embed-responsive-item(src='//player.vimeo.com/video/107073108') .text-left h3 These global shortcuts work everywhere on a Mac: ul li Control + F = Forward li Control + B = Backward li Control + N = Next Line li Control + P = Previous Line li Control + H = Backspace li Control + D = Delete li Control + A = Beginning of Line li Control + E = End of Line li Control + K = Kill line a.btn.btn-cta.signup-btn.btn-primary(href="/login") Start learning to code (it's free) br