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Academic Honesty Policy

Before we issue our verified certification to a camper, he or she must accept our Academic Honesty Pledge, which reads:

"I understand that plagiarism means copying someone else’s work and presenting the work as if it were my own, without clearly attributing the original author.

"I understand that plagiarism is an act of intellectual dishonesty, and that people usually get kicked out of university or fired from their jobs if they get caught plagiarizing.

"Aside from using open source libraries such as jQuery and Bootstrap, and short snippets of code which are clearly attributed to their original author, 100% of the code in my projects was written by me, or along with another camper with whom I was pair programming in real time.

"I pledge that I did not plagiarize any of my Free Code Camp work. I understand that Free Code Camp’s team will audit my projects to confirm this."

In the situations where we discover instances of unambiguous plagiarism, we will replace the camper in question’s certification with a message that "Upon review, this account has been flagged for academic dishonesty."

As an academic institution that grants achievement-based certifications, we take academic honesty very seriously. If you have any questions about this policy, or suspect that someone has violated it, you can email team@freecodecamp.com and we will investigate.