--- title: Flood Fill Algorithm --- ## Flood Fill Algorithm Flood fill is an algorithm mainly used to determine a bounded area connected to a given node in a multi-dimensional array. It is a close resemblance to the bucket tool in paint programs. The most approached implementation of the algorithm is a stack-based recursive function, and that's what we're gonna talk about next. ### How does it work? The problem is pretty simple and usually follows these steps: 1. Take the position of the starting point. 2. Decide whether you want to go in 4 directions (**N, S, W, E**) or 8 directions (**N, S, W, E, NW, NE, SW, SE**). 3. Choose a replacement color and a target color. 4. Travel in those directions. 5. If the tile you land on is a target, replace it with the chosen color. 6. Repeat 4 and 5 until you've been everywhere within the boundaries. Let's take the following array as an example: ![alt text](https://github.com/firealex2/Codingame/blob/master/small%208%20grid%20paintefffd.png) The red square is the starting point and the gray squares are the so called walls. For further details, here's a piece of code describing the function: ```c++ int wall = -1; void flood_fill(int pos_x, int pos_y, int target_color, int color) { if(a[pos_x][pos_y] == wall || a[pos_x][pos_y] == color) // if there is no wall or if i haven't been there return; // already go back if(a[pos_x][pos_y] != target_color) // if it's not color go back return; a[pos_x][pos_y] = color; // mark the point so that I know if I passed through it. flood_fill(pos_x + 1, pos_y, color); // then i can either go south flood_fill(pos_x - 1, pos_y, color); // or north flood_fill(pos_x, pos_y + 1, color); // or east flood_fill(pos_x, pos_y - 1, color); // or west return; } ``` As seen above, my starting point is (4,4). After calling the function for the start coordinates **x = 4** and **y = 4**, I can start checking if there is no wall or color on the spot. If that is valid i mark the spot with one **"color"** and start checking the other adjacent squares. Going south we will get to point (5,4) and the function runs again. ### Exercise problem I always considered that solving a (or more) problem/s using a newly learned algorithm is the best way to fully understand the concept. So here's one: **Statement:** In a bidimensional array you are given n number of **"islands"**. Try to find the largest area of an island and the corresponding island number. 0 marks water and any other x between 1 and n marks one square from the surface corresponding to island x. **Input** * **n** - the number of islands. * **l,c** - the dimensions of the matrix. * the next **l** lines, **c** numbers giving the **l**th row of the matrix. **Output** * **i** - the number of the island with the largest area. * **A** - the area of the **i**'th island. **Ex:** You have the following input: ```c++ 2 4 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 ``` For which you will get island no. 2 as the biggest island with the area of 5 squares. ### Hints The problem is quite easy, but here are some hints: 1. Use the flood-fill algorithm whenever you encounter a new island. 2. As opposed to the sample code, you should go through the area of the island and not on the ocean (0 tiles).