import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; import translations from '../client/i18n/locales/english/translations.json'; import { availableLangs, hiddenLangs, LangNames } from '../shared/config/i18n'; import links from '../client/i18n/locales/english/links.json'; const headerComponentElements = { skipContent: 'header-skip-content', examNav: 'header-exam-nav', examNavLogo: 'header-exam-nav-microsoft-logo', universalNav: 'header-universal-nav', universalNavLogo: 'header-universal-nav-logo', toggleLangButton: 'header-toggle-lang-button', languageList: 'header-lang-list', languageButton: 'header-lang-list-option', menuButton: 'header-menu-button', menu: 'header-menu', signInButton: 'header-sign-in-button' } as const; const examUrl = '/learn/foundational-c-sharp-with-microsoft/foundational-c-sharp-with-microsoft-certification-exam/foundational-c-sharp-with-microsoft-certification-exam'; test.use({ storageState: 'playwright/.auth/certified-user.json' }); test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.goto('/'); }); test('Has link for skip content', async ({ page }) => { const skipContent = page.getByTestId(headerComponentElements.skipContent); await expect(skipContent).toBeVisible(); await expect(skipContent).toHaveAttribute('href', '#content-start'); }); test('Renders universal nav by default', async ({ page }) => { const universalNavigation = page.getByTestId( headerComponentElements.universalNav ); const universalNavigationLogo = page.getByTestId( headerComponentElements.universalNavLogo ); await expect(universalNavigation).toBeVisible(); await expect(universalNavigationLogo).toBeVisible(); await expect(universalNavigationLogo).toHaveAttribute('href', '/learn'); }); test('Renders exam nav for Foundational C# with Microsoft exam', async ({ page }) => { await page.goto(examUrl); await page .getByRole('button', { name: translations.buttons['click-start-exam'] }) .click(); await expect(page).toHaveURL(examUrl); await expect(page.getByTestId(headerComponentElements.examNav)).toBeVisible(); await expect( page.getByTestId(headerComponentElements.examNavLogo) ).toBeVisible(); }); test('Should display search in header on desktop and in menu on mobile', async ({ page, isMobile }) => { const searchInput = page.getByLabel(; const menuButton = page.getByTestId(headerComponentElements.menuButton); if (isMobile) { await expect(searchInput).toBeHidden(); await; await expect(searchInput).toBeVisible(); } else { await expect(searchInput).toBeVisible(); } }); test('Clicking the "Change Language" button should open the language list', async ({ page }) => { const toggleLangButton = page.getByTestId( headerComponentElements.toggleLangButton ); await expect(toggleLangButton).toBeVisible(); await; const langList = page.getByTestId(headerComponentElements.languageList); await expect(langList).toBeVisible(); }); test('The language list should contain a button for each available language', async ({ page }) => { const locales = availableLangs.client.filter( lang => !hiddenLangs.includes(lang) ); const toggleLangButton = page.getByTestId( headerComponentElements.toggleLangButton ); await expect(toggleLangButton).toBeVisible(); await; const langList = page.getByTestId(headerComponentElements.languageList); await expect(langList).toBeVisible(); const langButtons = page.getByTestId(headerComponentElements.languageButton); await expect(langButtons).toHaveCount(locales.length); for (let i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) { const btn = langButtons.nth(i); await expect(btn).toContainText(LangNames[locales[i]]); } }); test('Clicking the menu button should open the menu', async ({ page }) => { const menuButton = page.getByTestId(headerComponentElements.menuButton); const menu = page.getByTestId(; await expect(menuButton).toBeVisible(); await; await expect(menu).toBeVisible(); }); test('The menu should contain links to: donate, curriculum, forum, news, radio, and contribute', async ({ page }) => { const menuButton = page.getByTestId(headerComponentElements.menuButton); const menu = page.getByTestId(; await expect(menuButton).toBeVisible(); await; await expect(menu).toBeVisible(); const menuLinks = [ { name: translations.buttons.donate, href: '/donate' }, { name: translations.buttons.curriculum, href: '/learn' }, { name:, href: }, { name:, href: }, { name:, href: process.env.RADIO_LOCATION || '' }, { name: translations.buttons.contribute, href: links.nav.contribute } ]; for (const menuLink of menuLinks) { const link = menu.getByRole('link', { name: }); await expect(link).toBeVisible(); await expect(link).toHaveAttribute('href', menuLink.href); } }); test('The Sign In button should redirect to api/signin', async ({ browser }) => { // Sign out user in order to test Sign In button const context = await browser.newContext({ storageState: { cookies: [], origins: [] } }); const page = await context.newPage(); await page.goto('/'); const signInButton = page.getByRole('link', { name: translations.buttons['sign-in'] }); const apiLocation = process.env.API_LOCATION || 'http://localhost:3000'; await expect(signInButton).toHaveAttribute('href', `${apiLocation}/signin`); });