import _ from 'lodash'; import dedent from 'dedent'; import { Observable } from 'rx'; import debug from 'debug'; import { ifNoUser401, ifNoUserSend } from '../utils/middleware'; import { observeQuery } from '../utils/rx'; import { frontEndChallengeId, dataVisChallengeId, backEndChallengeId } from '../utils/constantStrings.json'; import { completeCommitment$ } from '../utils/commit'; import certTypes from '../utils/certTypes.json'; const log = debug('fcc:certification'); const sendMessageToNonUser = ifNoUserSend( 'must be logged in to complete.' ); function isCertified(ids, challengeMap = {}) { return _.every(ids, ({ id }) => challengeMap[id]); } function getIdsForCert$(id, Challenge) { return observeQuery( Challenge, 'findById', id, { id: true, tests: true, name: true, challengeType: true } ) .shareReplay(); } export default function certificate(app) { const router = app.loopback.Router(); const { Challenge } = app.models; const certTypeIds = { [certTypes.frontEnd]: getIdsForCert$(frontEndChallengeId, Challenge), [certTypes.dataVis]: getIdsForCert$(dataVisChallengeId, Challenge), [certTypes.backEnd]: getIdsForCert$(backEndChallengeId, Challenge) }; '/certificate/verify/front-end', ifNoUser401, verifyCert.bind(null, certTypes.frontEnd) ); '/certificate/verify/back-end', ifNoUser401, verifyCert.bind(null, certTypes.backEnd) ); '/certificate/verify/data-visualization', ifNoUser401, verifyCert.bind(null, certTypes.dataVis) ); '/certificate/honest', sendMessageToNonUser, postHonest ); app.use(router); function verifyCert(certType, req, res, next) { const { user } = req; return certTypeIds[certType] .flatMap(challenge => { const { id, tests, name, challengeType } = challenge; if ( !user[certType] && isCertified(tests, user.challengeMap) ) { const updateData = { $set: { [`challengeMap.${id}`]: { id, name, completedDate: new Date(), challengeType }, [certType]: true } }; return req.user.update$(updateData) // If user has commited to nonprofit, // this will complete his pledge .flatMap( () => completeCommitment$(user), ({ count }, pledgeOrMessage) => { if (typeof pledgeOrMessage === 'string') { log(pledgeOrMessage); } log(`${count} documents updated`); return true; } ); } return Observable.just(false); }) .subscribe( (didCertify) => { if (didCertify) { return res.status(200).send(true); } return res.status(200).send( dedent` Looks like you have not completed the neccessary steps. Please return to the challenge map. ` ); }, next ); } function postHonest(req, res, next) { return req.user.update$({ $set: { isHonest: true } }).subscribe( () => res.status(200).send(true), next ); } }