--- title: Bash ls --- ## Bash ls `ls` is a command on Unix-like operating systems to list contents of a directory, for example folder and file names. ### Usage ```bash cat [options] [file_names] ``` You can list the items in any directory without even entering the directory. Consider you are in a directory with folders- Test1,Test2. You're in the parent directory you can list all files in Test1 as follows- `ls Test1` Most used options: * `-a`, all files and folders, including ones that are hidden and start with a `.` * `-l`, List in long format * `-G`, enable colorized output. * `-s`, List File Size. * `-R`, displays the contents of the directory, and its subdirectories. ### Example: List files in `freeCodeCamp/guide/` ```bash ls ⚬ master CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md bin package.json utils CONTRIBUTING.md gatsby-browser.js plugins yarn.lock LICENSE.md gatsby-config.js src README.md gatsby-node.js static assets gatsby-ssr.js translations ``` #### More Information: * [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ls) * [Shapeshed](https://shapeshed.com/unix-ls/)