--- title: Us State Map Visualization Using D3js --- ![screen shot 2016-05-19 at 6 29 43 pm](//discourse-user-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/original/2X/a/a4a31935c10185c660c713ba7651a30e0a11f1e8.png) ## Project Explanation: **We have the sample data of US States:** Number of serious accidents reported for every state in US. _We have this data in three categories:_ Lowest reported number for a month, Average reported accidents in a year and Highest number reported in a month, as showed in below sample data. We want to draw a US Map and visualize this data such that, when we hover mouse over a state, it should show this data for that particular state. ## Sample Data: `AZ: 13 41 57` `CA: 41 60 81` `NY: 6 35 54` and so on. ## Hints and Resources: ### Step by Step instructions: * First , we will need to create a US map. 1. You can either create a map from scratch using sources like - Stately. 2. Get a already created map from freehtml5maps or use this Javascript * Add your map to the main javascript used for visualization For Example, `(script src="uStates.js")(/script) (!-- creates uStates. --)` * Create Div tag to hold tooltip and create SVG to hold you map. For Example, `javascript (div id="tooltip")(/div) (svg width="960" height="600" id="statesvg")(/svg)` * Create Tooltip function to create html content string in tooltip div. This tooltip function will return a table and this table will be shown whenever we hover mouse over the state Table should be something like this ( As shown in the first figure) : Arizona Low 13 Average 41 High 57 * Draw states on id (#statesvg in our example ) with data and tooltip function. For example, `uStates.draw("#statesvg", sampleData, tooltipFunc);` **Final output will be something like this: ( Hovered the mouse over California )** ![screen shot 2016-05-19 at 6 37 57 pm](//discourse-user-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/original/2X/2/2c17548386b8591d84ac8f2541fecd8d68e7365c.png) ## References: 1. **D3.js** Examples and Documentations. 2. **NPashaP GitHub** 3. **Stately** 4. **FreeHTML5Maps**