import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; import Helmet from 'react-helmet'; import Youtube from 'react-youtube'; import { Image } from 'react-bootstrap'; import Author from './components/Author'; import { Loader, Spacer } from '../../../common/app/helperComponents'; import { getArticleById, postPopularityEvent } from '../../utils/ajax'; const propTypes = { history: PropTypes.shape({ push: PropTypes.func.isRequired }), location: PropTypes.shape({ state: PropTypes.object, pathname: PropTypes.string }), match: PropTypes.shape({ params: PropTypes.shape({ username: PropTypes.string, slug: PropTypes.string }) }) }; const youtubeOpts = { playerVars: { // autoplay: 0 } }; const styles = ` .show-article figure { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; } .show-article figcaption > * { font-size: 16px; } .show-article figcaption { padding-top: 5px; } .show-article a { text-decoration: underline; } .feature-image-wrapper { padding-top: 32px; } .youtube-wrapper { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */ padding-top: 25px; height: 0; overflow: hidden; } .youtube-wrapper iframe { position: absolute; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 95%; } `; class ShowArticle extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { fetchState: { pending: false, complete: false, errored: false, error: null }, currentArticle: {}, requiredArticle: '' }; this.fetchArticle = this.fetchArticle.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { window.scrollTo(0, 0); const { history, match: { params: { username, slug } }, location: { state: { article } = {} } } = this.props; if (username && !slug) { return history.push('/'); } const [, shortId] = slug.split('--'); postPopularityEvent({ event: 'view', timestamp:, shortId }); if (article) { /* eslint-disable react/no-did-mount-set-state */ return this.setState( { fetchState: { complete: true }, currentArticle: article, requiredArticle: shortId }, () => { window.location.state = null; } ); } return this.fetchArticle(); } fetchArticle() { const { match: { params: { slug } } } = this.props; const [, shortId] = slug.split('--'); return this.setState( { requiredArticle: shortId, fetchState: { pending: true, complete: false, errored: false } }, () => getArticleById(shortId) .then(({ data }) => this.setState({ currentArticle: data, fetchState: { pending: false, complete: true, errored: false, error: null } }) ) .catch(console.error) ); } youtubeReady(event) {; } render() { const { fetchState: { pending, complete, errored }, currentArticle: { title, renderableContent, youtubeId, featureImage }, currentArticle } = this.state; if (pending || !complete) { return (
); } if (complete && errored) { return

Oh noes!! Something went wrong!

; } // RegEx finds the first paragraph and groups the content const description = renderableContent.match(/

(.*?)<\/p>/)[1]; const slug = this.props.location.pathname; return (

{`${title} | freeCodeCamp News`}


{featureImage.alt} {featureImage.caption ? (
) : null}
{youtubeId ? ( ) : null}
); } } ShowArticle.displayName = 'ShowArticle'; ShowArticle.propTypes = propTypes; export default withRouter(ShowArticle);