--- title: Visibility Property --- ## Visibility Property Visibility property can be used to control the visibility of any element. The default value is `visibility: visible;` #### Possible values: Visibility property can have 5 possible values. 1. `visible`: It is the default value which shows an element. 2. `hidden`: This value hides an element but preserves the layout or space occupied by the element. 3. `collapse`: This values is similar to hidden but is applicable for table rows or columns. It hides the row or column contents. 4. `initial`: This sets the property to its default value (visible). 5. `inherit`: This inherits the property value from that of its parent element. #### Similarities and differences with other properties: 1. opacity: The difference between `visibility` property and `opacity` property, is opacity can be used for fading and element. `visibility: hidden;` and `opacity: 0;` has similar effect on an element. 2. display: The only difference between visibility: hidden; and display: none; is that, the latter removes the layout or space occupied by the element as well. #### Browser compatibility: This is a CSS2 property and is compatible with all the major browsers. #### More Information: [CSS Visibility - w3school](https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_class_visibility.asp)