--- id: 5a24c314108439a4d4036177 title: Write a Simple Counter challengeType: 6 isRequired: false videoUrl: '' localeTitle: 写一个简单的计数器 --- ## Description
您可以通过结合到目前为止所涵盖的概念来设计更复杂的有状态组件。这些包括初始化state ,编写设置state方法,以及分配单击处理程序以触发这些方法。
## Instructions
Counter组件跟踪一个的count的价值state 。有两个按钮调用方法increment()decrement() 。编写这些方法,以便在单击相应按钮时计数器值递增或递减1。此外,创建一个reset()方法,以便在单击重置按钮时,计数设置为0. 注意:确保不要修改按钮的classNames 。另外,请记住在构造函数中为新创建的方法添加必要的绑定。
## Tests
```yml tests: - text: Counter应返回一个div元素,其中包含三个按钮,文本内容按此顺序Increment!Decrement!Reset 。 testString: 'assert((() => { const mockedComponent = Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(Counter)); return (mockedComponent.find(".inc").text() === "Increment!" && mockedComponent.find(".dec").text() === "Decrement!" && mockedComponent.find(".reset").text() === "Reset"); })(), "Counter should return a div element which contains three buttons with text content in this order Increment!, Decrement!, Reset.");' - text: Counter的状态应该在count属性设置为0的情况下初始化。 testString: 'assert.strictEqual(Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(Counter)).state("count"), 0, "The state of Counter should initialize with a count property set to 0.");' - text: 单击增量按钮应将计数增加1 。 testString: 'async () => { const waitForIt = (fn) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(fn()), 250)); const mockedComponent = Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(Counter)); const first = () => { mockedComponent.setState({ count: 0 }); return waitForIt(() => mockedComponent.state("count")); }; const second = () => { mockedComponent.find(".inc").simulate("click"); return waitForIt(() => mockedComponent.state("count")); }; const firstValue = await first(); const secondValue = await second(); assert(firstValue === 0 && secondValue === 1, "Clicking the increment button should increment the count by 1."); }; ' - text: 单击减量按钮应将计数减1 。 testString: 'async () => { const waitForIt = (fn) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(fn()), 250)); const mockedComponent = Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(Counter)); const first = () => { mockedComponent.setState({ count: 0 }); return waitForIt(() => mockedComponent.state("count")); }; const second = () => { mockedComponent.find(".dec").simulate("click"); return waitForIt(() => mockedComponent.state("count")); }; const firstValue = await first(); const secondValue = await second(); assert(firstValue === 0 && secondValue === -1, "Clicking the decrement button should decrement the count by 1."); }; ' - text: 单击重置按钮应将计数重置为0 。 testString: 'async () => { const waitForIt = (fn) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(fn()), 250)); const mockedComponent = Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(Counter)); const init = () => { mockedComponent.setState({ count: 0 }); return waitForIt(() => mockedComponent.state("count")); }; const increment = () => { mockedComponent.find(".inc").simulate("click"); mockedComponent.find(".inc").simulate("click"); return waitForIt(() => mockedComponent.state("count")); }; const decrement = () => { mockedComponent.find(".dec").simulate("click"); return waitForIt(() => mockedComponent.state("count")); }; const reset = () => { mockedComponent.find(".reset").simulate("click"); return waitForIt(() => mockedComponent.state("count")); }; const firstValue = await init(); const secondValue = await increment(); const thirdValue = await decrement(); const fourthValue = await reset(); assert(firstValue === 0 && secondValue === 2 && thirdValue === 1 && fourthValue === 0, "Clicking the reset button should reset the count to 0."); }; ' ```
## Challenge Seed
```jsx class Counter extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { count: 0 }; // change code below this line // change code above this line } // change code below this line // change code above this line render() { return (

Current Count: {this.state.count}

); } }; ```
### After Test
```js console.info('after the test'); ```
## Solution
```js // solution required ```