--- id: 587d8252367417b2b2512c67 title: Add Elements at a Specific Index in a Linked List challengeType: 1 videoUrl: '' localeTitle: 在链接列表中的特定索引处添加元素 --- ## Description
## Instructions
## Tests
```yml tests: - text: 当给定索引为0时, addAt方法应重新分配head到新节点。 testString: 'assert((function(){var test = new LinkedList(); test.add("cat"); test.add("dog"); test.addAt(0,"cat"); return test.head().element === "cat"}()), "Your addAt method should reassign head to the new node when the given index is 0.");' - text: 对于添加到链接列表的每个新节点, addAt方法应该将链表的长度增加一。 testString: 'assert((function(){var test = new LinkedList(); test.add("cat"); test.add("dog"); test.addAt(0,"cat"); return test.size() === 3}()), "Your addAt method should increase the length of the linked list by one for each new node added to the linked list.");' - text: 如果无法添加节点,则addAt方法应返回false 。 testString: 'assert((function(){var test = new LinkedList(); test.add("cat"); test.add("dog"); return (test.addAt(4,"cat") === false); }()), "Your addAt method should return false if a node was unable to be added.");' ```
## Challenge Seed
```js function LinkedList() { var length = 0; var head = null; var Node = function(element){ this.element = element; this.next = null; }; this.size = function(){ return length; }; this.head = function(){ return head; }; this.add = function(element){ var node = new Node(element); if(head === null){ head = node; } else { currentNode = head; while(currentNode.next){ currentNode = currentNode.next; } currentNode.next = node; } length++; }; // Only change code below this line // Only change code above this line } ```
## Solution
```js // solution required ```