
105 lines
3.8 KiB

import { exec } from 'child_process';
import { readFile, readdir, stat, writeFile } from 'fs/promises';
import { join, sep } from 'path';
import { promisify } from 'util';
const asyncExec = promisify(exec);
const loadDirectory = async (path: string): Promise<string[]> => {
const files: string[] = [];
const status = await stat(path);
if (status.isDirectory()) {
const filesInDir = await readdir(path);
for (const file of filesInDir) {
files.push(...(await loadDirectory(join(path, file))));
} else {
return files.filter(f => !f.includes('DS_Store'));
const syncChallenges = async () => {
const block = process.env.FCC_BLOCK;
const ignore = ['.markdownlint.yaml', '_meta', 'english'];
const basePath = join(process.cwd(), 'curriculum', 'challenges');
const allLangs = await readdir(basePath);
const filtered = allLangs.filter(lang => !ignore.includes(lang));
// these will be paths
const english = await loadDirectory(join(basePath, 'english'));
for (const path of english) {
await Promise.all( lang => {
if (block && !path.includes(block)) {
const targetPath = path.replace('english', lang);
// we swallow the error here to detect if the file doesn't exist
const status = await stat(targetPath).catch(() => null);
if (!status) {
const targetDir = targetPath.split(sep);
console.log(`Syncing ${path.split('/english/')[1]}`);
await asyncExec(
`mkdir -p ${targetDir.join(sep)} && cp ${path} ${targetPath}`
const englishContent = await readFile(path, 'utf-8');
if (path.endsWith('LICENSE.txt')) {
await writeFile(targetPath, englishContent, 'utf-8');
const langContent = await readFile(targetPath, 'utf-8');
const engLines = englishContent.split('\n');
const engId = engLines.find(l => l.startsWith('id'));
const engSlug = engLines.find(l => l.startsWith('dashedName'));
const langLines = langContent.split('\n');
const langId = langLines.find(l => l.startsWith('id'));
const langSlug = langLines.find(
l => l.startsWith('dashedName') || l.startsWith('certification:')
if (!langSlug) {
throw new Error(
`Missing dashedName for ${targetPath}. Please add it so that it matches the English version.`
if (!langId) {
throw new Error(
`Missing id for ${targetPath}. Please add it so that it matches the English version.`
if (engId && engId !== langId) {
langLines.splice(langLines.indexOf(langId), 1, engId);
console.log(`Updating ID for ${targetPath}`);
await writeFile(targetPath, langLines.join('\n'), 'utf-8');
if (engSlug && engSlug !== langSlug) {
langLines.splice(langLines.indexOf(langSlug), 1, engSlug);
console.log(`Updating dashed name for ${targetPath}`);
await writeFile(targetPath, langLines.join('\n'), 'utf-8');
for (const lang of filtered) {
const langPath = join(process.cwd(), 'curriculum', 'challenges', lang);
const langFiles = await loadDirectory(langPath);
for (const path of langFiles) {
if (block && !path.includes(block)) {
const engPath = path.replace(lang, 'english');
// we don't want an error, only need to know that the file exists
const existsEnglish = await stat(engPath).catch(() => null);
if (!existsEnglish) {
console.log(`Unlinking ${path.split(`/${lang}/`)[1]}`);
await asyncExec(`rm ${path}`);
void (async () => {
await syncChallenges();