
788 lines
78 KiB

"name": "Advanced Node and Express",
"order": 3,
"time": "5 hours",
"helpRoom": "Help",
"challenges": [
"id": "5895f6fff9fc0f352b528e62",
"title": "Advanced Node/Express Introduction",
"description": [
"<em>Authentication</em> is the process or action of verifying the identity of a user or process. Up to this point you have not been able to create an app utilizing this key concept.<br>The most common and easiest to use authentication middleware for Node.js is <a href=''>Passport</a>. It is easy to learn, light-weight, and extremely flexible allowing for many <em>strategies</em>, which we will talk about in later challenges. In addition to authentication we will also look at template engines which allow for use of <em>Pug</em> and web sockets which allow for real time communication between all your clients and your server. Working on these challenges will involve you writing your code on Glitch on our starter project. After completing each challenge you can copy your public glitch url (to the homepage of your app) into the challenge screen to test it! Optionally you may choose to write your project on another platform but it must be publicaly visible for our testing.<br>Start this project on Glitch using <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-advancednode/'>this link</a> or clone <a href=''>this repository</a> on GitHub! If you use Glitch, remember to save the link to your project somewhere safe!",
"releasedOn": "Feb 17, 2017",
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 7,
"isRequired": false,
"translations": {}
"id": "5895f700f9fc0f352b528e63",
"title": "Set up a Template Engine",
"description": [
"As a reminder, this project is being built upon the following starter project on <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-advancednode/'>Glitch</a>, or cloned from <a href=''>GitHub</a>.",
"A template engine enables you to use static template files (such as those written in <em>Pug</em>) in your app. At runtime, the template engine replaces variables in a template file with actual values which can be supplied by your server, and transforms the template into a static HTML file that is then sent to the client. This approach makes it easier to design an HTML page and allows for displaying of variables on the page without needing to make an API call from the client.",
"To set up <em>Pug</em> for use in your project, you will need to add it as a dependency first in your package.json. <code>\"pug\": \"^0.1.0\"</code>",
"Now to tell Node/Express to use the templating engine you will have to tell your express <b>app</b> to <b>set</b> 'pug' as the 'view-engine'. <code>app.set('view engine', 'pug')</code>",
"Lastly, you should change your response to the request for the index route to <code>res.render</code> with the path to the view <em>views/pug/index.pug</em>.",
"If all went as planned, you should refresh your apps home page and see a small message saying you're successfully rending the Pug from our Pug file! Submit your page when you think you've got it right."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [
"text": "Pug is a dependency",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/package.json') .then(data => { var packJson = JSON.parse(data);, 'pug', 'Your project should list \"pug\" as a dependency'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "View engine is Pug",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /('|\")view engine('|\"),( |)('|\")pug('|\")/gi, 'Your project should set Pug as a view engine'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "Pug is working",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /pug-success-message/gi, 'Your projects home page should now be rendered by pug with the projects .pug file unaltered'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"solutions": [],
"hints": [],
"type": "backend",
"challengeType": 0,
"translations": {}
"id": "5895f70bf9fc0f352b528e64",
"title": "Use a Template Engine's Powers",
"description": [
"As a reminder, this project is being built upon the following starter project on <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-advancednode/'>Glitch</a>, or cloned from <a href=''>GitHub</a>.",
"One of the greatest features of using a template engine is being able to pass variables from the server to the template file before rendering it to HTML.",
"In your Pug file, you're about to use a variable by referencing the variable name as <code>#{variable_name}</code> inline with other text on an element or by using an equal side on the element without a space such as <code>p= variable_name</code> which sets that p elements text to equal the variable.",
"We strongly recommend looking at the syntax and structure of Pug <a href=''>here</a> on their Githubs README. Pug is all about using whitespace and tabs to show nested elements and cutting down on the amount of code needed to make a beautiful site.",
"Looking at our pug file 'index.pug' included in your project, we used the variables <em>title</em> and <em>message</em>",
"To pass those alone from our server, you will need to add an object as a second argument to your <em>res.render</em> with the variables and their value. For example, pass this object along setting the variables for your index view: <code>{title: 'Hello', message: 'Please login'</code>",
"It should look like: <code>res.render(process.cwd() + '/views/pug/index', {title: 'Hello', message: 'Please login'});</code>",
"Now refresh your page and you should see those values rendered in your view in the correct spot as layed out in your index.pug file! Submit your page when you think you've got it right."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [
"text": "Pug render variables correct",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /pug-variable(\"|')>Please login/gi, 'Your projects home page should now be rendered by pug with the projects .pug file unaltered'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"solutions": [],
"hints": [],
"type": "backend",
"challengeType": 0,
"translations": {}
"id": "5895f70cf9fc0f352b528e65",
"title": "Set up Passport",
"description": [
"As a reminder, this project is being built upon the following starter project on <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-advancednode/'>Glitch</a>, or cloned from <a href=''>GitHub</a>.",
"It's time to set up <em>Passport</em> so we can finally start allowing a user to register or login to an account! In addition to Passport, we will use Express-session to handle sessions. Using this middleware saves the session id as a cookie in the client and allows us to access the session data using that id on the server. This way we keep personal account information out of the cookie used by the client to verify to our server they are authenticated and just keep the <em>key</em> to access the data stored on the server.",
"To set up Passport for use in your project, you will need to add it as a dependency first in your package.json. <code>\"passport\": \"^0.3.2\"</code>",
"In addition, add Express-session as a dependency now as well. Express-session has a ton of advanced features you can use but for now we're just going to use the basics! <code>\"express-session\": \"^1.15.0\"</code>",
"You will need to set up the session settings now and initialize Passport. Be sure to first create the variables 'session' and 'passport' to require 'express-session' and 'passport' respectively.",
"To set up your express app to use use the session we'll define just a few basic options. Be sure to add 'SESSION_SECRET' to your .env file and give it a random value. This is used to compute the hash used to encrypt your cookie!",
"<pre>app.use(session({\n secret: process.env.SESSION_SECRET,\n resave: true,\n saveUninitialized: true,\n}));</pre>",
"As well you can go ahead and tell your express app to <b>use</b> 'passport.initialize()' and 'passport.session()'. (For example, <code>app.use(passport.initialize());</code>)",
"Submit your page when you think you've got it right. If you're running into errors, you can check out the project completed up to this point <a href=''>here</a>."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [
"text": "Passort and Express-session are dependencies",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/package.json') .then(data => { var packJson = JSON.parse(data);, 'passport', 'Your project should list \"passport\" as a dependency');, 'express-session', 'Your project should list \"express-session\" as a dependency'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "Dependencies correctly required",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /require.*(\"|')passport(\"|')/gi, 'You should have required passport'); assert.match(data, /require.*(\"|')express-session(\"|')/gi, 'You should have required express-session'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "Express app uses new dependencies",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /passport.initialize/gi, 'Your express app should use \"passport.initialize()\"'); assert.match(data, /passport.session/gi, 'Your express app should use \"passport.session()\"'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "Session and session secret correctly set up",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /secret:( |)process.env.SESSION_SECRET/gi, 'Your express app should have express-session set up with your secret as process.env.SESSION_SECRET'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"solutions": [],
"hints": [],
"type": "backend",
"challengeType": 0,
"translations": {}
"id": "5895f70cf9fc0f352b528e66",
"title": "Serialization of a User Object",
"description": [
"As a reminder, this project is being built upon the following starter project on <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-advancednode/'>Glitch</a>, or cloned from <a href=''>GitHub</a>.",
"Serialization and deserialization are important concepts in regards to authentication. To serialize an object means to convert its contents into a small <em>key</em> essentially that can then be deserialized into the original object. This is what allows us to know whos communicated with the server without having to send the authentication data like username and password at each request for a new page.",
"To set this up properly, we need to have a serialize function and a deserialize function. In passport we create these with <code>passport.serializeUser( OURFUNCTION )</code> and <code>passport.deserializeUser( OURFUNCTION )</code>",
"The serializeUser is called with 2 arguments, the full user object and a callback used by passport. Returned in the callback should be a unique key to identify that user- the easiest one to use being the users _id in the object as it should be unique as it generated by MongoDb. Similarly deserializeUser is called with that key and a callback function for passport as well, but this time we have to take that key and return the users full object to the callback. To make a query search for a Mongo _id you will have to create <code>const ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID;</code>, and then to use it you call <code>new ObjectID(THE_ID)</code>. Be sure to add MongoDB as a dependency. You can see this in the examples below:",
"<pre>passport.serializeUser((user, done) => {\n done(null, user._id);\n });</pre><br><pre>passport.deserializeUser((id, done) => {\n db.collection('users').findOne(\n {_id: new ObjectID(id)},\n (err, doc) => {\n done(null, doc);\n }\n );\n });</pre>",
"NOTE: This deserializeUser will throw an error until we set up the DB in the next step so comment out the whole block and just call <code>done(null, null)</code> in the function deserializeUser.",
"Submit your page when you think you've got it right."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [
"text": "Serialize user function correct",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /passport.serializeUser/gi, 'You should have created your passport.serializeUser function'); assert.match(data, /null, user._id/gi, 'There should be a callback in your serializeUser with (null, user._id)'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "Deserialize user function correct",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /passport.deserializeUser/gi, 'You should have created your passport.deserializeUser function'); assert.match(data, /null,( |)null/gi, 'There should be a callback in your deserializeUser with (null, null) for now'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "MongoDB is a dependency",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/package.json') .then(data => { var packJson = JSON.parse(data);, 'mongodb', 'Your project should list \"mongodb\" as a dependency'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "Mongodb properly required including the ObjectId",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /require.*(\"|')mongodb(\"|')/gi, 'You should have required mongodb'); assert.match(data, /new ObjectID.*id/gi, 'Even though the block is commented out, you should use new ObjectID(id) for when we add the database'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"solutions": [],
"hints": [],
"type": "backend",
"challengeType": 0,
"translations": {}
"id": "5895f70cf9fc0f352b528e67",
"title": "Implement the Serialization of a Passport User",
"description": [
"As a reminder, this project is being built upon the following starter project on <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-advancednode/'>Glitch</a>, or cloned from <a href=''>GitHub</a>.",
"Right now we're not loading an actually users object since we haven't set up our database. This can be done many different ways, but for our project we will connect to the database once when we start the server and keep a persistent connection for the full life-cycle of the app.",
"To do this, add MongoDB as a dependency and require it in your server. (<code>const mongo = require('mongodb').MongoClient;</code>)",
"Now we want to the connect to our database then start listening for requests. The purpose of this is to not allow requests before our database is connected or if there is a database error. To accomplish you will want to encompass your serialization and your app listener in the following:",
"<pre>mongo.connect(process.env.DATABASE, (err, db) => {\n if(err) {\n console.log('Database error: ' + err);\n } else {\n console.log('Successful database connection');\n\n //serialization and app.listen\n\n}});</pre>",
"You can now uncomment the block in deserializeUser and remove your <code>done(null, null)</code>. Be sure to set <em>DATABASE</em> in your .env file to your database's connection string (for example: <code>DATABASE=mongodb://</code>). You can set up a free database on <a href=''>mLab</a>. Congratulations- you've finished setting up serialization!",
"Submit your page when you think you've got it right. If you're running into errors, you can check out the project completed up to this point <a href=''>here</a>."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [
"text": "Database connection is present",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /mongo.connect/gi, 'You should have created a connection to your database'); assert.match(data, /mongo.connect[^]*app.listen[^]*}[^]*}/gi, 'You should have your app.listen nested at within your database connection at the bottom'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "Deserialization is now correctly using the DB and <code>done(null, null)</code> is erased",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.notMatch(data, /null,( |)null/gi, 'The callback in deserializeUser of (null, null) should be completely removed for the db block uncommented out'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"solutions": [],
"hints": [],
"type": "backend",
"challengeType": 0,
"translations": {}
"id": "5895f70df9fc0f352b528e68",
"title": "Authentication Strategies",
"description": [
"As a reminder, this project is being built upon the following starter project on <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-advancednode/'>Glitch</a>, or cloned from <a href=''>GitHub</a>.",
"A strategy is a way of authenticating a user. You can use a strategy for allowing users to authenticate based on locally saved information (if you have them register first) or from a variety of providers such as Google or Github. For this project we will set up a local strategy. To see a list of the 100's of strategies, visit Passports site <a href=''>here</a>.",
"Add <em>passport-local</em> as a dependency and add it to your server as follows: <code>const LocalStrategy = require('passport-local');</code>",
"Now you will have to tell passport to <b>use</b> an instantiated LocalStartegy object with a few settings defined. Make sure this as well as everything from this point on is encapsulated in the database connection since it relies on it! <pre>passport.use(new LocalStrategy(\n function(username, password, done) {\n db.collection('users').findOne({ username: username }, function (err, user) {\n console.log('User '+ username +' attempted to log in.');\n if (err) { return done(err); }\n if (!user) { return done(null, false); }\n if (password !== user.password) { return done(null, false); }\n return done(null, user);\n });\n }\n));</pre> This is defining the process to take when we try to authenticate someone locally. First it tries to find a user in our database with the username entered, then it checks for the password to match, then finally if no errors have popped up that we checked for, like an incorrect password, the users object is returned and they are authenticated.",
"Many strategies are set up using different settings, general it is easy to set it up based on the README in that strategies repository though. A good example of this is the Github strategy where we don't need to worry about a username or password because the user will be sent to Github's auth page to authenticate and as long as they are logged in and agree then Github returns their profile for us to use.",
"In the next step we will set up how to actually call the authentication strategy to validate a user based on form data! Submit your page when you think you've got it right up to this point."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [
"text": "Passport-local is a dependency",
"testString": " getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/package.json') .then(data => { var packJson = JSON.parse(data);, 'passport-local', 'Your project should list \"passport-local \" as a dependency'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "Passport-local correctly required and setup",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /require.*(\"|')passport-local(\"|')/gi, 'You should have required passport-local'); assert.match(data, /new LocalStrategy/gi, 'You should have told passport to use a new strategy'); assert.match(data, /findOne/gi, 'Your new local strategy should use the findOne query to find a username based on the inputs'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"solutions": [],
"hints": [],
"type": "backend",
"challengeType": 0,
"translations": {}
"id": "5895f70df9fc0f352b528e69",
"title": "How to Use Passport Strategies",
"description": [
"As a reminder, this project is being built upon the following starter project on <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-advancednode/'>Glitch</a>, or cloned from <a href=''>GitHub</a>.",
"In the index.pug file supplied there is actually a login form. It has previously been hidden because of the inline javascript <code>if showLogin</code> with the form indented after it. Before showLogin as a variable was never defined, it never rendered the code block containing the form. Go ahead and on the res.render for that page add a new variable to the object <code>showLogin: true</code>. When you refresh your page, you should then see the form! This form is set up to <b>POST</b> on <em>/login</em> so this is where we should set up to accept the POST and authenticate the user.",
"For this challenge you should add the route /login to accept a POST request. To authenticate on this route you need to add a middleware to do so before then sending a response. This is done by just passing another argument with the middleware before your <code>function(req,res)</code> with your response! The middleware to use is <code>passport.authenticate('local')</code>.",
"<em>passport.authenticate</em> can also take some options as an argument such as: <code>{ failureRedirect: '/' }</code> which is incredibly useful so be sure to add that in as well. As a response after using the middleware (which will only be called if the authentication middleware passes) should be to redirect the user to <em>/profile</em> and that route should render the view 'profile.pug'.",
"If the authentication was successful, the user object will be saved in <em>req.user</em>.",
"Now at this point if you enter a username and password in the form, it should redirect to the home page <em>/</em> and in the console of your server should be 'User {USERNAME} attempted to log in.' since we currently cannot login a user who isn't registered.",
"Submit your page when you think you've got it right. If you're running into errors, you can check out the project completed up to this point <a href=''>here</a>."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [
"text": "All steps correctly implemented in the server.js",
"testString": " getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /showLogin:( |)true/gi, 'You should be passing the variable \"showLogin\" as true to your render function for the homepage'); assert.match(data, /failureRedirect:( |)('|\")\\/('|\")/gi, 'Your code should include a failureRedirect to the \"/\" route'); assert.match(data, /login[^]*post[^]*local/gi, 'You should have a route for login which accepts a POST and passport.authenticates local'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "A POST request to /login correctly redirects to /",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.post(getUserInput('url')+ '/login') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /Home page/gi, 'A login attempt at this point should redirect to the homepage since we do not have any registered users'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"solutions": [],
"hints": [],
"type": "backend",
"challengeType": 0,
"translations": {}
"id": "5895f70df9fc0f352b528e6a",
"title": "Create New Middleware",
"description": [
"As a reminder, this project is being built upon the following starter project on <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-advancednode/'>Glitch</a>, or cloned from <a href=''>GitHub</a>.",
"As in, any user can just go to /profile whether they authenticated or not by typing in the url. We want to prevent this by checking if the user is authenticated first before rendering the profile page. This is the perfect example of when to create a middleware.",
"The challenge here is creating the middleware function <code>ensureAuthenticated(req, res, next)</code>, which will check if a user is authenticated by calling passports isAuthenticated on the <em>request</em> which in turn checks for <em>req.user</em> is to be defined. If it is then <em>next()</em> should be called, otherwise we can just respond to the request with a redirect to our homepage to login. An implementation of this middleware is:",
"<pre>function ensureAuthenticated(req, res, next) {\n if (req.isAuthenticated()) {\n return next();\n }\n res.redirect('/');\n};</pre>",
"Now add <em>ensureAuthenticated</em> as a middleware to the request for the profile page before the argument to the get request containing the function that renders the page.",
"<pre>app.route('/profile')\n .get(ensureAuthenticated, (req,res) => {\n res.render(process.cwd() + '/views/pug/profile');\n });</pre>",
"Submit your page when you think you've got it right."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [
"text": "Middleware ensureAuthenticated should be implemented and on our /profile route",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /ensureAuthenticated[^]*req.isAuthenticated/gi, 'Your ensureAuthenticated middleware should be defined and utilize the req.isAuthenticated function'); assert.match(data, /profile[^]*get[^]*ensureAuthenticated/gi, 'Your ensureAuthenticated middleware should be attached to the /profile route'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "A Get request to /profile correctly redirects to / since we are not authenticated",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/profile') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /Home page/gi, 'An attempt to go to the profile at this point should redirect to the homepage since we are not logged in'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"solutions": [],
"hints": [],
"type": "backend",
"challengeType": 0,
"translations": {}
"id": "5895f70ef9fc0f352b528e6b",
"title": "How to Put a Profile Together",
"description": [
"As a reminder, this project is being built upon the following starter project on <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-advancednode/'>Glitch</a>, or cloned from <a href=''>GitHub</a>.",
"Now that we can ensure the user accessing the <em>/profile</em> is authenticated, we can use the information contained in 'req.user' on our page!",
"Go ahead and pass the object containing the variable <em>username</em> equaling 'req.user.username' into the render method of the profile view. Then go to your 'profile.pug' view and add the line <code> Welcome, #{username}!</code> creating the h2 element with the class 'center' and id 'welcome' containing the text 'Welcome, ' and the username!",
"Also in the profile, add a link to <em>/logout</em>. That route will host the logic to unauthenticate a user. <code>a(href='/logout') Logout</code>",
"Submit your page when you think you've got it right."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [
"text": "Correctly added a Pug render variable to /profile",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /\\/views\\/pug\\/profile[^]*username:( |)req.user.username/gi, 'You should be passing the variable username with req.user.username into the render function of the profile page'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"solutions": [],
"hints": [],
"type": "backend",
"challengeType": 0,
"translations": {}
"id": "58965611f9fc0f352b528e6c",
"title": "Logging a User Out",
"description": [
"As a reminder, this project is being built upon the following starter project on <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-advancednode/'>Glitch</a>, or cloned from <a href=''>GitHub</a>.",
"Creating the logout logic is easy. The route should just unauthenticate the user and redirect to the home page instead of rendering any view.",
"In passport, unauthenticating a user is as easy as just calling <code>req.logout();</code> before redirecting.",
"<pre>app.route('/logout')\n .get((req, res) => {\n req.logout();\n res.redirect('/');\n });</pre>",
"You may have noticed we also we're not handling missing pages (404), the common way to handle this in Node is with the following middleware. Go ahead and add this in after all your other routes:",
"<pre>app.use((req, res, next) => {\n res.status(404)\n .type('text')\n .send('Not Found');\n});</pre>",
"Submit your page when you think you've got it right."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [
"text": "Logout route",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /req.logout/gi, 'You should be call req.logout() in youre /logout route'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "Logout should redirect to the home page /",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/logout') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /Home page/gi, 'When a user logs out they should be redirected to the homepage'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"solutions": [],
"hints": [],
"type": "backend",
"challengeType": 0,
"translations": {}
"id": "58966a17f9fc0f352b528e6d",
"title": "Registration of New Users",
"description": [
"As a reminder, this project is being built upon the following starter project on <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-advancednode/'>Glitch</a>, or cloned from <a href=''>GitHub</a>.",
"Now we need to allow a new user on our site to register an account. On the res.render for the home page add a new variable to the object passed along- <code>showRegistration: true</code>. When you refresh your page, you should then see the registration form that was already created in your index.pug file! This form is set up to <b>POST</b> on <em>/register</em> so this is where we should set up to accept the POST and create the user object in the database.",
"The logic of the registration route should be as follows: Register the new user > Authenticate the new user > Redirect to /profile",
"The logic of step 1, registering the new user, should be as follows: Query database with a findOne command > if user is returned then it exists and redirect back to home <em>OR</em> if user is undefined and no error occurs then 'insertOne' into the database with the username and password and as long as no errors occur then call <em>next</em> to go to step 2, authenticating the new user, which we've already written the logic for in our POST /login route.",
"<pre>app.route('/register')\n .post((req, res, next) => {\n db.collection('users').findOne({ username: req.body.username }, function (err, user) {\n if(err) {\n next(err);\n } else if (user) {\n res.redirect('/');\n } else {\n db.collection('users').insertOne(\n {username: req.body.username,\n password: req.body.password},\n (err, doc) => {\n if(err) {\n res.redirect('/');\n } else {\n next(null, user);\n }\n }\n )\n }\n })},\n passport.authenticate('local', { failureRedirect: '/' }),\n (req, res, next) => {\n res.redirect('/profile');\n }\n);</pre>",
"Submit your page when you think you've got it right. If you're running into errors, you can check out the project completed up to this point <a href=''>here</a>."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [
"text": "Register route and display on home",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /showRegistration:( |)true/gi, 'You should be passing the variable \"showRegistration\" as true to your render function for the homepage'); assert.match(data, /register[^]*post[^]*findOne[^]*username:( |)req.body.username/gi, 'You should have a route accepted a post request on register that querys the db with findone and the query being \"username: req.body.username\"'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "Registering should work",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.ajax({url: getUserInput('url')+ '/register',data: {username: 'freeCodeCampTester', password: 'freeCodeCampTester'},crossDomain: true, type: 'POST', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }}) .then(data => { assert.match(data, /Profile/gi, 'I should be able to register and it direct me to my profile. CLEAR YOUR DATABASE if this test fails (each time until its right!)'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "Login should work",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.ajax({url: getUserInput('url')+ '/login',data: {username: 'freeCodeCampTester', password: 'freeCodeCampTester'}, type: 'POST', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }}) .then(data => { assert.match(data, /Profile/gi, 'Login should work if previous test was done successfully and redirect successfully to the profile. Check your work and clear your DB'); assert.match(data, /freeCodeCampTester/gi, 'The profile should properly display the welcome to the user logged in'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "Logout should work",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.ajax({url: getUserInput('url')+ '/logout', type: 'GET', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }}) .then(data => { assert.match(data, /Home/gi, 'Logout should redirect to home'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "Profile should no longer work after logout",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.ajax({url: getUserInput('url')+ '/profile', type: 'GET', crossDomain: true, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }}) .then(data => { assert.match(data, /Home/gi, 'Profile should redirect to home when we are logged out now again'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"solutions": [],
"hints": [],
"type": "backend",
"challengeType": 0,
"translations": {}
"id": "58a25c98f9fc0f352b528e7f",
"title": "Hashing Your Passwords",
"description": [
"As a reminder, this project is being built upon the following starter project on <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-advancednode/'>Glitch</a>, or cloned from <a href=''>GitHub</a>.",
"Going back to the information security section you may remember that storing plaintext passwords is <em>never</em> okay. Now it is time to implement BCrypt to solve this issue.",
"<hr>Add BCrypt as a dependency and require it in your server. You will need to handle hashing in 2 key areas: where you handle registering/saving a new account and when you check to see that a password is correct on login.",
"Currently on our registeration route, you insert a user's password into the database like the following: <code>password: req.body.password</code>. An easy way to implement saving a hash instead is to add the following before your database logic <code>var hash = bcrypt.hash(req.body.password, 12);</code> and replacing the <code>req.body.password</code> in the database saving with just <code>password: hash</code>.",
"Finally on our authentication strategy we check for the following in our code before completing the process: <code>if (password !== user.password) { return done(null, false); }</code>. After making the previous changes, now <code>user.password</code> is a hash. Before making a change to the existing code, notice how the statement is checking if the password is NOT equal then return non-authenticated. With this in mind your code could look as follows to properly check the password entered against the hash: <code>if (!, user.password)) { return done(null, false); }</code>",
"That is all it takes to implement one of the most important security features when you have to store passwords! Submit your page when you think you've got it right."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [
"text": "BCrypt is a dependency",
"testString": " getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/package.json') .then(data => { var packJson = JSON.parse(data);, 'bcrypt', 'Your project should list \"bcrypt\" as a dependency'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "BCrypt correctly required and implemented",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /require.*(\"|')bcrypt(\"|')/gi, 'You should have required bcrypt'); assert.match(data, /bcrypt.hash/gi, 'You should use hash the password in the registration'); assert.match(data, /, 'You should compare the password to the hash in your strategy'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"solutions": [],
"hints": [],
"type": "backend",
"challengeType": 0,
"translations": {}
"id": "589690e6f9fc0f352b528e6e",
"title": "Clean Up Your Project with Modules",
"description": [
"As a reminder, this project is being built upon the following starter project on <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-advancednode/'>Glitch</a>, or cloned from <a href=''>GitHub</a>.",
"Right now everything you have is in your server.js file. This can lead to hard to manage code that isn't very expandable.",
"Create 2 new files: Routes.js and Auth.js",
"Both should start with the following code: <pre>module.exports = function (app, db) {\n\n\n}</pre>",
"Now in the top of your server file, require these files like such: <code>const routes = require('./routes.js');</code>",
"Right after you establish a successful connect with the database instantiate each of them like such: <code>routes(app, db)</code>",
"Finally, take all of the routes in your server and paste them into your new files and remove them from your server file. Also take the ensureAuthenticated since we created that middleware function for routing specifically. You will have to now correctly add the dependencies in that are used, such as <code>const passport = require('passport');</code>, at the very top above the export line in your routes.js file.",
"Keep adding them until no more errors exist, and your server file no longer has any routing!",
"Now do the same thing in your auth.js file with all of the things related to authentication such as the serialization and the setting up of the local strategy and erase them from your server file. Be sure to add the dependencies in and call <code>auth(app,db)</code> in the server in the same spot. Be sure to have <code>auth(app, db)</code> before <code>routes(app, db)</code> since our registration route depends on passport being initiated!",
"Congratulations- you're at the end of this section of Advanced Node and Express and have some beautiful code to show for it! Submit your page when you think you've got it right. If you're running into errors, you can check out an example of the completed project <a href='!/project/delicious-herring'>here</a>."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [
"text": "Modules present",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /require.*(\"|').\\/routes.js(\"|')/gi, 'You should have required your new files'); assert.match(data, /mongo.connect[^]*routes/gi, 'Your new modules should be called after your connection to the database'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"solutions": [],
"hints": [],
"type": "backend",
"challengeType": 0,
"translations": {}
"id": "589a69f5f9fc0f352b528e6f",
"title": "Social Authentication with OAuth",
"description": [
"OAuth 2.0 is the industry-standard authorization and is used across the internet for social login such as letting you login to freeCodeCamp with your Github account.<br>Implementing social login with passport using OAuth is extremely easy to do because of the <a href=''>300+ modules</a> already on npm for adding new strategies to your app. In addition to the ease of installation, it is also easier to use because you do not have to deal with a separate <em>registration</em> or any user input.<br>Start this project on Glitch using <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-socialauth/'>this link</a> or clone <a href=''>this repository</a> on GitHub! If you use Glitch, remember to save the link to your project somewhere safe. Be sure to enter your database in the .env file- it can be the same one from last project since you'll be using a new collection!",
"releasedOn": "Feb 17, 2017",
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 7,
"isRequired": false,
"translations": {}
"id": "589a69f5f9fc0f352b528e70",
"title": "Implementation of Social Authentication",
"description": [
"As a reminder, this project is being built upon the following starter project on <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-socialauth/'>Glitch</a>, or cloned from <a href=''>GitHub</a>.",
"The basic path this kind of authentication will follow in your app is: <ol><li>User clicks a button or link sending them to our route to authenticate using a specific strategy (EG. Github)</li><li>Your route calls <code>passport.authenticate('github')</code> which redirects them to Github.</li><li>The page the user lands on, on Github, allows them to login if they aren't already then asks them to approve access to their profile from our app.</li><li>The user is then returned to our app at a specific callback url with their profile if they approved.</li><li>They are now authenticated and your app should check if it is a returning profile, or save it in your database if it is not.</li></ol>",
"Strategies with OAuth require you to have at least a <em>Client ID</em> and a <em>Client Secret</em> which is a way for them to verify who the authentication request is coming from and if it is valid. These are obtained from the site you are trying to implement authentication with, such as Github, and are unique to your app- <b>THEY ARE NOT TO BE SHARED</b> and should never be uploaded to a public repository or written directly in your code. A common practice is to put them in your <em>.env</em> file and reference them like: <code>process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID</code>. For this challenge we're going to use the Github strategy.",
"Obtaining your <em>Client ID and Secret<em> from Github is done in your account profile settings under 'developer settings', then '<a href=''>OAuth applications</a>'. Click 'Register a new application', name your app, paste in the url to your glitch homepage (<b>Not the project code's url</b>), and lastly for the callback url, paste in the same url as the homepage but with '/auth/github/callback' added on. This is where users will be redirected to for us to handle after authenticating on Github. Save the returned information as 'GITHUB_CLIENT_ID' and 'GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET' in your .env file.",
"On your remixed project, create 2 routes accepting GET requests: /auth/github and /auth/github/callback. The first should only call passport to authenticate 'github' and the second should call passport to authenticate 'github' with a failure redirect to '/' and then if that is successful redirect to '/profile' (similar to our last project).",
"An example of how '/auth/github/callback' should look is similar to how we handled a normal login in our last project: <pre>app.route('/login')\n .post(passport.authenticate('local', { failureRedirect: '/' }), (req,res) => { \n res.redirect('/profile'); \n });</pre>",
"Submit your page when you think you've got it right. If you're running into errors, you can check out the project up to this point <a href=''>here</a>."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [
"text": "Route /auth/github correct",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /('|\")\\/auth\\/github('|\")[^]*get.*passport.authenticate.*github/gi, 'Route auth/github should only call passport.authenticate with github'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "Route /auth/github/callback correct",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /('|\")\\/auth\\/github\\/callback('|\")[^]*get.*passport.authenticate.*github.*failureRedirect:( |)(\"|')\\/(\"|')/gi, 'Route auth/github/callback should accept a get request and call passport.authenticate for github with a failure redirect to home'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"solutions": [],
"hints": [],
"type": "backend",
"challengeType": 0,
"translations": {}
"id": "589a69f5f9fc0f352b528e71",
"title": "Implementation of Social Authentication II",
"description": [
"As a reminder, this project is being built upon the following starter project on <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-socialauth/'>Glitch</a>, or cloned from <a href=''>GitHub</a>.",
"The last part of setting up your Github authentication is to create the strategy itself. For this, you will need to add the dependency of 'passport-github' to your project and require it as GithubStrategy like <code>const GitHubStrategy = require('passport-github').Strategy;</code>.",
"To set up the Github strategy, you have to tell <b>passport</b> to <b>use</b> an instantiated <b>GithubStrategy</b>, which accepts 2 arguments: An object (containing <em>clientID</em>, <em>clientSecret</em>, and <em>callbackURL</em>) and a function to be called when a user is successfully authenticated which we will determine if the user is new and what fields to save initially in the user's database object. This is common across many strategies but some may require more information as outlined in that specific strategy's github README; for example, Google requires a <em>scope</em> as well which determines what kind of information your request is asking returned and asks the user to approve such access. The current strategy we are implementing has its usage outlined <a>here</a>, but we're going through it all right here on freeCodeCamp!",
"Here's how your new strategy should look at this point: <pre>passport.use(new GitHubStrategy({\n clientID: process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID,\n clientSecret: process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET,\n callbackURL: /*INSERT CALLBACK URL ENTERED INTO GITHUB HERE*/\n },\n function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, cb) {\n console.log(profile);\n //Database logic here with callback containing our user object\n }\n));</pre>",
"Your authentication won't be successful yet, and actually throw an error, without the database logic and callback, but it should log to your console your Github profile if you try it!",
"Submit your page when you think you've got it right."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [
"text": "Dependency added",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/package.json') .then(data => { var packJson = JSON.parse(data);, 'passport-github', 'Your project should list \"passport-github\" as a dependency'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "Dependency required",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /require.*(\"|')passport-github(\"|')/gi, 'You should have required passport-github'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "Github strategy setup correctly thus far",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /passport.use.*new GitHubStrategy/gi, 'Passport should use a new GitHubStrategy'); assert.match(data, /callbackURL:( |)(\"|').*(\"|')/gi, 'You should have a callbackURL'); assert.match(data, /process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET/g, 'You should use process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET'); assert.match(data, /process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID/g, 'You should use process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"solutions": [],
"hints": [],
"type": "backend",
"challengeType": 0,
"translations": {}
"id": "589a8eb3f9fc0f352b528e72",
"title": "Implementation of Social Authentication III",
"description": [
"As a reminder, this project is being built upon the following starter project on <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-socialauth/'>Glitch</a>, or cloned from <a href=''>GitHub</a>.",
"The final part of the strategy is handling the profile returned from Github. We need to load the users database object if it exists or create one if it doesn't and populate the fields from the profile, then return the user's object. Github supplies us a unique <em>id</em> within each profile which we can use to search with to serialize the user with (already implemented). Below is an example implementation you can use in your project- it goes within the function that is the second argument for the new strategy, right below the <code>console.log(profile);</code> currently is:",
"<pre>db.collection('socialusers').findAndModify(\n {id:},\n {},\n {$setOnInsert:{\n id:,\n name: profile.displayName || 'John Doe',\n photo:[0].value || '',\n email: profile.emails[0].value || 'No public email',\n created_on: new Date(),\n provider: profile.provider || ''\n },$set:{\n last_login: new Date()\n },$inc:{\n login_count: 1\n }},\n {upsert:true, new: true},\n (err, doc) => {\n return cb(null, doc.value);\n }\n);</pre>",
"With a findAndModify, it allows you to search for an object and update it, as well as upsert the object if it doesn't exist and receive the new object back each time in our callback function. In this example, we always set the last_login as now, we always increment the login_count by 1, and only when we insert a new object(new user) do we populate the majority of the fields. Something to notice also is the use of default values. Sometimes a profile returned won't have all the information filled out or it will have been chosen by the user to remain private; so in this case we have to handle it to prevent an error.",
"You should be able to login to your app now- try it! Submit your page when you think you've got it right. If you're running into errors, you can check out an example of this mini-project's finished code <a href='!/project/guttural-birch'>here</a>."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [
"text": "Github strategy setup complete",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /GitHubStrategy[^]*db.collection/gi, 'Strategy should use now use the database to search for the user'); assert.match(data, /GitHubStrategy[^]*socialusers/gi, 'Strategy should use \"socialusers\" as db collection'); assert.match(data, /GitHubStrategy[^]*return cb/gi, 'Strategy should return the callback function \"cb\"'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"solutions": [],
"hints": [],
"type": "backend",
"challengeType": 0,
"translations": {}
"id": "589fc820f9fc0f352b528e73",
"title": "Socket.IO Introduction",
"description": [
"<dfn>Socket.IO</dfn> enables real-time, reliable, speedy communication between your server and clients from all devices and browsers. It listens for connects on your server that come from the client which connects with a single javascript statement. The whole library is based on emitting, broadcasting, and recieving events that contain an event name and some data which can include things like strings, objects, arrays, and even blobs like files or video. This is used for all sorts of purposes including instant messaging online, real-time analytics, streaming, and document collaboration.<br>Start this project on Glitch using <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-socketio/'>this link</a> or clone <a href=''>this repository</a> on GitHub! If you use Glitch, remember to save the link to your project somewhere safe.",
"To set up this project to get started now in the .env file:<ol><li>Create a random session secret</li><li>Fill in the database (it may be the same as the last few projects since this will use a new collection)</li><li>Obtain another set of Github OAuth credentials with the callback once again pointed at '/auth/github/callback' and add it in</li></ol>",
"A few changes have been made to this starter.<br>Instead of <code>app.listen</code>, you now have <pre>const http = require('http').Server(app);\n\nhttp.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000);</pre> This is required because for the initial handshake between the server and client, http is used. Setting up our server like this allows us to have both processes use a single port.<br>Also, we have declared <code>const sessionStore = new session.MemoryStore();</code> and used <code>sessionStore</code> as the store in our express session. In our previous apps we have not done this because by default it is done automattically. It is not this way so we can reference/use the <code>sessionStore</code> in other parts of our code now. In addition, we've given our session a key to reference it easier.",
"releasedOn": "Feb 17, 2017",
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 7,
"isRequired": false,
"titleEs": "",
"descriptionEs": [
"titleFr": "",
"descriptionFr": [
"titleDe": "",
"descriptionDe": [
"id": "589fc830f9fc0f352b528e74",
"title": "Set up the Enviroment",
"description": [
"As a reminder, this project is being built upon the following starter project on <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-socketio/'>Glitch</a>, or cloned from <a href=''>GitHub</a>.",
"Add Socket.IO as a dependency and require/instanciate it in your server defined as 'io' with the http server as an argument. <code>const io = require('')(http);</code>",
"The first thing needing to be handled is listening for a new connection from the client. The <dfn>on</dfn> keyword does just that- listen for a specific event. It requires 2 arguments: a string containing the title of the event thats emitted, and a function with which the data is passed though. In the case of our connection listener, we use <em>socket</em> to define the data in the second argument. A socket is an individual client who is connected.",
"For listening for connections on our server, add the following between the comments in your project:<pre>io.on('connection', socket => {\n console.log('A user has connected');\n});</pre>",
"Now for the client to connect, you just need to add the following to your client.js which is loaded by the page after you've authenticated: <pre>/*global io*/\nvar socket = io();</pre>The comment supresses the error you would normally see since 'io' is not defined in the file. We've already added a reliable CDN to the Socket.IO library on the page in chat.pug.",
"Now try loading up your app and authenticate and you should see in your server console 'A user has connected'!",
"<strong>Note</strong><br><code>io()</code> works only when connecting to a socket hosted on the same url/server. For connecting to an external socket hosted elsewhere, you would use <code>io.connect('URL');</code>.",
"Submit your page when you think you've got it right."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [
"text": "Socket.IO is a dependency",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/package.json') .then(data => { var packJson = JSON.parse(data);, '', 'Your project should list \"\" as a dependency'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "Socket.IO has been properly required and instanciated",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js').then(data => {assert.match(data, /io.*=.*require.*('|\")'|\").*http/gi, 'You should correctly require and instanciate as io.');}, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "Socket.IO should be listening for connections",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /io.on.*('|\")connection('|\").*socket/gi, 'io should listen for \"connection\" and socket should be the 2nd arguments variable'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "Your client should connect to your server",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/public/client.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /socket.*=.*io/gi, 'Your client should be connection to server with the connection defined as socket'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"solutions": [],
"hints": [],
"type": "backend",
"challengeType": 0,
"translations": {}
"id": "589fc831f9fc0f352b528e75",
"title": "Communicate by Emitting",
"description": [
"As a reminder, this project is being built upon the following starter project on <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-socketio/'>Glitch</a>, or cloned from <a href=''>GitHub</a>.",
"<dfn>Emit</dfn> is the most common way of communicating you will use. When you emit something from the server to 'io', you send an event's name and data to all the connected sockets. A good example of this concept would be emiting the current count of connected users each time a new user connects!",
"<hr>Start by adding a variable to keep track of the users just before where you are currently listening for connections. <code>var currentUsers = 0;</code>",
"Now when someone connects you should increment the count before emiting the count so you will want to add the incrementer within the connection listener. <code>++currentUsers;</code>",
"Finally after incrementing the count, you should emit the event(still within the connection listener). The event should be named 'user count' and the data should just be the 'currentUsers'. <code>io.emit('user count', currentUsers);</code>",
"<hr>Now you can implement a way for your client to listen for this event! Similarly to listening for a connection on the server you will use the <em>on</em> keyword. <pre>socket.on('user count', function(data){\n console.log(data);\n});</pre>",
"Now try loading up your app and authenticate and you should see in your client console '1' representing the current user count! Try loading more clients up and authenticating to see the number go up.",
"Submit your page when you think you've got it right."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [
"text": "currentUsers is defined",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js').then(data => {assert.match(data, /currentUsers/gi, 'You should have variable currentUsers defined');}, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "Server emits the current user count at each new connection",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /io.emit.*('|\")user count('|\").*currentUsers/gi, 'You should emit \"user count\" with data currentUsers'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "Your client is listening for 'user count' event",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/public/client.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /socket.on.*('|\")user count('|\")/gi, 'Your client should be connection to server with the connection defined as socket'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"solutions": [],
"hints": [],
"type": "backend",
"challengeType": 0,
"translations": {}
"id": "589fc831f9fc0f352b528e76",
"title": "Handle a Disconnect",
"description": [
"As a reminder, this project is being built upon the following starter project on <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-socketio/'>Glitch</a>, or cloned from <a href=''>GitHub</a>.",
"You may notice that up to now you have only been increasing the user count. Handling a user disconnecting is just as easy as handling the initial connect except the difference is you have to listen for it on each socket versus on the whole server.",
"<hr>To do this, add in to your existing connect listener a listener that listens for 'disconnect' on the socket with no data passed through. You can test this functionality by just logging to the console a user has disconnected. <code>socket.on('disconnect', () => { /*anything you want to do on disconnect*/ });</code>",
"To make sure clients continuously have the updated count of current users, you should decrease the currentUsers by 1 when the disconnect happens then emit the 'user count' event with the updated count!",
"<strong>Note</strong><br>Just like 'disconnect', all other events that a socket can emit to the server should be handled within the connecting listener where we have 'socket' defined.",
"Submit your page when you think you've got it right."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [
"text": "Server handles the event disconnect from a socket",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /socket.on.*('|\")disconnect('|\")/gi, ''); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "Your client is listening for 'user count' event",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/public/client.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /socket.on.*('|\")user count('|\")/gi, 'Your client should be connection to server with the connection defined as socket'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"solutions": [],
"hints": [],
"type": "backend",
"challengeType": 0,
"translations": {}
"id": "589fc831f9fc0f352b528e77",
"title": "Authentication with Socket.IO",
"description": [
"As a reminder, this project is being built upon the following starter project on <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-socketio/'>Glitch</a>, or cloned from <a href=''>GitHub</a>.",
"Currently, you cannot determine who is connected to your web socket. While 'req.user' containers the user object, thats only when your user interacts with the web server and with web sockets you have no req (request) and therefor no user data. One way to solve the problem of knowing who is connected to your web socket is by parsing and decoding the cookie that contains the passport session then deserializing it to obtain the user object. Luckily, there is a package on NPM just for this that turns a once complex task into something simple!",
"<hr>Add 'passport.socketio' as a dependency and require it as 'passportSocketIo'.",
"Now we just have to tell Socket.IO to use it and set the options. Be sure this is added before the existing socket code and not in the existing connection listener. For your server it should look as follows:<pre>io.use(passportSocketIo.authorize({\n cookieParser: cookieParser,\n key: 'express.sid',\n secret: process.env.SESSION_SECRET,\n store: sessionStore\n}));</pre>You can also optionally pass 'success' and 'fail' with a function that will be called after the authentication process completes when a client trys to connect.",
"The user object is now accessable on your socket object as <code>socket.request.user</code>. For example, now you can add the following: <code>console.log('user ' + + ' connected');</code> and it will log to the server console who has connected!",
"Submit your page when you think you've got it right. If you're running into errors, you can check out the project up to this point <a href=''>here</a>."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [
"text": "passportSocketIo is a dependency",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/package.json') .then(data => { var packJson = JSON.parse(data);, 'passportSocketIo', 'Your project should list \"passportSocketIo\" as a dependency'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "passportSocketIo is properly required",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js').then(data => {assert.match(data, /passportSockerIo.*=.*require.*('|\")passportSocketIo('|\")/gi, 'You should correctly require and instanciate as io.');}, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "passportSocketIo is properly setup",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /io.use.*passportSocketIo.authorize/gi, 'You should have told io to use passportSockIo.authorize with the correct options'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"solutions": [],
"hints": [],
"type": "backend",
"challengeType": 0,
"translations": {}
"id": "589fc832f9fc0f352b528e78",
"title": "Announce New Users",
"description": [
"As a reminder, this project is being built upon the following starter project on <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-socketio/'>Glitch</a>, or cloned from <a href=''>GitHub</a>.",
"Many chat rooms are able to annouce when a user connects or disconnects and then display that to all of the connected users in the chat. Seeing as though you already are emitting an event on connect and disconnect, you will just have to modify this event to support such feature. The most logical way of doing so is sending 3 pieces of data with the event: name of the user connected/disconnected, the current user count, and if that name connected or disconnected.",
"<hr>Change the event name to 'user' and as the data pass an object along containing fields 'name', 'currentUsers', and boolean 'connected' (to be true if connection, or false for disconnection of the user sent). Be sure to make the change to both points we had the 'user count' event and set the disconnect one to sent false for field 'connected' instead of true like the event emitted on connect. <code>io.emit('user', {name:, currentUsers, connected: true});</code>",
"Now your client will have all the nesesary information to correctly display the current user count and annouce when a user connects or disconnects! To handle this event on the client side we should listen for 'user' and then update the current user count by using jQuery to change the text of <code>#num-users</code> to '{NUMBER} users online', as well as append a <code>&#60;li&#62;</code> to the unordered list with id 'messages' with '{NAME} has {joined/left} the chat.'.",
"An implementation of this could look like the following:<pre>socket.on('user', function(data){\n $('#num-users').text(data.currentUsers+' users online');\n var message =;\n if(data.connected) {\n message += ' has joined the chat.';\n } else {\n message += ' has left the chat.';\n }\n $('#messages').append($('&#60;li&#62;').html('&#60;b&#62;'+ message +'&#60;\\/b&#62;'));\n});</pre>",
"Submit your page when you think you've got it right."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [
"text": "Event 'user' is emitted with name, currentUsers, and connected",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /io.emit.*('|\")user('|\").*name.*currentUsers.*connected/gi, 'You should have an event emitted named user sending name, currentUsers, and connected'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "Client properly handling and displaying the new data from event 'user'",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/public/client.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /socket.on.*('|\")user('|\")[^]*num-users/gi, 'You should change the text of #num-users within on your client within the \"user\" even listener to show the current users connected'); assert.match(data, /socket.on.*('|\")user('|\")[^]*messages.*li/gi, 'You should append a list item to #messages on your client within the \"user\" event listener to annouce a user came or went'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"solutions": [],
"hints": [],
"type": "backend",
"challengeType": 0,
"translations": {}
"id": "589fc832f9fc0f352b528e79",
"title": "Send and Display Chat Messages",
"description": [
"As a reminder, this project is being built upon the following starter project on <a href='!/import/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-socketio/'>Glitch</a>, or cloned from <a href=''>GitHub</a>.",
"It's time you start allowing clients to send a chat message to the server to emit to all the clients! Already in your client.js file you should see there is already a block of code handling when the messgae form is submitted! (<code>$('form').submit(function(){ /*logic*/ });</code>)",
"<hr>Within the code you're handling the form submit you should emit an event after you define 'messageToSend' but before you clear the text box <code>#m</code>. The event should be named 'chat message' and the data should just be 'messageToSend'. <code>socket.emit('chat message', messageToSend);</code>",
"Now on your server you should be listening to the socket for the event 'chat message' with the data being named 'message'. Once the event is recieved it should then emit the event 'chat message' to all sockets <code>io.emit</code> with the data being an object containing 'name' and 'message'.",
"On your client now again, you should now listen for event 'chat message' and when recieved, append a list item to <code>#messages</code> with the name a colon and the message!",
"At this point the chat should be fully functional and sending messages across all clients! Submit your page when you think you've got it right. If you're running into errors, you can check out the project up to this point <a href=''>here for the server</a> and <a href=''>here for the client</a>."
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [
"text": "Server listens for 'chat message' then emits it properly",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/_api/server.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /socket.on.*('|\")chat message('|\")[^]*io.emit.*('|\")chat message('|\").*name.*message/gi, 'Your server should listen to the socket for \"chat message\" then emit to all users \"chat message\" with name and message in the data object'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"text": "Client properly handling and displaying the new data from event 'chat message'",
"testString": "getUserInput => $.get(getUserInput('url')+ '/public/client.js') .then(data => { assert.match(data, /socket.on.*('|\")chat message('|\")[^]*messages.*li/gi, 'You should append a list item to #messages on your client within the \"chat message\" event listener to display the new message'); }, xhr => { throw new Error(xhr.statusText); })"
"solutions": [],
"hints": [],
"type": "backend",
"challengeType": 0,
"translations": {}
"id": "58a0b2caf9fc0f352b528e7a",
"title": "Continuing Your Live Chat",
"description": [
"From this point, you could choose to implement a plethora of features with just the knowledge you have learned up to this point! Some ideas you could choose to continue this project on with include, but aren't limited to the following:<ul><li>Displaying the users profile picture next to the messages</li><li>Displaying a time stamp on messages</li><li>Saving the most recent messages so when a new user connects they can see the most recent messages sent before they connected</li><li>Add a sidebar showing active users</li><li>Create a {user} is typing feature</li><li>Turn the client into a React component you can add to any of your previous projects</li></ul>",
"releasedOn": "Feb 17, 2017",
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [],
"type": "waypoint",
"challengeType": 7,
"isRequired": false,
"titleEs": "",
"descriptionEs": [
"titleFr": "",
"descriptionFr": [
"titleDe": "",
"descriptionDe": [