
885 lines
64 KiB

"name": "Intermediate Algorithm Scripting",
"order": 10,
"time": "50 hours",
"helpRoom": "HelpJavaScript",
"challenges": [
"id": "a3566b1109230028080c9345",
"title": "Sum All Numbers in a Range",
"description": [
"We'll pass you an array of two numbers. Return the sum of those two numbers and all numbers between them.",
"The lowest number will not always come first.",
"Remember to use <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> if you get stuck. Try to pair program. Write your own code."
"challengeSeed": [
"function sumAll(arr) {",
" return 1;",
"sumAll([1, 4]);"
"tests": [
"assert(typeof sumAll([1, 4]) === 'number', 'message: <code>sumAll([1, 4])</code> should return a number.');",
"assert.deepEqual(sumAll([1, 4]), 10, 'message: <code>sumAll([1, 4])</code> should return 10.');",
"assert.deepEqual(sumAll([4, 1]), 10, 'message: <code>sumAll([4, 1])</code> should return 10.');",
"assert.deepEqual(sumAll([5, 10]), 45, 'message: <code>sumAll([5, 10])</code> should return 45.');",
"assert.deepEqual(sumAll([10, 5]), 45, 'message: <code>sumAll([10, 5])</code> should return 45.');"
"type": "bonfire",
"MDNlinks": [
"challengeType": 5,
"nameEs": "Suma todos los números en un rango",
"descriptionEs": [
"Te pasaremos un arreglo que contiene dos números. Crea una función que devuelva la suma de esos dos números y todos los números entre ellos.",
"El número menor no siempre será el primer elemento en el arreglo.",
"Recuerda utilizar <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> si te sientes atascado. Intenta programar en pareja. Escribe tu propio código."
"isRequired": true,
"solutions": [
"function sumAll(arr) {\n var sum = 0;\n arr.sort(function(a,b) {return a-b;});\n for (var i = arr[0]; i <= arr[1]; i++) {\n sum += i; \n }\n return sum;\n}"
"id": "a5de63ebea8dbee56860f4f2",
"title": "Diff Two Arrays",
"description": [
"Compare two arrays and return a new array with any items only found in one of the original arrays.",
"Remember to use <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> if you get stuck. Try to pair program. Write your own code."
"challengeSeed": [
"function diff(arr1, arr2) {",
" var newArr = [];",
" // Same, same; but different.",
" return newArr;",
"diff([1, 2, 3, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);"
"tests": [
"assert(typeof diff([1, 2, 3, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) === \"object\", 'message: <code>diff([1, 2, 3, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])</code> should return an array.');",
"assert.sameMembers(diff([\"diorite\", \"andesite\", \"grass\", \"dirt\", \"pink wool\", \"dead shrub\"], [\"diorite\", \"andesite\", \"grass\", \"dirt\", \"dead shrub\"]), [\"pink wool\"], 'message: <code>[\"diorite\", \"andesite\", \"grass\", \"dirt\", \"pink wool\", \"dead shrub\"], [\"diorite\", \"andesite\", \"grass\", \"dirt\", \"dead shrub\"]</code> should return <code>[\"pink wool\"]</code>.');",
"assert.sameMembers(diff([\"andesite\", \"grass\", \"dirt\", \"pink wool\", \"dead shrub\"], [\"diorite\", \"andesite\", \"grass\", \"dirt\", \"dead shrub\"]), [\"diorite\", \"pink wool\"], 'message: <code>[\"andesite\", \"grass\", \"dirt\", \"pink wool\", \"dead shrub\"], [\"diorite\", \"andesite\", \"grass\", \"dirt\", \"dead shrub\"]</code> should return <code>[\"diorite\", \"pink wool\"]</code>.');",
"assert.sameMembers(diff([\"andesite\", \"grass\", \"dirt\", \"dead shrub\"], [\"andesite\", \"grass\", \"dirt\", \"dead shrub\"]), [], 'message: <code>[\"andesite\", \"grass\", \"dirt\", \"dead shrub\"], [\"andesite\", \"grass\", \"dirt\", \"dead shrub\"]</code> should return <code>[]</code>.');",
"assert.sameMembers(diff([1, 2, 3, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), [4], 'message: <code>[1, 2, 3, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]</code> should return <code>[4]</code>.');",
"assert.sameMembers(diff([1, \"calf\", 3, \"piglet\"], [1, \"calf\", 3, 4]), [\"piglet\", 4], 'message: <code>[1, \"calf\", 3, \"piglet\"], [1, \"calf\", 3, 4]</code> should return <code>[\"piglet\", 4]</code>.');",
"assert.sameMembers(diff([], [\"snuffleupagus\", \"cookie monster\", \"elmo\"]), [\"snuffleupagus\", \"cookie monster\", \"elmo\"], 'message: <code>[], [\"snuffleupagus\", \"cookie monster\", \"elmo\"]</code> should return <code>[\"snuffleupagus\", \"cookie monster\", \"elmo\"]</code>.');",
"assert.sameMembers(diff([1, \"calf\", 3, \"piglet\"], [7, \"filly\"]), [1, \"calf\", 3, \"piglet\", 7, \"filly\"], 'message: <code>[1, \"calf\", 3, \"piglet\"], [7, \"filly\"]</code> should return <code>[1, \"calf\", 3, \"piglet\", 7, \"filly\"]</code>.');"
"type": "bonfire",
"MDNlinks": [
"Comparison Operators",
"challengeType": 5,
"nameEs": "Obtén la diferencia entre dos arreglos",
"descriptionEs": [
"Crea una función que compare dos arreglos y que devuelva un nuevo arreglo que contenga los elementos que no se encuentren simultáneamente en ambos arreglos.",
"Recuerda utilizar <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> si te sientes atascado. Intenta programar en pareja. Escribe tu propio código."
"isRequired": true,
"solutions": [
"function diff(arr1, arr2) {\n var newArr = [];\n var h1 = Object.create(null);\n arr1.forEach(function(e) {\n h1[e] = e;\n });\n \n var h2 = Object.create(null);\n arr2.forEach(function(e) {\n h2[e] = e;\n });\n \n Object.keys(h1).forEach(function(e) {\n if (!(e in h2)) newArr.push(h1[e]);\n });\n Object.keys(h2).forEach(function(e) {\n if (!(e in h1)) newArr.push(h2[e]);\n });\n // Same, same; but different.\n return newArr;\n}"
"id": "a7f4d8f2483413a6ce226cac",
"title": "Roman Numeral Converter",
"description": [
"Convert the given number into a roman numeral.",
"All <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">roman numerals</a> answers should be provided in upper-case.",
"Remember to use <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> if you get stuck. Try to pair program. Write your own code."
"challengeSeed": [
"function convert(num) {",
" return num;",
"tests": [
"assert.deepEqual(convert(2), \"II\", 'message: <code>convert(2)</code> should return \"II\".');",
"assert.deepEqual(convert(3), \"III\", 'message: <code>convert(3)</code> should return \"III\".');",
"assert.deepEqual(convert(4), \"IV\", 'message: <code>convert(4)</code> should return \"IV\".');",
"assert.deepEqual(convert(5), \"V\", 'message: <code>convert(5)</code> should return \"V\".');",
"assert.deepEqual(convert(9), \"IX\", 'message: <code>convert(9)</code> should return \"IX\".');",
"assert.deepEqual(convert(12), \"XII\", 'message: <code>convert(12)</code> should return \"XII\".');",
"assert.deepEqual(convert(16), \"XVI\", 'message: <code>convert(16)</code> should return \"XVI\".');",
"assert.deepEqual(convert(29), \"XXIX\", 'message: <code>convert(29)</code> should return \"XXIX\".');",
"assert.deepEqual(convert(44), \"XLIV\", 'message: <code>convert(44)</code> should return \"XLIV\".');",
"assert.deepEqual(convert(45), \"XLV\", 'message: <code>convert(45)</code> should return \"XLV\"');",
"assert.deepEqual(convert(68), \"LXVIII\", 'message: <code>convert(68)</code> should return \"LXVIII\"');",
"assert.deepEqual(convert(83), \"LXXXIII\", 'message: <code>convert(83)</code> should return \"LXXXIII\"');",
"assert.deepEqual(convert(97), \"XCVII\", 'message: <code>convert(97)</code> should return \"XCVII\"');",
"assert.deepEqual(convert(99), \"XCIX\", 'message: <code>convert(99)</code> should return \"XCIX\"');",
"assert.deepEqual(convert(500), \"D\", 'message: <code>convert(500)</code> should return \"D\"');",
"assert.deepEqual(convert(501), \"DI\", 'message: <code>convert(501)</code> should return \"DI\"');",
"assert.deepEqual(convert(649), \"DCXLIX\", 'message: <code>convert(649)</code> should return \"DCXLIX\"');",
"assert.deepEqual(convert(798), \"DCCXCVIII\", 'message: <code>convert(798)</code> should return \"DCCXCVIII\"');",
"assert.deepEqual(convert(891), \"DCCCXCI\", 'message: <code>convert(891)</code> should return \"DCCCXCI\"');",
"assert.deepEqual(convert(1000), \"M\", 'message: <code>convert(1000)</code> should return \"M\"');",
"assert.deepEqual(convert(1004), \"MIV\", 'message: <code>convert(1004)</code> should return \"MIV\"');",
"assert.deepEqual(convert(1006), \"MVI\", 'message: <code>convert(1006)</code> should return \"MVI\"');",
"assert.deepEqual(convert(1023), \"MXXIII\", 'message: <code>convert(1023)</code> should return \"MXXIII\"');",
"assert.deepEqual(convert(2014), \"MMXIV\", 'message: <code>convert(2014)</code> should return \"MMXIV\"');",
"assert.deepEqual(convert(3999), \"MMMCMXCIX\", 'message: <code>convert(3999)</code> should return \"MMMCMXCIX\"');"
"type": "bonfire",
"MDNlinks": [
"Roman Numerals",
"challengeType": 5,
"nameEs": "Convertior de números romanos",
"descriptionEs": [
"Convierte el número dado en numeral romano.",
"Todos los <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">numerales romanos</a> en las respuestas deben estar en mayúsculas.",
"Recuerda utilizar <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> si te sientes atascado. Intenta programar en pareja. Escribe tu propio código."
"isRequired": true,
"solutions": [
"function convert(num) {\n var ref = [['M', 1000], ['CM', 900], ['D', 500], ['CD', 400], ['C', 100], ['XC', 90], ['L', 50], ['XL', 40], ['X', 10], ['IX', 9], ['V', 5], ['IV', 4], ['I', 1]];\n var res = [];\n ref.forEach(function(p) {\n while (num >= p[1]) {\n res.push(p[0]);\n num -= p[1];\n }\n });\n return res.join('');\n}"
"id": "a8e512fbe388ac2f9198f0fa",
"title": "Where art thou",
"description": [
"Make a function that looks through an array of objects (first argument) and returns an array of all objects that have matching property and value pairs (second argument). Each property and value pair of the source object has to be present in the object from the collection if it is to be included in the returned array.",
"For example, if the first argument is <code>[{ first: \"Romeo\", last: \"Montague\" }, { first: \"Mercutio\", last: null }, { first: \"Tybalt\", last: \"Capulet\" }]</code>, and the second argument is <code>{ last: \"Capulet\" }</code>, then you must return the third object from the array (the first argument), because it contains the property and it's value, that was passed on as the second argument.",
"Remember to use <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> if you get stuck. Write your own code."
"challengeSeed": [
"function where(collection, source) {",
" var arr = [];",
" // What's in a name?",
" return arr;",
"where([{ first: \"Romeo\", last: \"Montague\" }, { first: \"Mercutio\", last: null }, { first: \"Tybalt\", last: \"Capulet\" }], { last: \"Capulet\" });"
"tests": [
"assert.deepEqual(where([{ first: \"Romeo\", last: \"Montague\" }, { first: \"Mercutio\", last: null }, { first: \"Tybalt\", last: \"Capulet\" }], { last: \"Capulet\" }), [{ first: \"Tybalt\", last: \"Capulet\" }], 'message: <code>where([{ first: \"Romeo\", last: \"Montague\" }, { first: \"Mercutio\", last: null }, { first: \"Tybalt\", last: \"Capulet\" }], { last: \"Capulet\" })</code> should return <code>[{ first: \"Tybalt\", last: \"Capulet\" }]</code>.');",
"assert.deepEqual(where([{ \"a\": 1 }, { \"a\": 1 }, { \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2 }], { \"a\": 1 }), [{ \"a\": 1 }, { \"a\": 1 }, { \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2 }], 'message: <code>where([{ \"a\": 1 }, { \"a\": 1 }, { \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2 }], { \"a\": 1 })</code> should return <code>[{ \"a\": 1 }, { \"a\": 1 }, { \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2 }]</code>.');",
"assert.deepEqual(where([{ \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2 }, { \"a\": 1 }, { \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2, \"c\": 2 }], { \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2 }), [{ \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2 }, { \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2, \"c\": 2 }], 'message: <code>where([{ \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2 }, { \"a\": 1 }, { \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2, \"c\": 2 }], { \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2 })</code> should return <code>[{ \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2 }, { \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2, \"c\": 2 }]</code>.');",
"assert.deepEqual(where([{ \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2 }, { \"a\": 1 }, { \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2, \"c\": 2 }], { \"a\": 1, \"c\": 2 }), [{ \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2, \"c\": 2 }], 'message: <code>where([{ \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2 }, { \"a\": 1 }, { \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2, \"c\": 2 }], { \"a\": 1, \"c\": 2 })</code> should return <code>[{ \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2, \"c\": 2 }]</code>.');"
"type": "bonfire",
"MDNlinks": [
"Global Object",
"challengeType": 5,
"nameEs": "¿Dónde estás que no te veo?",
"descriptionEs": [
"Crea una función que busque en un arreglo de objetos (primer argumento) y devuelva un arreglo con todos los objetos que compartan el valor indicado para una propiedad dada (segundo argumento). Cada pareja de propiedad y valor debe estar presente en el objeto de la colección para ser incluido en el arreglo devuelto por la función",
"Por ejemplo, si el primer argumento es <code>[{ first: \"Romeo\", last: \"Montague\" }, { first: \"Mercutio\", last: null }, { first: \"Tybalt\", last: \"Capulet\" }]</code>, y el segundo argumento es <code>{ last: \"Capulet\" }</code>, entonces tu función debe devolver el tercer objeto del arreglo en el primer argumento, ya que contiene la propiedad y el valor indicados en el segundo argumento.",
"Recuerda utilizar <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> si te sientes atascado. Intenta programar en pareja. Escribe tu propio código."
"isRequired": true,
"solutions": [
"function where(collection, source) {\n var arr = [];\n var keys = Object.keys(source);\n collection.forEach(function(e) {\n if(keys.every(function(key) {return e[key] === source[key];})) {\n arr.push(e); \n }\n });\n return arr;\n}"
"id": "a0b5010f579e69b815e7c5d6",
"title": "Search and Replace",
"description": [
"Perform a search and replace on the sentence using the arguments provided and return the new sentence.",
"First argument is the sentence to perform the search and replace on.",
"Second argument is the word that you will be replacing (before).",
"Third argument is what you will be replacing the second argument with (after).",
"NOTE: Preserve the case of the original word when you are replacing it. For example if you mean to replace the word \"Book\" with the word \"dog\", it should be replaced as \"Dog\"",
"Remember to use <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> if you get stuck. Try to pair program. Write your own code."
"challengeSeed": [
"function myReplace(str, before, after) {",
" return str;",
"myReplace(\"A quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog\", \"jumped\", \"leaped\");"
"tests": [
"assert.deepEqual(myReplace(\"Let us go to the store\", \"store\", \"mall\"), \"Let us go to the mall\", 'message: <code>myReplace(\"Let us go to the store\", \"store\", \"mall\")</code> should return \"Let us go to the mall\".');",
"assert.deepEqual(myReplace(\"He is Sleeping on the couch\", \"Sleeping\", \"sitting\"), \"He is Sitting on the couch\", 'message: <code>myReplace(\"He is Sleeping on the couch\", \"Sleeping\", \"sitting\")</code> should return \"He is Sitting on the couch\".');",
"assert.deepEqual(myReplace(\"This has a spellngi error\", \"spellngi\", \"spelling\"), \"This has a spelling error\", 'message: <code>myReplace(\"This has a spellngi error\", \"spellngi\", \"spelling\")</code> should return \"This has a spelling error\".');",
"assert.deepEqual(myReplace(\"His name is Tom\", \"Tom\", \"john\"), \"His name is John\", 'message: <code>myReplace(\"His name is Tom\", \"Tom\", \"john\")</code> should return \"His name is John\".');",
"assert.deepEqual(myReplace(\"Let us get back to more Coding\", \"Coding\", \"algorithms\"), \"Let us get back to more Algorithms\", 'message: <code>myReplace(\"Let us get back to more Coding\", \"Coding\", \"algorithms\")</code> should return \"Let us get back to more Algorithms\".');"
"type": "bonfire",
"MDNlinks": [
"challengeType": 5,
"nameEs": "Buscar y reemplazar",
"descriptionEs": [
"Crea una función que busque un fragmento en una frase dada y lo reemplace por otro fragmento, devolviendo la nueva frase.",
"El primer argumento es la frase en la que se ejecutará la búsqueda y el reemplazo",
"El segundo argumento es la palabra que se va a reemplazar",
"El tercer argumento es lo que reemplazará a la palabra indicada en el segundo argumento",
"NOTA: Debes respetar mayúsculas y minúsculas de la palabra original cuando ejecutes el reemplazo. Por ejemplo, si quisieras reemplazar la palabra \"Libro\" con la palabra \"perro\", deberías insertar en vez la palabra \"Perro\"",
"Recuerda utilizar <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> si te sientes atascado. Intenta programar en pareja. Escribe tu propio código."
"isRequired": true,
"solutions": [
"function myReplace(str, before, after) {\n if (before.charAt(0) === before.charAt(0).toUpperCase()) {\n after = after.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + after.substring(1);\n } else {\n after = after.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + after.substring(1);\n }\n return str.replace(before, after);\n}"
"id": "aa7697ea2477d1316795783b",
"title": "Pig Latin",
"description": [
"Translate the provided string to pig latin.",
"<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Pig Latin</a> takes the first consonant (or consonant cluster) of an English word, moves it to the end of the word and suffixes an \"ay\".",
"If a word begins with a vowel you just add \"way\" to the end.",
"Remember to use <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> if you get stuck. Try to pair program. Write your own code."
"challengeSeed": [
"function translate(str) {",
" return str;",
"tests": [
"assert.deepEqual(translate(\"california\"), \"aliforniacay\", 'message: <code>translate(\"california\")</code> should return \"aliforniacay\".');",
"assert.deepEqual(translate(\"paragraphs\"), \"aragraphspay\", 'message: <code>translate(\"paragraphs\")</code> should return \"aragraphspay\".');",
"assert.deepEqual(translate(\"glove\"), \"oveglay\", 'message: <code>translate(\"glove\")</code> should return \"oveglay\".');",
"assert.deepEqual(translate(\"algorithm\"), \"algorithmway\", 'message: <code>translate(\"algorithm\")</code> should return \"algorithmway\".');",
"assert.deepEqual(translate(\"eight\"), \"eightway\", 'message: <code>translate(\"eight\")</code> should return \"eightway\".');"
"type": "bonfire",
"MDNlinks": [
"challengeType": 5,
"nameEs": "Latín de los cerdos",
"descriptionEs": [
"Traduce la cadena de texto que se te provee al Latín de los cerdos (Pig Latin)",
"<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Pig Latin</a> toma la primera consonante (o grupo de consonantes) de una palabra en inglés, la mueve al final de la palabra y agrega un \"ay\".",
"Si la palabra comienza con una vocal, simplemente añade \"way\" al final.",
"Recuerda utilizar <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> si te sientes atascado. Intenta programar en pareja. Escribe tu propio código."
"isRequired": true,
"solutions": [
"function translate(str) {\n if (isVowel(str.charAt(0))) return str + \"way\";\n var front = [];\n str = str.split('');\n while (str.length && !isVowel(str[0])) {\n front.push(str.shift());\n }\n return [].concat(str, front).join('') + 'ay';\n}\n\nfunction isVowel(c) {\n return ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'].indexOf(c.toLowerCase()) !== -1;\n}"
"id": "afd15382cdfb22c9efe8b7de",
"title": "DNA Pairing",
"description": [
"The DNA strand is missing the pairing element. Take each character, get its pair, and return the results as a 2d array.",
"<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Base pairs</a> are a pair of AT and CG. Match the missing element to the provided character.",
"Return the provided character as the first element in each array.",
"For example, for the input GCG, return [[\"G\", \"C\"], [\"C\",\"G\"],[\"G\", \"C\"]]",
"The character and its pair are paired up in an array, and all the arrays are grouped into one encapsulating array.",
"Remember to use <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> if you get stuck. Try to pair program. Write your own code."
"challengeSeed": [
"function pair(str) {",
" return str;",
"tests": [
"assert.deepEqual(pair(\"ATCGA\"),[[\"A\",\"T\"],[\"T\",\"A\"],[\"C\",\"G\"],[\"G\",\"C\"],[\"A\",\"T\"]], 'message: <code>pair(\"ATCGA\")</code> should return <code>[[\"A\",\"T\"],[\"T\",\"A\"],[\"C\",\"G\"],[\"G\",\"C\"],[\"A\",\"T\"]]</code>.');",
"assert.deepEqual(pair(\"TTGAG\"),[[\"T\",\"A\"],[\"T\",\"A\"],[\"G\",\"C\"],[\"A\",\"T\"],[\"G\",\"C\"]], 'message: <code>pair(\"TTGAG\")</code> should return <code>[[\"T\",\"A\"],[\"T\",\"A\"],[\"G\",\"C\"],[\"A\",\"T\"],[\"G\",\"C\"]]</code>.');",
"assert.deepEqual(pair(\"CTCTA\"),[[\"C\",\"G\"],[\"T\",\"A\"],[\"C\",\"G\"],[\"T\",\"A\"],[\"A\",\"T\"]], 'message: <code>pair(\"CTCTA\")</code> should return <code>[[\"C\",\"G\"],[\"T\",\"A\"],[\"C\",\"G\"],[\"T\",\"A\"],[\"A\",\"T\"]]</code>.');"
"type": "bonfire",
"MDNlinks": [
"challengeType": 5,
"nameEs": "Emparejando bases de ADN",
"descriptionEs": [
"A la cadena de ADN que se te pasa le hace falta una hebra. Toma cada una de las letras, obtén su pareja correspondiente y devuelve los resultados en un segundo arreglo",
"<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Parejas de bases</a> son pares de AT y CG. Encuentra el elemento que hace falta para cada una de las letras que se te presentan.",
"Devuelve la letra que se te provee como el primer elemento en cada arreglo",
"Por ejemplo, si te pasáramos la cadena GCG, tu función debería devolver el arreglo: [[\"G\", \"C\"], [\"C\",\"G\"],[\"G\", \"C\"]]",
"Cada letra que se te provee y su pareja deben estar contenidos en un arreglo, y cada uno de estos arreglos debe estar contenidos en un arreglo.",
"Recuerda utilizar <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> si te sientes atascado. Intenta programar en pareja. Escribe tu propio código."
"isRequired": true,
"solutions": [
"var lookup = Object.create(null);\nlookup.A = 'T';\nlookup.T = 'A';\nlookup.C = 'G';\nlookup.G = 'C';\n\nfunction pair(str) {\n return str.split('').map(function(p) {return [p, lookup[p]];});\n}"
"id": "af7588ade1100bde429baf20",
"title": "Missing letters",
"description": [
"Find the missing letter in the passed letter range and return it.",
"If all letters are present in the range, return undefined.",
"Remember to use <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> if you get stuck. Try to pair program. Write your own code."
"challengeSeed": [
"function fearNotLetter(str) {",
" return str;",
"tests": [
"assert.deepEqual(fearNotLetter(\"abce\"), \"d\", 'message: <code>fearNotLetter(\"abce\")</code> should return \"d\".');",
"assert.deepEqual(fearNotLetter(\"abcdefghjklmno\"), \"i\", 'message: <code>fearNotLetter(\"abcdefghjklmno\")</code> should return \"i\".');",
"assert.isUndefined(fearNotLetter(\"bcd\"), 'message: <code>fearNotLetter(\"bcd\")</code> should return undefined.');",
"assert.isUndefined(fearNotLetter(\"yz\"), 'message: <code>fearNotLetter(\"yz\")</code> should return undefined.');"
"type": "bonfire",
"MDNlinks": [
"challengeType": 5,
"nameEs": "Letras perdidas",
"descriptionEs": [
"Crea una función que devuelva la letra que falta en el rango de letras que se le pasa",
"Si todas las letras en el rango están presentes, la función debe devolver undefined.",
"Recuerda utilizar <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> si te sientes atascado. Intenta programar en pareja. Escribe tu propio código."
"isRequired": true,
"solutions": [
"function fearNotLetter(str) {\n var s = str.split('').map(function(c) {return c.charCodeAt(0);});\n for (var i = 1; i < s.length; i++) {\n if (s[i]-1 != s[i-1]) {\n return String.fromCharCode(s[i]-1);\n }\n }\n}"
"id": "a77dbc43c33f39daa4429b4f",
"title": "Boo who",
"description": [
"Check if a value is classified as a boolean primitive. Return true or false.",
"Boolean primitives are true and false.",
"Remember to use <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> if you get stuck. Try to pair program. Write your own code."
"challengeSeed": [
"function boo(bool) {",
" // What is the new fad diet for ghost developers? The Boolean.",
" return bool;",
"tests": [
"assert.strictEqual(boo(true), true, 'message: <code>boo(true)</code> should return true.');",
"assert.strictEqual(boo(false), true, 'message: <code>boo(false)</code> should return true.');",
"assert.strictEqual(boo([1, 2, 3]), false, 'message: <code>boo([1, 2, 3])</code> should return false.');",
"assert.strictEqual(boo([].slice), false, 'message: <code>boo([].slice)</code> should return false.');",
"assert.strictEqual(boo({ \"a\": 1 }), false, 'message: <code>boo({ \"a\": 1 })</code> should return false.');",
"assert.strictEqual(boo(1), false, 'message: <code>boo(1)</code> should return false.');",
"assert.strictEqual(boo(NaN), false, 'message: <code>boo(NaN)</code> should return false.');",
"assert.strictEqual(boo(\"a\"), false, 'message: <code>boo(\"a\")</code> should return false.');",
"assert.strictEqual(boo(\"true\"), false, 'message: <code>boo(\"true\")</code> should return false.');",
"assert.strictEqual(boo(\"false\"), false, 'message: <code>boo(\"false\")</code> should return false.');"
"type": "bonfire",
"MDNlinks": [
"Boolean Objects"
"challengeType": 5,
"nameEs": "¡Bu!",
"descriptionEs": [
"Crea una función que verifique si el valor que se le pasa es de tipo booleano. Haz que la función devuelva true o false según corresponda.",
"Los primitivos booleanos primitivos son: true y false",
"Recuerda utilizar <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> si te sientes atascado. Intenta programar en pareja. Escribe tu propio código."
"isRequired": true,
"solutions": [
"function boo(bool) {\n // What is the new fad diet for ghost developers? The Boolean.\n return typeof bool === \"boolean\";\n}\n\nboo(null);"
"id": "a105e963526e7de52b219be9",
"title": "Sorted Union",
"description": [
"Write a function that takes two or more arrays and returns a new array of unique values in the order of the original provided arrays.",
"In other words, all values present from all arrays should be included in their original order, but with no duplicates in the final array.",
"The unique numbers should be sorted by their original order, but the final array should not be sorted in numerical order.",
"Check the assertion tests for examples.",
"Remember to use <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> if you get stuck. Try to pair program. Write your own code."
"challengeSeed": [
"function unite(arr1, arr2, arr3) {",
" return arr1;",
"unite([1, 3, 2], [5, 2, 1, 4], [2, 1]);"
"tests": [
"assert.deepEqual(unite([1, 3, 2], [5, 2, 1, 4], [2, 1]), [1, 3, 2, 5, 4], 'message: <code>unite([1, 3, 2], [5, 2, 1, 4], [2, 1])</code> should return <code>[1, 3, 2, 5, 4]</code>.');",
"assert.deepEqual(unite([1, 3, 2], [1, [5]], [2, [4]]), [1, 3, 2, [5], [4]], 'message: <code>unite([1, 3, 2], [1, [5]], [2, [4]])</code> should return <code>[1, 3, 2, [5], [4]]</code>.');",
"assert.deepEqual(unite([1, 2, 3], [5, 2, 1]), [1, 2, 3, 5], 'message: <code>unite([1, 2, 3], [5, 2, 1])</code> should return <code>[1, 2, 3, 5]</code>.');",
"assert.deepEqual(unite([1, 2, 3], [5, 2, 1, 4], [2, 1], [6, 7, 8]), [1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6, 7, 8], 'message: <code>unite([1, 2, 3], [5, 2, 1, 4], [2, 1], [6, 7, 8])</code> should return <code>[1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6, 7, 8]</code>.');"
"type": "bonfire",
"MDNlinks": [
"Arguments object",
"challengeType": 5,
"nameEs": "Intersección ordenada",
"descriptionEs": [
"Escribe una función que tome dos o más arreglos y que devuelva un nuevo arreglo con los valores únicos en el orden de aparición de los arreglos que se te pasaron",
"En otra palabras, todos los valores presentes en todos los arreglos deben aparecer en el arreglo final en su orden original, pero sin duplicados.",
"Los valores únicos deben aparecer en el orden original, pero el arreglo final no necesariamente debe mostrar los elementos en orden numérico.",
"Puedes usar de referencia las pruebas de verificación si necesitas ejemplos.",
"Recuerda utilizar <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> si te sientes atascado. Intenta programar en pareja. Escribe tu propio código."
"isRequired": true,
"solutions": [
"function unite(arr1, arr2, arr3) {\n return [], b) {\n return [].concat(a, b.filter(function(e) {return a.indexOf(e) === -1;}));\n }, []);\n}"
"id": "a6b0bb188d873cb2c8729495",
"title": "Convert HTML Entities",
"description": [
"Convert the characters <code>&</code>, <code><</code>, <code>></code>, <code>\"</code> (double quote), and <code>'</code> (apostrophe), in a string to their corresponding HTML entities.",
"Remember to use <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> if you get stuck. Try to pair program. Write your own code."
"challengeSeed": [
"function convert(str) {",
" // &colon;&rpar;",
" return str;",
"convert(\"Dolce & Gabbana\");"
"tests": [
"assert.match(convert(\"Dolce & Gabbana\"), /Dolce &amp; Gabbana/, 'message: <code>convert(\"Dolce & Gabbana\")</code> should return <code>Dolce &&#8203;amp; Gabbana</code>.');",
"assert.match(convert(\"Hamburgers < Pizza < Tacos\"), /Hamburgers &lt; Pizza &lt; Tacos/, 'message: <code>convert(\"Hamburgers < Pizza < Tacos\")</code> should return <code>Hamburgers &&#8203;lt; Pizza &&#8203;lt; Tacos</code>.');",
"assert.match(convert(\"Sixty > twelve\"), /Sixty &gt; twelve/, 'message: <code>convert(\"Sixty > twelve\")</code> should return <code>Sixty &&#8203;gt; twelve</code>.');",
"assert.match(convert('Stuff in \"quotation marks\"'), /Stuff in &quot;quotation marks&quot;/, 'message: <code>convert(&apos;Stuff in \"quotation marks\"&apos;)</code> should return <code>Stuff in &&#8203;quot;quotation marks&&#8203;quot;</code>.');",
"assert.match(convert(\"Shindler's List\"), /Shindler&apos;s List/, 'message: <code>convert(\"Shindler&apos;s List\")</code> should return <code>Shindler&&#8203;apos;s List</code>.');",
"assert.match(convert('<>'), /&lt;&gt;/, 'message: <code>convert(\"<>\")</code> should return <code>&&#8203;lt;&&#8203;gt;</code>.');",
"assert.strictEqual(convert('abc'), 'abc', 'message: <code>convert(\"abc\")</code> should return <code>abc</code>.');"
"type": "bonfire",
"MDNlinks": [
"HTML Entities"
"challengeType": 5,
"nameEs": "Convierte entidades HTML",
"descriptionEs": [
"Convierte los caracteres \"&\", \"<\", \">\", '\"' (comilla), y \"'\" (apostrofe), contenidos en la cadena de texto que se te pasa, en sus entidades HTML correspondientes",
"Recuerda utilizar <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> si te sientes atascado. Intenta programar en pareja. Escribe tu propio código."
"isRequired": true,
"solutions": [
"var MAP = { '&': '&amp;',\n '<': '&lt;',\n '>': '&gt;',\n '\"': '&quot;',\n \"'\": '&apos;'};\n\nfunction convert(str) {\n return str.replace(/[&<>\"']/g, function(c) {\n return MAP[c];\n });\n}"
"id": "a103376db3ba46b2d50db289",
"title": "Spinal Tap Case",
"description": [
"Convert a string to spinal case. Spinal case is all-lowercase-words-joined-by-dashes.",
"Remember to use <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> if you get stuck. Try to pair program. Write your own code."
"challengeSeed": [
"function spinalCase(str) {",
" // \"It's such a fine line between stupid, and clever.\"",
" // --David St. Hubbins",
" return str;",
"spinalCase('This Is Spinal Tap');"
"tests": [
"assert.deepEqual(spinalCase(\"This Is Spinal Tap\"), \"this-is-spinal-tap\", 'message: <code>spinalCase(\"This Is Spinal Tap\")</code> should return <code>\"this-is-spinal-tap\"</code>.');",
"assert.strictEqual(spinalCase('thisIsSpinalTap'), \"this-is-spinal-tap\", 'message: <code>spinalCase(\"thisIsSpinalTap\")</code> should return <code>\"this-is-spinal-tap\"</code>.');",
"assert.strictEqual(spinalCase(\"The_Andy_Griffith_Show\"), \"the-andy-griffith-show\", 'message: <code>spinalCase(\"The_Andy_Griffith_Show\")</code> should return <code>\"the-andy-griffith-show\"</code>.');",
"assert.strictEqual(spinalCase(\"Teletubbies say Eh-oh\"), \"teletubbies-say-eh-oh\", 'message: <code>spinalCase(\"Teletubbies say Eh-oh\")</code> should return <code>\"teletubbies-say-eh-oh\"</code>.');"
"type": "bonfire",
"MDNlinks": [
"challengeType": 5,
"nameEs": "separado-por-guiones",
"descriptionEs": [
"Convierte la cadena de texto que se te pasa al formato spinal case. Spinal case es cuando escribes todas las palabras en-minúsculas-unidas-por-guiones.",
"Recuerda utilizar <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> si te sientes atascado. Intenta programar en pareja. Escribe tu propio código."
"isRequired": true,
"solutions": [
"function spinalCase(str) {\n // \"It's such a fine line between stupid, and clever.\"\n // --David St. Hubbins\n str = str.replace(/([a-z](?=[A-Z]))/g, '$1 ');\n return str.toLowerCase().replace(/\\ |\\_/g, '-');\n}"
"id": "a5229172f011153519423690",
"title": "Sum All Odd Fibonacci Numbers",
"description": [
"Return the sum of all odd Fibonacci numbers up to and including the passed number if it is a Fibonacci number.",
"The first few numbers of the Fibonacci sequence are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 and 8, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two numbers.",
"As an example, passing 4 to the function should return 5 because all the odd Fibonacci numbers under 4 are 1, 1, and 3.",
"Remember to use <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> if you get stuck. Try to pair program. Write your own code."
"challengeSeed": [
"function sumFibs(num) {",
" return num;",
"tests": [
"assert(typeof sumFibs(1) === \"number\", 'message: <code>sumFibs(1)</code> should return a number.');",
"assert.deepEqual(sumFibs(1000), 1785, 'message: <code>sumFibs(1000)</code> should return 1785.');",
"assert.deepEqual(sumFibs(4000000), 4613732, 'message: <code>sumFibs(4000000)</code> should return 4613732.');",
"assert.deepEqual(sumFibs(4), 5, 'message: <code>sumFibs(4)</code> should return 5.');",
"assert.deepEqual(sumFibs(75024), 60696, 'message: <code>sumFibs(75024)</code> should return 60696.');",
"assert.deepEqual(sumFibs(75025), 135721, 'message: <code>sumFibs(75025)</code> should return 135721.');"
"type": "bonfire",
"MDNlinks": [
"challengeType": 5,
"nameEs": "Suma todos los números de Fibonacci que son impares",
"descriptionEs": [
"Crea una función que devuelva la suma de todos los números impares en la secuencia de Fibonacci hasta el número que se le pasa como argumento, incluyéndolo en caso de ser un número de la secuencia.",
"Los primeros números de la secuencia son 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 y 8, y cada número siguiente es la suma de los dos números anteriores.",
"Por ejemplo, si se te pasa el número 4, la función deberá devolver 5, ya que los números impares menores que 4 son 1, 1 y 3.",
"Recuerda utilizar <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> si te sientes atascado. Intenta programar en pareja. Escribe tu propio código."
"isRequired": true,
"solutions": [
"function sumFibs(num) {\n var a = 1; \n var b = 1;\n var s = 0;\n while (a <= num) {\n if (a % 2 !== 0) { \n s += a; \n }\n a = [b, b=b+a][0];\n }\n return s;\n}"
"id": "a3bfc1673c0526e06d3ac698",
"title": "Sum All Primes",
"description": [
"Sum all the prime numbers up to and including the provided number.",
"A prime number is defined as having only two divisors, 1 and itself. For example, 2 is a prime number because it's only divisible by 1 and 2. 1 isn't a prime number, because it's only divisible by itself.",
"The provided number may not be a prime.",
"Remember to use <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> if you get stuck. Try to pair program. Write your own code."
"challengeSeed": [
"function sumPrimes(num) {",
" return num;",
"tests": [
"assert.deepEqual(typeof sumPrimes(10), 'number', 'message: <code>sumPrimes(10)</code> should return a number.');",
"assert.deepEqual(sumPrimes(10), 17, 'message: <code>sumPrimes(10)</code> should return 17.');",
"assert.deepEqual(sumPrimes(977), 73156, 'message: <code>sumPrimes(977)</code> should return 73156.');"
"type": "bonfire",
"MDNlinks": [
"For Loops",
"challengeType": 5,
"nameEs": "Suma todos los números primos",
"descriptionEs": [
"Suma todos los números primos hasta, e incluyendo, el número que se te pasa",
"Números primos son todos aquellos que sólo son divisibles entre 1 y entre sí mismos. Por ejemplo, el número 2 es primo porque solo es divisible por 1 y por 2. Por el contrario, el número 1 no es primo, ya que sólo puede dividirse por sí mismo",
"El número que se le provee a la función no puede ser primo",
"Recuerda utilizar <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> si te sientes atascado. Intenta programar en pareja. Escribe tu propio código."
"isRequired": true,
"solutions": [
"function eratosthenesArray(n) {\n var primes = [];\n if (n > 2) {\n var half = n>>1;\n var sieve = Array(half);\n for (var i = 1, limit = Math.sqrt(n)>>1; i <= limit; i++) {\n if (!sieve[i]) {\n for (var step = 2*i+1, j = (step*step)>>1; j < half; j+=step) {\n sieve[j] = true;\n }\n }\n }\n primes.push(2);\n for (var p = 1; p < half; p++) {\n if (!sieve[p]) primes.push(2*p+1);\n }\n }\n return primes;\n}\n\nfunction sumPrimes(num) {\n return eratosthenesArray(num+1).reduce(function(a,b) {return a+b;}, 0);\n}\n\nsumPrimes(10);"
"id": "ae9defd7acaf69703ab432ea",
"title": "Smallest Common Multiple",
"description": [
"Find the smallest common multiple of the provided parameters that can be evenly divided by both, as well as by all sequential numbers in the range between these parameters.",
"The range will be an array of two numbers that will not necessarily be in numerical order.",
"e.g. for 1 and 3 - find the smallest common multiple of both 1 and 3 that is evenly divisible by all numbers <em>between</em> 1 and 3.",
"Remember to use <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> if you get stuck. Try to pair program. Write your own code."
"challengeSeed": [
"function smallestCommons(arr) {",
" return arr;",
"tests": [
"assert.deepEqual(typeof smallestCommons([1, 5]), 'number', 'message: <code>smallestCommons([1, 5])</code> should return a number.');",
"assert.deepEqual(smallestCommons([1, 5]), 60, 'message: <code>smallestCommons([1, 5])</code> should return 60.');",
"assert.deepEqual(smallestCommons([5, 1]), 60, 'message: <code>smallestCommons([5, 1])</code> should return 60.');",
"assert.deepEqual(smallestCommons([1, 13]), 360360, 'message: <code>smallestCommons([1, 13])</code> should return 360360.');"
"type": "bonfire",
"MDNlinks": [
"Smallest Common Multiple"
"challengeType": 5,
"nameEs": "Mínimo común múltiplo",
"descriptionEs": [
"En el ejercicio se te provee un arreglo con dos números. Crea una función que encuentre el número más pequeño que sea divisible entre ambos números, así como entre todos los números enteros entre ellos.",
"Tu función debe aceptar como argumento un arreglo con dos números, los cuales no necesariamente estarán en orden.",
"Por ejemplo, si se te pasan los números 1 y 3, deberás encontrar el mínimo común múltiplo de 1 y 3 que es divisible por todos los números <em>entre</em> 1 y 3.",
"Recuerda utilizar <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> si te sientes atascado. Intenta programar en pareja. Escribe tu propio código."
"isRequired": true,
"solutions": [
"function gcd(a, b) {\n while (b !== 0) {\n a = [b, b = a % b][0];\n }\n return a;\n}\n\nfunction lcm(a, b) {\n return (a * b) / gcd(a, b);\n}\n\nfunction smallestCommons(arr) {\n arr.sort(function(a,b) {return a-b;});\n var rng = [];\n for (var i = arr[0]; i <= arr[1]; i++) {\n rng.push(i);\n }\n return rng.reduce(lcm);\n}"
"id": "a6e40f1041b06c996f7b2406",
"title": "Finders Keepers",
"description": [
"Create a function that looks through an array (first argument) and returns the first element in the array that passes a truth test (second argument).",
"Remember to use <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> if you get stuck. Try to pair program. Write your own code."
"challengeSeed": [
"function find(arr, func) {",
" var num = 0;",
" return num;",
"find([1, 2, 3, 4], function(num){ return num % 2 === 0; });"
"tests": [
"assert.strictEqual(find([1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10], function(num) { return num % 2 === 0; }), 8, 'message: <code>find([1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10], function(num) { return num % 2 === 0; })</code> should return 8.');",
"assert.strictEqual(find([1, 3, 5, 9], function(num) { return num % 2 === 0; }), undefined, 'message: <code>find([1, 3, 5, 9], function(num) { return num % 2 === 0; })</code> should return undefined.');"
"type": "bonfire",
"MDNlinks": [
"challengeType": 5,
"nameEs": "Buscando la verdad",
"descriptionEs": [
"Crea una función que busque dentro de un arreglo (primer argumento) y que devuelva el primer elemento que pase una prueba de verdad (segundo argumento).",
"Recuerda utilizar <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> si te sientes atascado. Intenta programar en pareja. Escribe tu propio código."
"isRequired": true,
"solutions": [
"function find(arr, func) {\n var num;\n arr.some(function(e) {\n if (func(e)) {\n num = e;\n return true;\n }\n });\n return num;\n}"
"id": "a5deed1811a43193f9f1c841",
"title": "Drop it",
"description": [
"Drop the elements of an array (first argument), starting from the front, until the predicate (second argument) returns true.",
"Return the rest of the array, otherwise return an empty array.",
"Remember to use <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> if you get stuck. Try to pair program. Write your own code."
"challengeSeed": [
"function drop(arr, func) {",
" // Drop them elements.",
" return arr;",
"drop([1, 2, 3], function(n) {return n < 3; });"
"tests": [
"assert.deepEqual(drop([1, 2, 3, 4], function(n) {return n >= 3;}), [3, 4], 'message: <code>drop([1, 2, 3, 4], function(n) {return n >= 3;})</code> should return <code>[3, 4]</code>.');",
"assert.deepEqual(drop([0, 1, 0, 1], function(n) {return n === 1;}), [1, 0, 1], 'message: <code>drop([0, 1, 0, 1], function(n) {return n === 1;})</code> should return <code>[1, 0, 1]</code>.');",
"assert.deepEqual(drop([1, 2, 3], function(n) {return n > 0;}), [1, 2, 3], 'message: <code>drop([1, 2, 3], function(n) {return n > 0;})</code> should return <code>[1, 2, 3]</code>.');",
"assert.deepEqual(drop([1, 2, 3, 4], function(n) {return n > 5;}), [], 'message: <code>drop([1, 2, 3, 4], function(n) {return n > 5;})</code> should return <code>[]</code>.');",
"assert.deepEqual(drop([1, 2, 3, 7, 4], function(n) {return n > 3;}), [7, 4], 'message: <code>drop([1, 2, 3, 7, 4], function(n) {return n > 3;})</code> should return <code>[7, 4]</code>.');",
"assert.deepEqual(drop([1, 2, 3, 9, 2], function(n) {return n > 2;}), [3, 9, 2], 'message: <code>drop([1, 2, 3, 9, 2], function(n) {return n > 2;})</code> should return <code>[3, 9, 2]</code>.');"
"type": "bonfire",
"MDNlinks": [
"Arguments object",
"challengeType": 5,
"nameEs": "¡Fuera de aquí!",
"descriptionEs": [
"Toma los elementos contenidos en el arreglo que se te provee en el primer argumento de la función y elimínalos uno por uno, hasta que la función provista en el segundo argumento devuelva true.",
"Recuerda utilizar <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> si te sientes atascado. Intenta programar en pareja. Escribe tu propio código."
"isRequired": true,
"solutions": [
"function drop(arr, func) {\n // Drop them elements.\n while (arr.length && !func(arr[0])) {\n arr.shift();\n }\n return arr;\n}"
"id": "ab306dbdcc907c7ddfc30830",
"title": "Steamroller",
"description": [
"Flatten a nested array. You must account for varying levels of nesting.",
"Remember to use <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> if you get stuck. Try to pair program. Write your own code."
"challengeSeed": [
"function steamroller(arr) {",
" // I'm a steamroller, baby",
" return arr;",
"steamroller([1, [2], [3, [[4]]]]);"
"tests": [
"assert.deepEqual(steamroller([[[\"a\"]], [[\"b\"]]]), [\"a\", \"b\"], 'message: <code>steamroller([[[\"a\"]], [[\"b\"]]])</code> should return <code>[\"a\", \"b\"]</code>.');",
"assert.deepEqual(steamroller([1, [2], [3, [[4]]]]), [1, 2, 3, 4], 'message: <code>steamroller([1, [2], [3, [[4]]]])</code> should return <code>[1, 2, 3, 4]</code>.');",
"assert.deepEqual(steamroller([1, [], [3, [[4]]]]), [1, 3, 4], 'message: <code>steamroller([1, [], [3, [[4]]]])</code> should return <code>[1, 3, 4]</code>.');",
"assert.deepEqual(steamroller([1, {}, [3, [[4]]]]), [1, {}, 3, 4], 'message: <code>steamroller([1, {}, [3, [[4]]]])</code> should return <code>[1, {}, 3, 4]</code>.');"
"type": "bonfire",
"MDNlinks": [
"challengeType": 5,
"nameEs": "Aplanadora",
"descriptionEs": [
"Aplana el arreglo anidado que se te provee. Tu función debe poder aplanar arreglos de cualquier forma.",
"Recuerda utilizar <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> si te sientes atascado. Intenta programar en pareja. Escribe tu propio código."
"isRequired": true,
"solutions": [
"function steamroller(arr) {\n if (!Array.isArray(arr)) {\n return [arr];\n }\n var out = [];\n arr.forEach(function(e) {\n steamroller(e).forEach(function(v) {\n out.push(v);\n });\n });\n return out;\n}"
"id": "a8d97bd4c764e91f9d2bda01",
"title": "Binary Agents",
"description": [
"Return an English translated sentence of the passed binary string.",
"The binary string will be space separated.",
"Remember to use <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> if you get stuck. Try to pair program. Write your own code."
"challengeSeed": [
"function binaryAgent(str) {",
" return str;",
"binaryAgent(\"01000001 01110010 01100101 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01100010 01101111 01101110 01100110 01101001 01110010 01100101 01110011 00100000 01100110 01110101 01101110 00100001 00111111\");"
"tests": [
"assert.deepEqual(binaryAgent('01000001 01110010 01100101 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01100010 01101111 01101110 01100110 01101001 01110010 01100101 01110011 00100000 01100110 01110101 01101110 00100001 00111111'), \"Aren't bonfires fun!?\", 'message: <code>binaryAgent(\"01000001 01110010 01100101 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01100010 01101111 01101110 01100110 01101001 01110010 01100101 01110011 00100000 01100110 01110101 01101110 00100001 00111111\")</code> should return \"Aren&#39;t bonfires fun!?\"');",
"assert.deepEqual(binaryAgent('01001001 00100000 01101100 01101111 01110110 01100101 00100000 01000110 01110010 01100101 01100101 01000011 01101111 01100100 01100101 01000011 01100001 01101101 01110000 00100001'), \"I love FreeCodeCamp!\", 'message: <code>binaryAgent(\"01001001 00100000 01101100 01101111 01110110 01100101 00100000 01000110 01110010 01100101 01100101 01000011 01101111 01100100 01100101 01000011 01100001 01101101 01110000 00100001\")</code> should return \"I love FreeCodeCamp!\"');"
"type": "bonfire",
"MDNlinks": [
"challengeType": 5,
"nameEs": "Mensaje secreto",
"descriptionEs": [
"Haz que la función devuelva el mensaje en inglés escondido en el código binario de la cadena de texto que se le pasa.",
"La cadena de texto binaria estará separada por espacios.",
"Recuerda utilizar <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> si te sientes atascado. Intenta programar en pareja. Escribe tu propio código."
"isRequired": true,
"solutions": [
"function binaryAgent(str) {\n return str.split(' ').map(function(s) { return parseInt(s, 2); }).map(function(b) { return String.fromCharCode(b);}).join('');\n}"
"id": "a10d2431ad0c6a099a4b8b52",
"title": "Everything Be True",
"description": [
"Check if the predicate (second argument) is truthy on all elements of a collection (first argument).",
"Remember, you can access object properties through either dot notation or [] notation.",
"Remember to use <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> if you get stuck. Try to pair program. Write your own code."
"challengeSeed": [
"function every(collection, pre) {",
" // Is everyone being true?",
" return pre;",
"every([{\"user\": \"Tinky-Winky\", \"sex\": \"male\"}, {\"user\": \"Dipsy\", \"sex\": \"male\"}, {\"user\": \"Laa-Laa\", \"sex\": \"female\"}, {\"user\": \"Po\", \"sex\": \"female\"}], \"sex\");"
"tests": [
"assert.strictEqual(every([{\"user\": \"Tinky-Winky\", \"sex\": \"male\"}, {\"user\": \"Dipsy\", \"sex\": \"male\"}, {\"user\": \"Laa-Laa\", \"sex\": \"female\"}, {\"user\": \"Po\", \"sex\": \"female\"}], \"sex\"), true, 'message: <code>every([{\"user\": \"Tinky-Winky\", \"sex\": \"male\"}, {\"user\": \"Dipsy\", \"sex\": \"male\"}, {\"user\": \"Laa-Laa\", \"sex\": \"female\"}, {\"user\": \"Po\", \"sex\": \"female\"}], \"sex\")</code> should return true.');",
"assert.strictEqual(every([{\"user\": \"Tinky-Winky\", \"sex\": \"male\"}, {\"user\": \"Dipsy\"}, {\"user\": \"Laa-Laa\", \"sex\": \"female\"}, {\"user\": \"Po\", \"sex\": \"female\"}], \"sex\"), false, 'message: <code>every([{\"user\": \"Tinky-Winky\", \"sex\": \"male\"}, {\"user\": \"Dipsy\"}, {\"user\": \"Laa-Laa\", \"sex\": \"female\"}, {\"user\": \"Po\", \"sex\": \"female\"}], \"sex\")</code> should return false.');",
"assert.strictEqual(every([{\"user\": \"Tinky-Winky\", \"sex\": \"male\", \"age\": 2}, {\"user\": \"Dipsy\", \"sex\": \"male\", \"age\": 0}, {\"user\": \"Laa-Laa\", \"sex\": \"female\", \"age\": 5}, {\"user\": \"Po\", \"sex\": \"female\", \"age\": 4}], \"age\"), false, 'message: <code>every([{\"user\": \"Tinky-Winky\", \"sex\": \"male\", \"age\": 0}, {\"user\": \"Dipsy\", \"sex\": \"male\", \"age\": 3}, {\"user\": \"Laa-Laa\", \"sex\": \"female\", \"age\": 5}, {\"user\": \"Po\", \"sex\": \"female\", \"age\": 4}], \"age\")</code> should return false.');",
"assert.strictEqual(every([{\"name\": \"Pete\", \"onBoat\": true}, {\"name\": \"Repeat\", \"onBoat\": true}, {\"name\": \"FastFoward\", \"onBoat\": null}], \"onBoat\"), false, 'message: <code>every([{\"name\": \"Pete\", \"onBoat\": true}, {\"name\": \"Repeat\", \"onBoat\": true}, {\"name\": \"FastFoward\", \"onBoat\": null}], \"onBoat\")</code> should return false');",
"assert.strictEqual(every([{\"name\": \"Pete\", \"onBoat\": true}, {\"name\": \"Repeat\", \"onBoat\": true, \"alias\": \"Repete\"}, {\"name\": \"FastFoward\", \"onBoat\": true}], \"onBoat\"), true, 'message: <code>every([{\"name\": \"Pete\", \"onBoat\": true}, {\"name\": \"Repeat\", \"onBoat\": true, \"alias\": \"Repete\"}, {\"name\": \"FastFoward\", \"onBoat\": true}], \"onBoat\")</code> should return true');",
"assert.strictEqual(every([{\"single\": \"yes\"}], \"single\"), true, 'message: <code>every([{\"single\": \"yes\"}], \"single\")</code> should return true');",
"assert.strictEqual(every([{\"single\": \"\"}, {\"single\": \"double\"}], \"single\"), false, 'message: <code>every([{\"single\": \"\"}, {\"single\": \"double\"}], \"single\")</code> should return false');",
"assert.strictEqual(every([{\"single\": \"double\"}, {\"single\": undefined}], \"single\"), false, 'message: <code>every([{\"single\": \"double\"}, {\"single\": undefined}], \"single\")</code> should return false');",
"assert.strictEqual(every([{\"single\": \"double\"}, {\"single\": NaN}], \"single\"), false, 'message: <code>every([{\"single\": \"double\"}, {\"single\": NaN}], \"single\")</code> should return false');"
"type": "bonfire",
"challengeType": 5,
"nameEs": "Que todo sea verdadero",
"descriptionEs": [
"Verifica si la función en el segundo argumento devuelve true para todos los elementos de la colección en el primer argumento.",
"Recuerda que puedes accesar a las propiedades de un objeto, ya sea a través de la notación por punto o de la notación por corchete usando [].",
"Recuerda utilizar <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> si te sientes atascado. Intenta programar en pareja. Escribe tu propio código."
"isRequired": true,
"solutions": [
"function every(collection, pre) {\n // Does everyone have one of these?\n return collection.every(function(e) { return e[pre]; });\n}"
"id": "a97fd23d9b809dac9921074f",
"title": "Arguments Optional",
"description": [
"Create a function that sums two arguments together. If only one argument is provided, then return a function that expects one argument and returns the sum.",
"For example, <code>add(2, 3)</code> should return <code>5</code>, and <code>add(2)</code> should return a function.",
"Calling this returned function with a single argument will then return the sum:",
"<code>var sumTwoAnd = add(2);</code>",
"<code>sumTwoAnd(3)</code> returns <code>5</code>.",
"If either argument isn't a valid number, return undefined.",
"Remember to use <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> if you get stuck. Try to pair program. Write your own code."
"challengeSeed": [
"function add() {",
" return false;",
"tests": [
"assert.deepEqual(add(2, 3), 5, 'message: <code>add(2, 3)</code> should return 5.');",
"assert.deepEqual(add(2)(3), 5, 'message: <code>add(2)(3)</code> should return 5.');",
"assert.isUndefined(add(\"\"), 'message: <code>add(\"\")</code> should return undefined.');",
"assert.isUndefined(add(2, \"3\"), 'message: <code>add(2, \"3\")</code> should return undefined.');",
"assert.isUndefined(add(2)([3]), 'message: <code>add(2)([3])</code> should return undefined.');"
"type": "bonfire",
"MDNlinks": [
"Arguments object"
"challengeType": 5,
"nameEs": "Argumentos opcionales",
"descriptionEs": [
"Crea una función que sume dos argumentos. Si sólo se le pasa un argumento a la función, haz que devuelva otra función que acepte un argumento y que devuelva la suma correspondiente.",
"Por ejemplo, <code>add(2, 3)</code> debe devolver <code>5</code>, y <code>add(2)</code> debe devolver una función.",
"Al llamar esta función con un único argumento devolverá la suma:",
"<code>var sumTwoAnd = add(2);</code>",
"<code>sumTwoAnd(3)</code> devuelve <code>5</code>.",
"Si alguno de los argumentos no es un número válido, haz que devuelva undefined.",
"Recuerda utilizar <a href='//' target='_blank'>Read-Search-Ask</a> si te sientes atascado. Intenta programar en pareja. Escribe tu propio código."
"isRequired": true,
"solutions": [
"function add() {\n var a = arguments[0];\n if ( !== '[object Number]') return; \n if (arguments.length === 1) {\n return function(b) {\n if ( !== '[object Number]') return;\n return a + b;\n };\n }\n var b = arguments[1];\n if ( !== '[object Number]') return; \n return a + arguments[1];\n}"