
172 lines
4.7 KiB

import { execSync } from 'child_process';
import request from 'supertest';
import { build } from './src/app';
import { createUserInput } from './src/utils/create-user';
import { examJson } from './__mocks__/exam';
import { MONGOHQ_URL } from './src/utils/env';
jest.mock('./src/utils/env', () => {
const createTestConnectionURL = (url: string, dbId: string) =>
url.replace(/(.*)(\?.*)/, `$1${dbId}$2`);
// There are other properties, and this type is too narrow, but we're only
// interested in MONGOHQ_URL here.
const actual: {
MONGOHQ_URL: string;
} = jest.requireActual('./src/utils/env');
return {
MONGOHQ_URL: createTestConnectionURL(
type FastifyTestInstance = Awaited<ReturnType<typeof build>>;
declare global {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-var
var fastifyTestInstance: FastifyTestInstance;
type Options = {
sendCSRFToken: boolean;
const requests = {
GET: (resource: string) => request(fastifyTestInstance?.server).get(resource),
POST: (resource: string) =>
PUT: (resource: string) => request(fastifyTestInstance?.server).put(resource),
DELETE: (resource: string) =>
export const getCsrfToken = (setCookies: string[]): string | undefined => {
const csrfSetCookie = setCookies.find(str => str.includes('csrf_token'));
const [csrfCookie] = csrfSetCookie?.split(';') ?? [];
const [_key, csrfToken] = csrfCookie?.split('=') ?? [];
return csrfToken;
export const ORIGIN = '';
export function superRequest(
resource: string,
config: {
method: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE';
setCookies?: string[];
options?: Options
): request.Test {
const { method, setCookies } = config;
const { sendCSRFToken = true } = options ?? {};
const req = requests[method](resource).set('Origin', ORIGIN);
if (setCookies) {
void req.set('Cookie', setCookies);
const csrfToken = (setCookies && getCsrfToken(setCookies)) ?? '';
if (sendCSRFToken) {
void req.set('CSRF-Token', csrfToken);
return req;
export function createSuperRequest(config: {
method: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE';
setCookies?: string[];
}): (resource: string, options?: Options) => request.Test {
return (resource, options) => superRequest(resource, config, options);
export function setupServer(): void {
let fastify: FastifyTestInstance;
beforeAll(async () => {
fastify = await build();
await fastify.ready();
// Prisma does not support TTL indexes in the schema yet, so, to avoid
// conflicts with the TTL index in the sessions collection, we need to
// create it manually (before interacting with the db in any way)
await fastify.prisma.$runCommandRaw({
createIndexes: 'sessions',
indexes: [
key: { expires: 1 },
name: 'expires_1',
background: true,
expireAfterSeconds: 0
// push the schema to the test db to setup indexes, unique constraints, etc
execSync('pnpm prisma db push -- --skip-generate', {
env: {
global.fastifyTestInstance = fastify;
// allow a little time to setup the db
}, 10000);
afterAll(async () => {
await fastifyTestInstance.prisma.$runCommandRaw({ dropDatabase: 1 });
// Due to a prisma bug, this is not enough, we need to --force-exit jest:
await fastifyTestInstance.close();
export const defaultUserId = '64c7810107dd4782d32baee7';
export const defaultUserEmail = '';
export async function devLogin(): Promise<string[]> {
await fastifyTestInstance.prisma.user.deleteMany({
where: { email: '' }
await fastifyTestInstance.prisma.user.create({
data: {
id: defaultUserId
const res = await superRequest('/auth/dev-callback', { method: 'GET' });
return res.get('Set-Cookie');
export async function seedExam(): Promise<void> {
const query = { where: { id: } };
const testExamExists =
await fastifyTestInstance.prisma.exam.findUnique(query);
if (testExamExists) {
await fastifyTestInstance.prisma.exam.deleteMany(query);
await fastifyTestInstance.prisma.exam.create({
data: {
export function createFetchMock({ ok = true, body = {} } = {}) {
return jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(
json: () => Promise.resolve(body)