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extends layout
block content
h2.big-text Learn to Code
h2 Become an Employable Software Engineer by Collaborating on Projects for Nonprofits
h3.delay-3.animated.pulse Technical Mastery
span.landing-icon.ion-settings.text-primary(title='Learn to code')
p You'll learn to code by pair programming (where two people code together on one computer) through our coding challenges.
h3.delay-4.animated.pulse Unique Portfolio Projects
span.landing-icon.ion-social-github.text-primary(title='Build a portfolio of apps for nonprofits')
p You'll use your new coding skills to build software solutions for nonprofits. Your portfolio projects will have grateful users.
h3.delay-5.animated.pulse Glowing References
span.landing-icon.ion-thumbsup.text-primary(title='Get great references and connections to help you get a job')
p You'll gain the respect of your peers and the nonprofits you help. These types of connections are critical to your job search.
a.btn.btn-cta.btn-primary(href="/login") Sign in now to start coding (it's free)
a.btn.nonprofit-cta.btn-success(href="/nonprofits") I'm with a nonprofit and want help coding something
include partials/faq
a.btn.btn-cta.btn-primary(href="/login") Sign in now to start coding (it's free)