
1101 lines
35 KiB

// This contains all the fields that we know to exist in the database. It is not
// necessary to use them all, since Prisma will ignore (and remove) any fields
// that are not in the schema.
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
datasource db {
provider = "mongodb"
url = env("MONGOHQ_URL")
// USER COLLECTION ---------------------
type FileData {
contents String
ext String
key String
name String
path String?
// Nonesense
dataSource Json? @map("__dataSource") // Null only | Undefined
persisted Boolean? @map("__persisted") // Undefined
strict Boolean? @map("__strict") // Undefined
type File {
contents String
ext String
key String
name String
path String? // Undefined | Null
// Nonesense
cachedRelations Json? @map("__cachedRelations") // Undefined
data FileData? @map("__data") // Undefined
dataSource Json? @map("__dataSource") // Null | Undefined
persisted Boolean? @map("__persisted") // Undefined
strict Boolean? @map("__strict") // Undefined
type CompletedChallengeData {
challengeType Int? // Null | Undefined
completedDate Float
id String
solution String? // Null | Undefined
// Nonesense
dataSource Json? @map("__dataSource") // Null
persisted Boolean @map("__persisted")
strict Boolean @map("__strict")
type CompletedChallenge {
challengeType Int? // Null | Undefined
completedDate Float
files File[]
githubLink String? // Undefined
id String
isManuallyApproved Boolean? // Undefined
solution String? // Undefined
// Nonsense
cachedRelations Json? @map("__cachedRelations")
data CompletedChallengeData? @map("__data") // Undefined
dataSource Json? @map("__dataSource") // Null only
persisted Boolean? @map("__persisted") // Undefined
strict Boolean? @map("__strict") // Undefined
type Portfolio {
description String
id String
image String
title String
url String
type ProfileUIData {
isLocked Boolean
showAbout Boolean
showCerts Boolean
showDonation Boolean? // Undefined
showHeatMap Boolean
showLocation Boolean
showName Boolean
showPoints Boolean
showPortfolio Boolean
showTimeLine Boolean
// Nonesense
persisted Boolean? @map("__persisted") // Undefined
strict Boolean? @map("__strict") // Undefined
type ProfileUI {
isLocked Boolean? // Undefined
showAbout Boolean? // Undefined
showCerts Boolean? // Undefined
showDonation Boolean? // Undefined
showHeatMap Boolean? // Undefined
showLocation Boolean? // Undefined
showName Boolean? // Undefined
showPoints Boolean? // Undefined
showPortfolio Boolean? // Undefined
showTimeLine Boolean? // Undefined
// Nonesense
cachedRelations Json? @map("__cachedRelations") // Undefined | {}
data ProfileUIData? @map("__data") // Undefined
persisted Boolean? @map("__persisted") // Undefined
strict Boolean? @map("__strict") // Undefined
type ProgressTimestamp {
timestamp Float
type SavedChallengeFile {
contents String
ext String
history String[]
key String
name String
type SavedChallenge {
files SavedChallengeFile[]
id String
lastSavedDate Float
model user {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
about String
acceptedPrivacyTerms Boolean
badges Json? // Undefined | { coreTeam [][] }
completedChallenges CompletedChallenge[]
currentChallengeId String?
donationEmails String[] @default([]) // Undefined | String[] (only possible for built in Types like String)
email String
emailAuthLinkTTL DateTime? // Null | Undefined
emailVerified Boolean
emailVerifyTTL DateTime? // Null | Undefined
externalId String
// github String? Removed, because value was only ever found to be Null
githubProfile String? // Undefined
isApisMicroservicesCert Boolean? // Undefined
isBackEndCert Boolean? // Undefined
isBanned Boolean? // Undefined
isCheater Boolean? // Undefined
isDataAnalysisPyCertV7 Boolean? // Undefined
isDataVisCert Boolean? // Undefined
isDonating Boolean
isFrontEndCert Boolean? // Undefined
isFrontEndLibsCert Boolean? // Undefined
isFullStackCert Boolean? // Undefined
isGithub Boolean? // Undefined
isHonest Boolean?
isInfosecCertV7 Boolean? // Undefined
isInfosecQaCert Boolean? // Undefined
isJsAlgoDataStructCert Boolean? // Undefined
isLinkedIn Boolean? // Undefined
isMachineLearningPyCertV7 Boolean? // Undefined
isQaCertV7 Boolean? // Undefined
isRelationalDatabaseCertV8 Boolean? // Undefined
isRespWebDesignCert Boolean? // Undefined
isSciCompPyCertV7 Boolean? // Undefined
isTwitter Boolean? // Undefined
isWebsite Boolean? // Undefined
is2018DataVisCert Boolean? // Undefined
is2018FullStackCert Boolean? // Undefined
keyboardShortcuts Boolean? // Undefined
linkedin String? // Null | Undefined
location String? // Null
name String? // Null
needsModeration Boolean? // Undefined
newEmail String? // Null | Undefined
partiallyCompletedChallenges Json? // Undefined | PartiallyCompletedChallenge[] TODO: The db only has this as an empty array
password String? // Undefined
picture String
portfolio Portfolio[]
profileUI ProfileUI? // Undefined
progressTimestamps Json? // ProgressTimestamp[] | Null[] | Int64[] | Double[]
rand Float? // Undefined
savedChallenges Json? // Undefined | SavedChallenge[]
sendQuincyEmail Boolean
sound Boolean? // Undefined
theme String? // Undefined
timezone String? // Undefined
twitter String? // Null | Undefined
unsubscribeId String
username String
usernameDisplay String? // Undefined
verificationToken String? // Undefined
website String? // Undefined
yearsTopContributor String[] @default([]) // Undefined | String[]
// -----------------------------------
model AccessToken {
id String @id @map("_id")
created DateTime @db.Date
ttl Int
userId String @db.ObjectId
@@index([userId], map: "userId_1")
model AuthToken {
id String @id @map("_id")
created DateTime @db.Date
ttl Int
userId String @db.ObjectId
model Donation {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
amount Int
customerId String
duration String?
email String
endDate DonationEndDate?
provider String
startDate DonationStartDate
subscriptionId String
userId String @db.ObjectId
@@index([email], map: "email_1")
@@index([userId], map: "userId_1")
model UserRateLimit {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
/// Field referred in an index, but found no data to define the type.
expirationDate Json?
@@index([expirationDate], map: "expirationDate_1")
model UserToken {
id String @id @map("_id")
created DateTime @db.Date
ttl Float
userId String @db.ObjectId
@@index([userId], map: "userId_1")
model changelog {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
appliedAt DateTime @db.Date
fileName String
model sessions {
id String @id @map("_id")
expires DateTime @db.Date
session String
@@index([expires], map: "expires_1")
model userCredential {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
authScheme String
created DateTime @db.Date
credentials UserCredentialCredentials
externalId String
modified DateTime @db.Date
/// Could not determine type: the field only had null or empty values in the sample set.
profile Json?
provider String
userId String @db.ObjectId
model userIdentity {
id String @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
authScheme String?
created DateTime? @db.Date
credentials UserIdentityCredentials?
externalId String
modified DateTime? @db.Date
profile UserIdentityProfile?
provider String
userId String @db.ObjectId
@@index([userId], map: "userId_1")
@@index([externalId], map: "externalId_1")
@@index([provider, externalId], map: "provider_1_externalId_1")
type DonationEndDate {
date DateTime @map("_date") @db.Date
when String @map("_when")
type DonationStartDate {
date DateTime @map("_date") @db.Date
when String @map("_when")
type UserCredentialCredentials {
accessToken String
type UserIdentityCredentials {
accessToken String?
token String?
tokenSecret String?
type UserIdentityProfile {
/// This field was commented out because of an invalid name. Please provide a valid one that matches [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
// 0 String? @map("0")
/// This field was commented out because of an invalid name. Please provide a valid one that matches [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
// 1 String? @map("1")
/// This field was commented out because of an invalid name. Please provide a valid one that matches [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
// 2 String? @map("2")
/// This field was commented out because of an invalid name. Please provide a valid one that matches [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
// 3 String? @map("3")
/// This field was commented out because of an invalid name. Please provide a valid one that matches [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
// 4 String? @map("4")
/// This field was commented out because of an invalid name. Please provide a valid one that matches [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
// 5 String? @map("5")
accessLevel String? @map("_accessLevel")
json UserIdentityProfileJson? @map("_json")
raw String? @map("_raw")
birthday String?
displayName String?
email String?
emails UserIdentityProfileEmails[]
gender String?
/// Multiple data types found: String: 97.5%, Int: 2.5% out of 917 sampled entries
id Json?
isPerson Boolean?
isPlusUser Boolean?
language String?
name UserIdentityProfileName?
/// Multiple data types found: Array(String): 0.4%, Array(UserIdentityProfilePhotos): 99.6% out of 767 sampled entries
photos Json?
placesLived UserIdentityProfilePlacesLived[]
profileUrl String?
provider String?
relationship String?
username String?
type UserIdentityProfileEmails {
type String?
value String?
type UserIdentityProfileJson {
aboutMe String?
apiStandardProfileRequest UserIdentityProfileJsonApiStandardProfileRequest?
avatar_url String?
bio String?
birthday String?
blog String?
braggingRights String?
circledByCount Int?
company String?
contributors_enabled Boolean?
cover UserIdentityProfileJsonCover?
created_at String?
currentShare UserIdentityProfileJsonCurrentShare?
default_profile Boolean?
default_profile_image Boolean?
description String?
displayName String?
distance Int?
domain String?
email String?
emailAddress String?
emails UserIdentityProfileJsonEmails[]
entities UserIdentityProfileJsonEntities?
etag String?
events_url String?
favourites_count Int?
firstName String?
first_name String?
follow_request_sent Boolean?
followers Int?
followers_count Int?
followers_url String?
/// Multiple data types found: Boolean: 5%, Int: 95% out of 686 sampled entries
following Json?
following_url String?
formattedName String?
friends_count Int?
gender String?
geo_enabled Boolean?
gists_url String?
gravatar_id String?
has_extended_profile Boolean?
headline String?
hireable Boolean?
html_url String?
/// Multiple data types found: String: 25.2%, Float: 1.2%, Int: 73.6% out of 917 sampled entries
id Json
id_str String?
image UserIdentityProfileJsonImage?
industry String?
isPlusUser Boolean?
is_translation_enabled Boolean?
is_translator Boolean?
kind String?
lang String?
language String?
lastName String?
last_name String?
link String?
listed_count Int?
locale String?
/// Multiple data types found: String: 87.2%, UserIdentityProfileJsonLocation: 12.8% out of 727 sampled entries
location Json?
login String?
maidenName String?
middle_name String?
/// Multiple data types found: String: 80.8%, UserIdentityProfileJsonName: 19.2% out of 877 sampled entries
name Json?
needs_phone_verification Boolean?
nickname String?
notifications Boolean?
numConnections Int?
numConnectionsCapped Boolean?
objectType String?
occupation String?
organizations UserIdentityProfileJsonOrganizations[]
organizations_url String?
pictureUrl String?
pictureUrls UserIdentityProfileJsonPictureUrls?
placesLived UserIdentityProfileJsonPlacesLived[]
positions UserIdentityProfileJsonPositions?
profile_background_color String?
profile_background_image_url String?
profile_background_image_url_https String?
profile_background_tile Boolean?
profile_banner_url String?
profile_image_url String?
profile_image_url_https String?
profile_link_color String?
profile_location UserIdentityProfileJsonProfileLocation?
profile_sidebar_border_color String?
profile_sidebar_fill_color String?
profile_text_color String?
profile_use_background_image Boolean?
protected Boolean?
publicProfileUrl String?
public_gists Int?
public_repos Int?
received_events_url String?
relationToViewer UserIdentityProfileJsonRelationToViewer?
relationshipStatus String?
repos_url String?
screen_name String?
siteStandardProfileRequest UserIdentityProfileJsonSiteStandardProfileRequest?
site_admin Boolean?
skills String?
starred_url String?
status UserIdentityProfileJsonStatus?
statuses_count Int?
subscriptions_url String?
summary String?
suspended Boolean?
tagline String?
time_zone String?
/// Multiple data types found: Float: 10.2%, Int: 89.8% out of 49 sampled entries
timezone Json?
translator_type String?
type String?
updated_at String?
updated_time String?
url String?
urls UserIdentityProfileJsonUrls[]
utc_offset Int?
verified Boolean?
type UserIdentityProfileJsonApiStandardProfileRequest {
headers UserIdentityProfileJsonApiStandardProfileRequestHeaders
url String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonApiStandardProfileRequestHeaders {
total Int @map("_total")
values UserIdentityProfileJsonApiStandardProfileRequestHeadersValues[]
type UserIdentityProfileJsonApiStandardProfileRequestHeadersValues {
name String
value String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonCover {
coverInfo UserIdentityProfileJsonCoverCoverInfo
coverPhoto UserIdentityProfileJsonCoverCoverPhoto
layout String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonCoverCoverInfo {
leftImageOffset Int
topImageOffset Int
type UserIdentityProfileJsonCoverCoverPhoto {
height Int
url String
width Int
type UserIdentityProfileJsonCurrentShare {
attribution UserIdentityProfileJsonCurrentShareAttribution?
author UserIdentityProfileJsonCurrentShareAuthor
comment String?
content UserIdentityProfileJsonCurrentShareContent?
id String
source UserIdentityProfileJsonCurrentShareSource
timestamp Float
visibility UserIdentityProfileJsonCurrentShareVisibility
type UserIdentityProfileJsonCurrentShareAttribution {
share UserIdentityProfileJsonCurrentShareAttributionShare
type UserIdentityProfileJsonCurrentShareAttributionShare {
author UserIdentityProfileJsonCurrentShareAttributionShareAuthor
comment String?
id String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonCurrentShareAttributionShareAuthor {
firstName String
id String
lastName String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonCurrentShareAuthor {
firstName String
id String
lastName String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonCurrentShareContent {
description String
eyebrowUrl String
resolvedUrl String
shortenedUrl String
submittedImageUrl String?
submittedUrl String
thumbnailUrl String?
title String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonCurrentShareSource {
application UserIdentityProfileJsonCurrentShareSourceApplication?
serviceProvider UserIdentityProfileJsonCurrentShareSourceServiceProvider
type UserIdentityProfileJsonCurrentShareSourceApplication {
name String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonCurrentShareSourceServiceProvider {
name String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonCurrentShareVisibility {
code String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonEmails {
type String
value String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonEntities {
description UserIdentityProfileJsonEntitiesDescription
url UserIdentityProfileJsonEntitiesUrl?
type UserIdentityProfileJsonEntitiesDescription {
urls UserIdentityProfileJsonEntitiesDescriptionUrls[]
type UserIdentityProfileJsonEntitiesDescriptionUrls {
display_url String
expanded_url String
indices Int[]
url String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonEntitiesUrl {
urls UserIdentityProfileJsonEntitiesUrlUrls[]
type UserIdentityProfileJsonEntitiesUrlUrls {
display_url String
expanded_url String
indices Int[]
url String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonImage {
isDefault Boolean
url String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonLocation {
country UserIdentityProfileJsonLocationCountry?
id String?
name String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonLocationCountry {
code String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonName {
familyName String
givenName String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonOrganizations {
endDate String?
name String
primary Boolean
startDate String?
title String?
type String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonPictureUrls {
total Int @map("_total")
values String[]
type UserIdentityProfileJsonPlacesLived {
primary Boolean?
value String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonPositions {
total Int @map("_total")
values UserIdentityProfileJsonPositionsValues[]
type UserIdentityProfileJsonPositionsValues {
company UserIdentityProfileJsonPositionsValuesCompany
id Int
isCurrent Boolean
location UserIdentityProfileJsonPositionsValuesLocation?
startDate UserIdentityProfileJsonPositionsValuesStartDate?
summary String?
title String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonPositionsValuesCompany {
id Int?
industry String?
name String
size String?
ticker String?
type String?
type UserIdentityProfileJsonPositionsValuesLocation {
country UserIdentityProfileJsonPositionsValuesLocationCountry?
name String?
type UserIdentityProfileJsonPositionsValuesLocationCountry {
code String
name String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonPositionsValuesStartDate {
month Int?
year Int
type UserIdentityProfileJsonProfileLocation {
/// Nested objects had no data in the sample dataset to introspect a nested type.
attributes Json
/// Could not determine type: the field only had null or empty values in the sample set.
bounding_box Json?
/// Could not determine type: the field only had null or empty values in the sample set.
contained_within Json?
country String
country_code String
full_name String
id String
name String
place_type String
url String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonRelationToViewer {
distance Int
type UserIdentityProfileJsonSiteStandardProfileRequest {
url String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatus {
/// Could not determine type: the field only had null or empty values in the sample set.
contributors Json?
/// Could not determine type: the field only had null or empty values in the sample set.
coordinates Json?
created_at String
entities UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusEntities
extended_entities UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusExtendedEntities?
favorite_count Int
favorited Boolean
/// Could not determine type: the field only had null or empty values in the sample set.
geo Json?
id Float
id_str String
in_reply_to_screen_name String?
in_reply_to_status_id Float?
in_reply_to_status_id_str String?
/// Multiple data types found: Float: 33.3%, Int: 66.7% out of 33 sampled entries
in_reply_to_user_id Json?
in_reply_to_user_id_str String?
is_quote_status Boolean?
lang String
place UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusPlace?
possibly_sensitive Boolean?
quoted_status_id Float?
quoted_status_id_str String?
retweet_count Int
retweeted Boolean
retweeted_status UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatus?
source String
text String
truncated Boolean
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusEntities {
hashtags UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusEntitiesHashtags[]
media UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusEntitiesMedia[]
/// Could not determine type: the field only had null or empty values in the sample set.
symbols Json?
urls UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusEntitiesUrls[]
user_mentions UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusEntitiesUserMentions[]
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusEntitiesHashtags {
indices Int[]
text String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusEntitiesMedia {
display_url String
expanded_url String
id Float
id_str String
indices Int[]
media_url String
media_url_https String
sizes UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusEntitiesMediaSizes
source_status_id Float?
source_status_id_str String?
/// Multiple data types found: Float: 40%, Int: 60% out of 5 sampled entries
source_user_id Json?
source_user_id_str String?
type String
url String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusEntitiesMediaSizes {
large UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusEntitiesMediaSizesLarge
medium UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusEntitiesMediaSizesMedium
small UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusEntitiesMediaSizesSmall
thumb UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusEntitiesMediaSizesThumb
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusEntitiesMediaSizesLarge {
h Int
resize String
w Int
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusEntitiesMediaSizesMedium {
h Int
resize String
w Int
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusEntitiesMediaSizesSmall {
h Int
resize String
w Int
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusEntitiesMediaSizesThumb {
h Int
resize String
w Int
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusEntitiesUrls {
display_url String
expanded_url String
indices Int[]
url String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusEntitiesUserMentions {
/// Multiple data types found: Float: 20.8%, Int: 79.2% out of 24 sampled entries
id Json
id_str String
indices Int[]
name String
screen_name String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusExtendedEntities {
media UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusExtendedEntitiesMedia[]
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusExtendedEntitiesMedia {
display_url String
expanded_url String
id Float
id_str String
indices Int[]
media_url String
media_url_https String
sizes UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaSizes
source_status_id Float?
source_status_id_str String?
/// Multiple data types found: Float: 40%, Int: 60% out of 5 sampled entries
source_user_id Json?
source_user_id_str String?
type String
url String
video_info UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaVideoInfo?
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaSizes {
large UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaSizesLarge
medium UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaSizesMedium
small UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaSizesSmall
thumb UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaSizesThumb
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaSizesLarge {
h Int
resize String
w Int
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaSizesMedium {
h Int
resize String
w Int
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaSizesSmall {
h Int
resize String
w Int
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaSizesThumb {
h Int
resize String
w Int
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaVideoInfo {
aspect_ratio Int[]
variants UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaVideoInfoVariants[]
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaVideoInfoVariants {
bitrate Int
content_type String
url String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusPlace {
/// Nested objects had no data in the sample dataset to introspect a nested type.
attributes Json
bounding_box UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusPlaceBoundingBox
/// Could not determine type: the field only had null or empty values in the sample set.
contained_within Json?
country String
country_code String
full_name String
id String
name String
place_type String
url String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusPlaceBoundingBox {
coordinates Json
type String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatus {
/// Could not determine type: the field only had null or empty values in the sample set.
contributors Json?
/// Could not determine type: the field only had null or empty values in the sample set.
coordinates Json?
created_at String
entities UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusEntities
extended_entities UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusExtendedEntities?
favorite_count Int
favorited Boolean
/// Could not determine type: the field only had null or empty values in the sample set.
geo Json?
id Float
id_str String
/// Could not determine type: the field only had null or empty values in the sample set.
in_reply_to_screen_name Json?
/// Could not determine type: the field only had null or empty values in the sample set.
in_reply_to_status_id Json?
/// Could not determine type: the field only had null or empty values in the sample set.
in_reply_to_status_id_str Json?
/// Could not determine type: the field only had null or empty values in the sample set.
in_reply_to_user_id Json?
/// Could not determine type: the field only had null or empty values in the sample set.
in_reply_to_user_id_str Json?
is_quote_status Boolean?
lang String
/// Could not determine type: the field only had null or empty values in the sample set.
place Json?
possibly_sensitive Boolean?
retweet_count Int
retweeted Boolean
source String
text String
truncated Boolean
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusEntities {
hashtags UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusEntitiesHashtags[]
media UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusEntitiesMedia[]
/// Could not determine type: the field only had null or empty values in the sample set.
symbols Json?
urls UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusEntitiesUrls[]
/// Could not determine type: the field only had null or empty values in the sample set.
user_mentions Json?
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusEntitiesHashtags {
indices Int[]
text String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusEntitiesMedia {
display_url String
expanded_url String
id Float
id_str String
indices Int[]
media_url String
media_url_https String
sizes UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusEntitiesMediaSizes
source_status_id Float?
source_status_id_str String?
source_user_id Float?
source_user_id_str String?
type String
url String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusEntitiesMediaSizes {
large UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusEntitiesMediaSizesLarge
medium UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusEntitiesMediaSizesMedium
small UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusEntitiesMediaSizesSmall
thumb UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusEntitiesMediaSizesThumb
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusEntitiesMediaSizesLarge {
h Int
resize String
w Int
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusEntitiesMediaSizesMedium {
h Int
resize String
w Int
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusEntitiesMediaSizesSmall {
h Int
resize String
w Int
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusEntitiesMediaSizesThumb {
h Int
resize String
w Int
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusEntitiesUrls {
display_url String
expanded_url String
indices Int[]
url String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusExtendedEntities {
media UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusExtendedEntitiesMedia[]
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusExtendedEntitiesMedia {
display_url String
expanded_url String
id Float
id_str String
indices Int[]
media_url String
media_url_https String
sizes UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaSizes
source_status_id Float?
source_status_id_str String?
source_user_id Float?
source_user_id_str String?
type String
url String
video_info UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaVideoInfo?
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaSizes {
large UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaSizesLarge
medium UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaSizesMedium
small UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaSizesSmall
thumb UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaSizesThumb
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaSizesLarge {
h Int
resize String
w Int
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaSizesMedium {
h Int
resize String
w Int
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaSizesSmall {
h Int
resize String
w Int
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaSizesThumb {
h Int
resize String
w Int
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaVideoInfo {
aspect_ratio Int[]
variants UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaVideoInfoVariants[]
type UserIdentityProfileJsonStatusRetweetedStatusExtendedEntitiesMediaVideoInfoVariants {
bitrate Int
content_type String
url String
type UserIdentityProfileJsonUrls {
label String
type String
value String
type UserIdentityProfileName {
familyName String?
givenName String?
middleName String?
type UserIdentityProfilePhotos {
type String?
value String
type UserIdentityProfilePlacesLived {
primary Boolean?
value String