
387 lines
16 KiB

"name": "Object Oriented and Functional Programming",
"order": 0.010,
"note": [
"Pure Functions",
"Currying Functions",
"Currying Functions"
"challenges": [
"title": "Declare JavaScript Objects as Variables",
"Before we dive into Object Oriented Programming, let's revisit JavaScript objects.",
"Give your <code>motorBike</code> object a <code>wheels</code>, <code>engine</code> and <code>seats</code> attribute and set them to numbers."
"assert(typeof(motorBike.engines) === 'number', '<code>engines</code> should be have a <code>engines</code> attribute set to a number.');",
"assert(typeof(motorBike.wheels) === 'number', '<code>wheels</code> should be have a <code>engines</code> attribute set to a number.');",
"assert(typeof(motorBike.seats) === 'number', '<code>seats</code> should be have a <code>engines</code> attribute set to a number.');"
"//Here is a sample Object",
"var car = {",
" \"wheels\":4,",
" \"engines\":1,",
" \"seats\":5",
"//Now Let's make a similar Object called motorBike",
"//Give it two wheels, one engine and one seat",
"var motorBike = {",
" // Only change code below this line.",
" // Only change code above this line.",
"(function() {return(JSON.stringify(motorBike));})();"
"type": "waypoint",
"type": "waypoint"
"title": "Construct JavaScript Objects with Functions",
"We are also able to create objects using <code>constructor</code> functions.",
"Give your <code>motorBike</code> object a <code>wheels</code>, <code>engine</code> and <code>seats</code> attribute and set them to numbers."
"assert(typeof((new MotorBike()).engines) === 'number', '<code>engines</code> should be have a <code>engines</code> attribute set to a number.');",
"assert(typeof((new MotorBike()).wheels) === 'number', '<code>wheels</code> should be have a <code>engines</code> attribute set to a number.');",
"assert(typeof((new MotorBike()).seats) === 'number', '<code>seats</code> should be have a <code>engines</code> attribute set to a number.');"
"// Let's add the properties engine and seats to the car in the same way that the property wheels has been added below. They should both be numbers.",
"var Car = function() {",
" this.wheels = 4;",
" this.engines = 1;",
" this.seats = 1;",
"var myCar = new Car();",
"// Only change code below this line.",
"var MotorBike = function() {",
"var myMotorBike = new MotorBike();",
"// Only change code above this line.",
"(function() {return(JSON.stringify(myMotorBike));})();"
"type": "waypoint"
"title":"Make Object Properties Private",
"Objects have their own attributes, called <code>properties</code>, and their own functions, called <code>methods</code>.",
"In the previous challenge, we used the <code>this</code> keyword to reference <code>public properties</code> and <code>public methods</code> of the current object.",
"We can also create <code>private properties</code> and <code>private methods</code>, which aren't accessible from outside the object.",
"To do this, we omit the word <code>this</code> from the <code>property</code> or <code>method</code> declaration.",
"See if you can keep <code>myBike.speed</code> and <code>myBike.addUnit</code> private, while making <code>myBike.getSpeed</code> publicly accessible."
"assert(typeof(myBike.getSpeed)!=='undefined' && typeof(myBike.getSpeed) === 'function', 'The method getSpeed of myBike should be accessible outside the object');",
"assert(typeof(myBike.speed) === 'undefined', '<code>myBike.speed</code> should remain undefined.');",
"assert(typeof(myBike.addUnit) === 'undefined', '<code>myBike.addUnit</code> should remain undefined.');"
"//Let's create an object with a two functions. One attached as a property and one not.",
"var Car = function() {",
" this.gear = 1;",
" function addStyle(styleMe){",
" return('The Current Gear Is: ' + styleMe);",
" }",
" this.getGear = function() {",
" return(addStyle(this.gear));",
" };",
"var Bike = function() {",
" // Only change code below this line.",
" this.speed = 100;",
" function addUnit(value) {",
" return(value + \"KM/H\");",
" }",
" ",
" getSpeed = function () {",
" return(addUnit(speed));",
" };",
" ",
"// Only change code above this line.",
"var myCar = new Car();",
"var myBike = new Bike();",
"if(myBike.hasOwnProperty('getSpeed')){(function() {return(JSON.stringify(myBike.getSpeed()));})();};"
"type": "waypoint"
"title":"Make Instances of Objects with a Constructor Function",
"Sometimes you'll want to be able to easily create similar objects.",
"Objects have their own attributes, called <code>properties</code>, and their own functions, called <code>methods</code>.",
"A function that creates objects is called a <code>constructor</code>.",
"You can create <code>instances</code> of an object using a <code>constructor</code>.",
"Each new <code>instance</code> of this object <code>inherits</code> all the <code>properties</code> and <code>methods</code> of your original object.",
"Then you can give the instance new properties."
"assert((new Car()).wheels === 4, 'The property <code>wheels</code> should still be 4 like in the object constructor');",
"assert(typeof((new Car()).engines) === 'undefined', 'There should not be a property engine in the object constructor');",
"assert(myCar.wheels === 4, 'The property wheels of myCar should be four');",
"assert(typeof(myCar.engines) === 'number', 'The property engine of myCar should be a number');"
"var Car = function() {",
" this.wheels = 4;",
"// Only change code below this line.",
"var myCar = new Car();",
"//Add the property \"engines\" to myCar, and make it a number.",
"// Only change code above this line.",
"(function() {return(JSON.stringify(myCar));})();"
"type": "waypoint"
"title":"Iterate over Arrays with .map",
"<code>array ={</code>",
"The map method is one of the easiest ways to iterate through an array or object there is. Let's use it now."
"assert.deepEqual(array, [4,5,6,7,8], 'You should have added three to each value in the array');",
"assert(editor.getValue().match(/\\.map\\(/gi), 'You should be making use of the map method');",
"assert(editor.getValue().match(/\\[1\\,2\\,3\\,4\\,5\\]/gi), 'You should only modify the array with .map');"
"//Use map to add three to each value in the array",
"var array = [1,2,3,4,5];",
"// Only change code below this line.",
"// Only change code above this line.",
"(function() {return(array);})();"
"type": "waypoint"
"title":"Condense arrays with .reduce",
"Reduce can be useful for condensing and array or numbers into one value.",
"<code>var singleVal = array.reduce(function(previousVal, currentVal){</code>",
"assert(singleVal == 30, 'singleVal should have been set to the result of you reduce operation');",
"assert(editor.getValue().match(/\\.reduce\\(/gi), 'You should have made use of the reduce method');"
"var array = [4,5,6,7,8];",
"var singleVal = 0;",
"// Only change code below this line.",
"// Only change code above this line.",
"(function() {return(singleVal);})();"
"type": "waypoint"
"title":"Filter Arrays with .filter",
"filter is a useful method that can filter out values that don't match a certain criteria",
"Let's remove all the values greater than five",
"<code>array = array.filter(function(val) {</code>",
"assert.deepEqual(array, [1,2,3,4,5], 'You should have removed all the values from the array that are greater than five');",
"assert(editor.getValue().match(/array\\.filter\\(/gi), 'You should be using the filter method to remove the values from the array');",
"assert(editor.getValue().match(/\\[1\\,2\\,3\\,4\\,5\\,6\\,7\\,8\\,9\\,10\\]/gi), 'You should only be using .filter to modify the contents of the array');"
"var array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];",
" // Only change code below this line.",
" // Only change code above this line.",
"(function() {return(array);})();"
"type": "waypoint"
"title": "Sort Arrays with .sort",
"You can use the method sort to easily sort the values in the array alphabetically or numerically",
"<code>var array = [1,3,2];</code>",
"<code>array = array.sort();</code>",
"This will return <code>[1, 2, 3]</code>"
"assert.deepEqual(array, ['alpha', 'beta', 'charlie'], 'You should have sorted the array alphabetically');",
"assert(editor.getValue().match(/\\[\\'beta\\'\\,\\s\\'alpha\\'\\,\\s'charlie\\'\\];/gi), 'You should be sorting the array using sort');",
"assert(editor.getValue().match(/\\.sort\\(\\)/gi), 'You should have made use of the sort method');"
"var array = ['beta', 'alpha', 'charlie'];",
"// Only change code below this line.",
" // Only change code above this line.",
"(function() {return(array);})();"
"type": "waypoint"
"id": "cf1111c1c16feddfaeb2bdef",
"title": "Reverse Arrays with .reverse",
"difficulty": 0,
"description": [
"You can use the <code>.reverse()</code> function to reverse the contents of an array."
"tests": [
"assert.deepEqual(array, [7,6,5,4,3,2,1], 'You should reverse the array');",
"assert(editor.getValue().match(/\\.reverse\\(\\)/gi), '');",
"assert(editor.getValue().match(/\\[1\\,2\\,3\\,4\\,5\\,6\\,7/gi), '');"
"challengeSeed": [
"var array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7];",
" // Only change code below this line.",
" // Only change code above this line.",
"(function() {return(array);})();"
"challengeType": 1,
"type": "waypoint"
"id": "cf1111c1c16feddfaeb3bdef",
"title": "Concatenate Strings with .concat",
"difficulty": 0,
"description": [
"<code>.concat()</code> can be used to merge the contents of two arrays into one.",
"<code>array = array.concat(otherArray);</code>"
"tests": [
"assert.deepEqual(array, [1,2,3,4,5,6], 'You should concat the two arrays together');",
"assert(editor.getValue().match(/\\.concat\\(/gi), 'You should be using the concat method to merge the two arrays');",
"assert(editor.getValue().match(/\\[1\\,2\\,3\\]/gi) && editor.getValue().match(/\\[4\\,5\\,6\\]/gi), 'You should only modify the two arrays without changing the origional ones');"
"challengeSeed": [
"var array = [1,2,3];",
"var concatMe = [4,5,6];",
"// Only change code below this line.",
"// Only change code above this line.",
"(function() {return(array);})();"
"challengeType": 1,
"type": "waypoint"
"title":"Split Strings with .split",
"You can use the <code>.split()</code> method to split a string into an array.",
"split uses the argument you give to to split the string.",
"<code>array = string.split(' ');</code>"
"assert(typeof(array) === 'object' && array.length === 5, 'You should have split the string by it\\'s spaces');",
"assert(/\\.split\\(/gi, 'You should have made use of the split method on the string');"
"var string = \"Split me into an array\";",
"// Only change code below this line.",
"var array = string;",
"// Only change code above this line.",
"(function() {return(array);})();"
"type": "waypoint"
"title":"Join Strings with .join",
"We can use the <code>.join()</code> method to join each element in an array into a string separated by whatever delimiter you provide as an argument to the join operation.",
"<code>var joinMe = joinMe.join(\" \");</code>"
"assert(typeof(joinMe) === 'string' && joinMe === \"Split me into an array\", 'You should have joined the arrays by it\\'s spaces');",
"assert(/\\.join\\(/gi, 'You should have made use of the join method on the array');"
"var joinMe = [\"Split\",\"me\",\"into\",\"an\",\"array\"];",
"// Only change code below this line.",
"joinMe = joinMe;",
"// Only change code above this line.",
"(function() {return(joinMe);})();"
"type": "waypoint"