
86 lines
2.5 KiB

/* eslint-disable no-undef, no-unused-vars, no-native-reassign */
// the $ on the iframe window object is the same
// as the one used on the main site, but
// uses the iframe document as the context
window.$(document).ready(function() {
var _ = parent._;
var Rx = parent.Rx;
var chai = parent.chai;
var assert = chai.assert;
var tests = parent.tests;
var common = parent.common;
common.getJsOutput = function evalJs(code = '') {
if (window.__err || !common.shouldRun()) {
return window.__err || 'code disabled';
let output;
try {
/* eslint-disable no-eval */
output = eval(code);
/* eslint-enable no-eval */
} catch (e) {
window.__err = e;
return output;
common.runPreviewTests$ =
function runPreviewTests$({
tests = [],
}) {
const code = originalCode;
const editor = { getValue() { return originalCode; } };
if (window.__err) {
return Rx.Observable.throw(window.__err);
// Iterate throught the test one at a time
// on new stacks
return Rx.Observable.from(tests, null, null, Rx.Scheduler.default)
// add delay here for firefox to catch up
.map(test => {
const userTest = {};
try {
/* eslint-disable no-eval */
/* eslint-enable no-eval */
} catch (e) {
userTest.err = e.message.split(':').shift();
} finally {
if (!test.match(/message: /g)) {
// assumes test does not contain arrays
// This is a patch until all test fall into this pattern
userTest.text = test
userTest.text = 'message: ' + userTest.text + '\');';
} else {
userTest.text = test;
return userTest;
// gather tests back into an array
.map(tests => ({, tests, originalCode }));
// used when updating preview without running tests
common.checkPreview$ = function checkPreview$(args) {
if (window.__err) {
return Rx.Observable.throw(window.__err);
return Rx.Observable.just(args);
// now that the runPreviewTest$ is defined
// we set the subject to true
// this will let the updatePreview
// script now that we are ready.