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"name": "Gear up for Success",
"order": 4,
"time": "20 minutes",
"challenges": [
"id": "560adf65cb82ac38a17513c2",
"title": "Read Coding News on our Medium Publication",
"description": [
"A gif showing how you can create a Medium account.",
"Our community has a Medium publication where we write lots of articles about software development. If you don't already have a Medium account, you can follow the link and either sign in using social network, or by entering an email (they'll send you an email that you can click-through to create your account.) Once you select a topic of interest, you can continue through the steps.",
"A gif showing how you can click the \"follow\" button to follow Free Code Camp's publication.",
"Once you're logged in, you can go to Free Code Camp's Medium publication and click \"follow\". Our campers publish several articles each week.",
"releasedOn": "February 10, 2016",
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [],
"type": "Waypoint",
"challengeType": 7,
"titleEs": "Lee noticias de codificación en nuestros canal de publicaciones Medium",
"descriptionEs": [
"Un gif mostrando cómo crear una cuenta en Medium.",
"Nuestra comunidad tiene un canal de publicaciones Medium, donde escribimos un montón de artículos sobre desarrollo de software. Si aún no dispones de una cuenta Medium, puedes seguir el enlace y registrarte usando una red social o ingresando un correo electrónico (enviarán un correo electrónico que debes abrirlo para crear tu cuenta.) Selecciona un tema de interés, puedes continuar a través de los pasos.",
"Un gif mostrando cómo puedes pulsar el botón \"follow\" para seguir las publicaciones de Free Code Camp.",
"Una vez que inicias sesión, puedes ir al canal de publicaciones de Free Code Camp Medium y pulsar \"follow\". Nuestros campistas publican varios artículos cada semana.",
"titleFr": "Lisez les nouvelles de la programmation sur notre Publication Medium",
"descriptionFr": [
"Une gif montrant comment tu peux créer un compte sur Medium.",
"Notre communauté a une publication sur Medium où on écrit plusieurs articles sur la programmation. Si tu nas pas encore un compte Medium, utilise le lien ci-dessous pour sinscrire en utilisant un compte sur les médias sociaux ou en utilisant ton email (un email de confirmation sera envoyé à votre email pour terminer linscription). Une fois un sujet qui tintéresse est choisi, tu peux continuer les étapes.",
"Une gif montrant comment tu peux cliquer sur le boutton \"follow\" pour suivre la publication de Free Code Camp.",
"Une fois identifié, tu peux visiter la publication de Free Code Camp sur Medium et cliquer sur \"follow\". Nos campers publient plusieurs articles chaque semaine.",
"titleDe": "Lese Programmier-Nachrichten auf unserer Medium Seite",
"descriptionDe": [
"Ein GIF, das dir zeigt, wie du einen Medium Account anlegen kannst.",
"Unsere Community hat eine Medium Seite, auf der wir viele Artikel über Software Entwicklung veröffentlichen. Wenn du noch keinen Medium Account hast, kannst du dem Link folgen und dich entweder mit einem Account aus einem Social Network oder einer E-Mail Adresse (sie senden dir eine E-Mail, die du durchklicken kannst, um dir einen Account anzulegen.). Wenn du ein Thema ausgewählt hast, das dich interessiert, kannst du den weiteren Schritten folgen.",
"Ein GIF, das dir zeigt, wie du den \"follow\" Button klicken kannst, um der Free Code Camp Seite zu folgen.",
"Bist du erstmal eingeloggt, kannst du auf die Medium Seite von Free Code Camp gehen und den \"follow\" Button klicken. Unsere Camper veröffentlichen jede Woche mehrere Artikel.",
"id": "573c96eac9a6be092d7830c1",
"title": "Join our Forum",
"description": [
"A gif showing how you can join Free Code Camp's forum by clicking the \"sign up\" button, authenticating using GitHub, and verifying your email address.",
"Our forum is the best place for deep discussions about various programming resources: books, online courses, coding events, and more. You can also get help with these resources from your fellow campers. Click the button below to open up our forum, then click the \"Sign up\" button. Once you've created an account using GitHub, you'll need to confirm your email address. Now you're able to join discussions on our forum!",
"A gif showing how you can upload your profile picture.",
"We recommend that you also add a custom profile picture of your face. You can do this in the settings section of the forum.",
"A gif showing how you can introduce yourself on our self introduction forum thread.",
"You can make your first forum post right now by clicking the button below to go to the introduction thread. You can reply to the original post with: who you are, why you're learning to code, and how you've been learning to code so far. Then feel free to explore the various discussions and jump in with your own thoughts.",
"releasedOn": "May 17, 2016",
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [],
"type": "Waypoint",
"challengeType": 7,
"titleEs": "Join our Forum",
"descriptionEs": [
"A gif showing how you can join Free Code Camp's forum by clicking the \"sign up\" button, authenticating using GitHub, and verifying your email address.",
"Our forum is the best place for deep discussions about various programming resources: books, online courses, coding events, and more. You can also get help with these resources from your fellow campers. Click the button below to open up our forum, then click the \"Sign up\" button. Once you've created an account using GitHub, you'll need to confirm your email address. Now you're able to join discussions on our forum!",
"A gif showing how you can upload your profile picture.",
"We recommend that you also add a custom profile picture of your face. You can do this in the settings section of the forum.",
"A gif showing how you can introduce yourself on our self introduction forum thread.",
"You can make your first forum post right now by clicking the button below to go to the introduction thread. You can reply to the original post with: who you are, why you're learning to code, and how you've been learning to code so far. Then feel free to explore the various discussions and jump in with your own thoughts.",
"titleFr": "Join our Forum",
"descriptionFr": [
"A gif showing how you can join Free Code Camp's forum by clicking the \"sign up\" button, authenticating using GitHub, and verifying your email address.",
"Our forum is the best place for deep discussions about various programming resources: books, online courses, coding events, and more. You can also get help with these resources from your fellow campers. Click the button below to open up our forum, then click the \"Sign up\" button. Once you've created an account using GitHub, you'll need to confirm your email address. Now you're able to join discussions on our forum!",
"A gif showing how you can upload your profile picture.",
"We recommend that you also add a custom profile picture of your face. You can do this in the settings section of the forum.",
"A gif showing how you can introduce yourself on our self introduction forum thread.",
"You can make your first forum post right now by clicking the button below to go to the introduction thread. You can reply to the original post with: who you are, why you're learning to code, and how you've been learning to code so far. Then feel free to explore the various discussions and jump in with your own thoughts.",
"titleDe": "Join our Forum",
"descriptionDe": [
"A gif showing how you can join Free Code Camp's forum by clicking the \"sign up\" button, authenticating using GitHub, and verifying your email address.",
"Our forum is the best place for deep discussions about various programming resources: books, online courses, coding events, and more. You can also get help with these resources from your fellow campers. Click the button below to open up our forum, then click the \"Sign up\" button. Once you've created an account using GitHub, you'll need to confirm your email address. Now you're able to join discussions on our forum!",
"A gif showing how you can upload your profile picture.",
"We recommend that you also add a custom profile picture of your face. You can do this in the settings section of the forum.",
"A gif showing how you can introduce yourself on our self introduction forum thread.",
"You can make your first forum post right now by clicking the button below to go to the introduction thread. You can reply to the original post with: who you are, why you're learning to code, and how you've been learning to code so far. Then feel free to explore the various discussions and jump in with your own thoughts.",
"id": "560ade65cb82ac38a17513c2",
"title": "Watch Coding Videos on our YouTube Channel",
"description": [
"An image of Briana at the whiteboard teaching in a YouTube video.",
"Our community's YouTube channel features video tutorials and demos of projects that campers have built for nonprofits. We add new videos every week. The button below will take you to our YouTube channel, where you can subscribe for free.",
"releasedOn": "April 15, 2016",
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [],
"type": "Waypoint",
"challengeType": 7,
"titleEs": "Miranos programar en vivo por YouTube",
"descriptionEs": [
"An image of Briana at the whiteboard teaching in a YouTube video.",
"Our community's YouTube channel features video tutorials and demos of projects that campers have built for nonprofits. We add new videos every week. The button below will take you to our YouTube channel, where you can subscribe for free.",
"titleFr": "Regarde nous coder en direct sur",
"descriptionFr": [
"Une gif montrant comment tu peux créer un compte sur et suivre notre chaîne.",
"Nos campers codent fréquemment en direct sur, un site de streaming populaire. Tu peux créer un compte en moins dune minute, et suivre la chaîne de Free Code Camp. Une fois suivi, tu auras loption de recevoir un email à chaque fois quun de nos campers est en direct. Et donc tu peux rejoindre plusieurs campers pour regarder et interagir sur le salon de chat. Cest une façon dapprendre en regardant les autres coder.",
"titleDe": "Schaue uns auf Live beim Programmieren zu",
"descriptionDe": [
"Ein GIF, das dir zeigt, wie du dich bei anmelden und unserem Kanal folgen kannst.",
"Unsere Camper programmieren oft Live auf, einer populären Streaming-Website. Du kannst in weniger als einer Minute einen Account anlegen und dann dem Kanal von Free Code Camp folgen. Wenn du dem Kanal folgst, hast du die Option E-Mail Benachrichtigungen zu bekommen, sobald einer unserer Camper live geht. Dann kannst du Dutzenden Campern folgen und ihnen beim Programmieren zusehen sowie in Chats interagieren. Das ist eine lustige und lockere Art und Weise, um von anderen Personen zu lernen, wie sie ihre Projekte umsetzen.",
"id": "570add8ccb82ac38a17513c3",
"title": "Join our LinkedIn Alumni Network",
"description": [
"A gif showing how you can click the link below and fill in the necessary fields to add your Free Code Camp studies to your LinkedIn profile.",
"LinkedIn recognizes Free Code Camp as a university. You can gain access to our large alumni network by adding Free Code Camp to your LinkedIn profile's education section. Set your graduation date as next year. For \"Degree\", type \"Full Stack Web Development Certification\". For \"Field of study\", type \"Computer Software Engineering\". Then click \"Save Changes\".",
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [],
"type": "Waypoint",
"challengeType": 7,
"titleEs": "Únete a nuestra red de alumnos en LinkedIn",
"descriptionEs": [
"Un gif mostrando como puedes pulsar el enlace de abajo y llenar todos los campos necesarios para agregar los estudios de Free Code Camp a tu perfil de LinkedIn",
"LinkedIn reconoce a Free Code Camp como una universidad. Puedes obtener acceso a nuestra larga red de alumnos agregando Free Code Camp a la sección de educación de tu LinkedIn. Define tu fecha de graduación para el siguiente año. En el campo \"Grado\", escribe \"Certificación de Desarrollo Web Full Stack\". En \"Campo de estudio\", escribe \"Ingeniería de Software\". Después pulsa \"Guardar Cambios\".",
"titleFr": "Rejoignez notre réseau de lauréats sur Linkedin",
"descriptionFr": [
"Une gif qui montre comment tu peux cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous et remplir les champs nécessaires pour ajouter le certificat de Free Code Camp à votre profil LinkedIn.",
"LinkedIn reconnait Free Code Camp comme une université. Tu peux avoir accès à notre large réseau de lauréats en ajoutant Free Code Camp à la section éducation de ton profil LinkedIn. Lannée dobtention du diplôme est la prochaine année. Pour le \"Degré\", cest \"Full Stack Web Development Certification\". Pour le \"Domaine détudes\", cest \"Computer Software Engineering\". Puis sauvegardez les changements.",
"titleDe": "Tritt unserem LinkedIn Alumni Netzwerk bei",
"descriptionDe": [
"Ein GIF, das dir zeigt, wie du den unten stehenden Link anklicken kannst und welche Felder du ausfüllen musst, damit du Free Code Camp zu deinem LinkedIn Profil hinzufügst.",
"LinkedIn erkennt Free Code Camp als Universität an. Du bekommst auf unser großes Alumni Netzwerk zugriff, indem du Free Code Camp zum Ausbildungsbereich deines LinkedIn Profils hinzufügst. Setze deinen Abschlusszeitpunkt auf das nächste Jahr. In das Feld \"Abschluss\" schreibe \"Full Stack Web Development Certification\". In das Feld \"Studienfach\" schreibe \"Computer Software Engineering\". Dann klicke auf den \"Speichern\" Button.",
"id": "560add8ccb81ac38a17513c4",
"title": "Commit to a Goal and a Nonprofit",
"description": [
"A gif showing how you can commit to a goal for your Free Code Camp studies and pledge a monthly donation to a nonprofit to give you external motivation to reach that goal.",
"You can set a goal and pledge to donate to a nonprofit each month until you achieve that goal. This will give you external motivation in your quest to learn to code, as well as an opportunity to help nonprofits right away. Choose your goal, then choose a monthly donation. When you click \"commit\", the nonprofit's donation page will open in a new tab. This pledge is completely optional. It is entirely between you and the nonprofit, and no money goes to Free Code Camp. You can change your commitment or stop it at any time.",
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [],
"type": "Waypoint",
"challengeType": 7,
"titleEs": "Comprométete con una meta y con una organización sin fines de lucro",
"descriptionEs": [
"Un gif mostrando como te puedes comprometer con una meta para tus estudios de Free Code Camp y prometer una donación mensual a una organización sin fines de lucro para darte motivación externa de alcanzar esa meta.",
"Puedes poner una meta y prometer donar mensualmente a una organización sin fines de lucro hasta que alcances tu meta. Esto te dará motivación externa en tu aventura de aprender a programar, así como una oportunidad para ayudar inmediatamente a organizaciones sin fines de lucro. Elige tu meta, después elige tu donativo mensual. Cuando pulses \"commit\", la página de donación de la organización sin fines de lucro se abrirá en una nueva pestaña. Esto es completamente opcional, y puedes cambiar tu compromiso o detenerlo en cualquier momento.",
"titleFr": "Engage-toi à un but et aide une association à but non lucratif",
"descriptionFr": [
"Une gif montrant comment tu peux tengager pour atteindre ton but sur Free Code Camp et verser une somme dargent chaque mois pour une organisation à but non lucratif qui sera une motivation externe pour atteindre ton objectif.",
"Tu peux définir un but et tengager à verser une somme dargent pour aider une organisation à but non lucratif chaque mois jusquà atteindre ton objectif. Cela va te donner une motivation externe dans ta journée dapprentissage, mais aussi une opportunité pour aider ces organisations. Choisi un but, et un montant à verser. Quand tu vas cliquer sur \"commit\", la page des dons de lorganisation va souvrir. Cette étape est optionnel, et tu peux annuler ou arrêter ton engagement à nimporte quel instant.",
"titleDe": "Verpflichte dich zu einem Ziel und einer gemeinnützigen Organisation",
"descriptionDe": [
"Ein GIF, das dir zeigt, wie du dich einem Ziel auf Free Code Camp verpflichten kannst und versprichst, eine monatliche Spende an eine gemeinnützige Organisation zu entrichten, um externe Motivation zur Erreichung deines Ziels zu haben.",
"Du kannst dir ein Ziel setzen und versprechen, einer gemeinnützigen Organisation eine monatliche Spende zu entrichten, bis du dieses Ziel erreicht hast. Das gibt dir externe Motivation in deinem Bestreben programmieren zu lernen - und eröffnet von Anfang an die Gelegenheit gemeinnützigen Organisationen zu helfen. Wähle dein Ziel und dann eine monatliche Spende. Wenn du auf \"verpflichten\" klickst, öffnet sich die Spendenseite der gemeinnützigen Organisation in einem neuen Tab. Dieser Schritt ist optional, du kannst deine Verpflichtung jederzeit ändern oder stoppen.",