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Authors Analytics Manual

If you are an author with access to the publication's Google Analytics Property (News), you can use this guide to view your articles engagement and search for articles by publication language.

Search by Language

To search for engagement reports by a specific language:

Image - Show steps to search by language on googla analytics

  1. From the top dropdown menu, select News.
  2. From the sidebar, click on Reports.
  3. From the secondary sidebar, select Engagement.
  4. Click on Pages and Screens.
  5. In the search bar, type the subpath for the desired language.
  6. From the dropdown under the search bar, choose Page path and screen class.

Filter Reports by Author

After arriving at the Pages and Screens reports mentioned above, use the following steps to filter the results by specific authors.

Image - Show steps to search by language on googla analytics

  1. Click on the Add filter button.
  2. From the side navigation include Author.
  3. From the Dimensions values dropdown, choose an author's name.
  4. Click on the Apply button to apply changes.