
172 lines
8.4 KiB

"name": "Gear up for Success",
"order": 4,
"time": "20 minutes",
"challenges": [
"id": "560add65cb82ac38a17513c1",
"title": "Reference our Wiki",
"description": [
"A gif showing how you can click the \"Wiki\" button in your upper-right corner to access the wiki.",
"Click the \"Wiki\" button in your upper right hand corner. <br>Our community has contributed lots of useful information to this searchable wiki.",
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [],
"type": "Waypoint",
"challengeType": 7,
"nameEs": "Referencía nuestra Wiki",
"descriptionEs": [
"Un gif mostrando como puedes pulsar el botón de \"Wiki\" en tu esquina superior derecha para acceder a la wiki.",
"Pulsa el botón de \"Wiki\" en tu esquina superior derecha. <br>Nuestra comunidad ha contribuido información bastante útil en esta wiki.",
"id": "570add8ccb82ac38a17513c3",
"title": "Join our LinkedIn Alumni Network",
"description": [
"A gif showing how you can click the link below and fill in the necessary fields to add your Free Code Camp studies to your LinkedIn profile.",
"LinkedIn recognizes Free Code Camp as a university. You can gain access to our large alumni network by adding Free Code Camp to your LinkedIn profile's education section. <br>Set your graduation date as next year. <br>For \"Degree\", type \"Full Stack Web Development Certification\". <br>For \"Field of study\", type \"Computer Software Engineering\". <br>Then click \"Save Changes\".",
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [],
"type": "Waypoint",
"challengeType": 7,
"nameEs": "Únete a nuestra red de alumnos en LinkedIn",
"descriptionEs": [
"Un gif mostrando como puedes pulsar el enlace que está más adelante y llenar todos los campos necesarios para agregar los estudios de Free Code Camp a tu perfil de LinkedIn",
"LinkedIn reconoce a Free Code Camp como una universidad. Puedes obtener acceso a nuestra larga red de alumnos agregando Free Code Camp a la sección de educación de tu LinkedIn. <br>Define tu fecha de graduación para el siguiente año. <br> En el campo \"Grado\", escribe \"Certificación de Desarrollo Web Full Stack\". <br> En \"Campo de estudio\", escribe \"Ingeniería de Software\". <br>Después pulsa \"Guardar Cambios\".",
"id": "560adc65cb82ac38a17513c2",
"title": "Join our Subreddit",
"description": [
"A gif showing how you can create a Reddit account and join Free Code Camp's subreddit.",
"Our community has its own subreddit on Reddit. This is a convenient way to ask questions and share links with our entire community. If you don't already have a Reddit account, you can create one in a few seconds - you don't even need an email address. Then you can click the \"subscribe\" button to join our subreddit. You may also want to subscribe to some of the other subreddits listed in our sidebar.",
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [],
"releasedOn": "February 10, 2016",
"type": "Waypoint",
"challengeType": 7,
"nameEs": "Translate",
"descriptionEs": [
"id": "560adf65cb82ac38a17513c2",
"title": "Read Coding News on our Medium Publication",
"description": [
"A gif showing how you can create a Medium account.",
"Our community has a Medium publication where we write lots of articles about software development. If you don't already have a Medium account, you can follow the link and either sign in using social network, or by entering an email (they'll send you an email that you can click-through to create your account.) Once you select a topic of interest, you can continue through the steps.",
"A gif showing how you can click the \"follow\" button to follow Free Code Camp's publication.",
"Once you're logged in, you can go to Free Code Camp's Medium publication and click \"follow\". Our campers publish several articles each week.",
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [],
"type": "Waypoint",
"challengeType": 7,
"releasedOn": "February 10, 2016",
"nameEs": "Translate",
"descriptionEs": [
"id": "560ade65cb82ac38a17513c2",
"title": "Watch us Code Live on",
"description": [
"A gif showing how you can sign up for and follow our channel.",
"Our campers frequently code live on, a popular streaming website. You can create an account in less than a minute, then follow Free Code Camp's channel. When you follow, you'll get the option of receiving an email notification each time one of our campers goes live. You can then join dozens of other campers and watch them code, and interact in a chat room. This is a fun, casual way to learn by watching people build projects.",
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [],
"type": "Waypoint",
"challengeType": 7,
"releasedOn": "February 10, 2016",
"nameEs": "Translate",
"descriptionEs": [
"id": "560add8ccb81ac38a17513c4",
"title": "Commit to a Goal and a Nonprofit",
"description": [
"A gif showing how you can commit to a goal for your Free Code Camp studies and pledge a monthly donation to a nonprofit to give you external motivation to reach that goal.",
"You can set a goal and pledge to donate to a nonprofit each month until you achieve that goal. <br>This will give you external motivation in your quest to learn to code, as well as an opportunity to help nonprofits right away. <br>Choose your goal, then choose a monthly donation. When you click \"commit\", the nonprofit's donation page will open in a new tab. <br>This is completely optional, and you can change your commitment or stop it at any time.",
"challengeSeed": [],
"tests": [],
"type": "Waypoint",
"challengeType": 7,
"nameEs": "Comprométete con una meta y con una organización sin fines de lucro",
"descriptionEs": [
"Un gif mostrando como te puedes comprometer con una meta para tus estudios de Free Code Camp y prometer una donación mensual a una organización sin fines de lucro para darte motivación externa de alcanzar esa meta.",
"Puedes poner una meta y prometer donar mensualmente a una organización sin fines de lucro hasta que alcances tu meta. <br>Esto te dará motivación externa en tu aventura de aprender a programar, así como una oportunidad para ayudar inmediatamente a organizaciones sin fines de lucro. <br>Elige tu meta, después elige tu donativo mensual. Cuando pulses en \"comprometerse\", la página de donación de la organización sin fines de lucro se abrirá en una nueva pestaña. <br>Esto es completamente opcional, y puedes cambiar tu compromiso o detenerlo en cualquier momento.",