Refactorized rules targetting `profiling-*` & `memory-profiling`

Part of #2906:

* `profiling-*` share the same start banner
* used `OUT_DIR` for static outputs
* `TIMES` controls the number of iterations.

Signed-off-by: Ariel Otilibili <>
Ariel Otilibili 2024-08-18 15:26:21 +02:00
parent d9fc2ca231
commit 962ea850ed
1 changed files with 27 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -126,23 +126,30 @@ codespell: ## Run codespell to fix common misspellings in text files
semgrep: ## Run semgrep to find bugs and enforce code standards
$(venv_dev)/semgrep scan --config=auto
profiling-%: SLEEP = 3
profiling-%: TIMES = 30
profiling-%: OUT_DIR = docs/_static
@echo "Start Glances for $(TIMES) iterations (more or less 1 mins, please do not exit !)"
sleep $(SLEEP)
profiling-gprof: CPROF = glances.cprof
profiling-gprof: ## Callgraph profiling (need "apt install graphviz")
@echo "Start Glances for 30 iterations (more or less 1 mins, please do not exit !)"
sleep 3
$(PYTHON) -m cProfile -o ./glances.cprof ./ --stop-after 30
$(venv_dev)/gprof2dot -f pstats ./glances.cprof | dot -Tsvg -o ./docs/_static/glances-cgraph.svg
rm -f ./glances.cprof
$(PYTHON) -m cProfile -o $(CPROF) --stop-after $(TIMES)
$(venv_dev)/gprof2dot -f pstats $(CPROF) | dot -Tsvg -o $(OUT_DIR)/glances-cgraph.svg
rm -f $(CPROF)
profiling-pyinstrument: ## PyInstrument profiling
@echo "Start Glances for 30 iterations (more or less 1 mins, please do not exit !)"
sleep 3
$(PIP) install pyinstrument
$(PYTHON) -m pyinstrument -r html -o ./docs/_static/glances-pyinstrument.html -m glances --stop-after 30
$(PYTHON) -m pyinstrument -r html -o $(OUT_DIR)/glances-pyinstrument.html -m glances --stop-after $(TIMES)
profiling-pyspy: ## Flame profiling (currently not compatible with Python 3.12)
@echo "Start Glances for 30 iterations (more or less 1 mins, please do not exit !)"
sleep 3
$(venv_dev)/py-spy record -o ./docs/_static/glances-flame.svg -d 60 -s -- $(PYTHON) ./ --stop-after 30
$(venv_dev)/py-spy record -o $(OUT_DIR)/glances-flame.svg -d 60 -s -- $(PYTHON) --stop-after $(TIMES)
profiling: profiling-gprof profiling-pyinstrument profiling-pyspy ## Profiling of the Glances software
@ -153,17 +160,19 @@ trace-malloc: ## Trace the malloc() calls
memory-leak: ## Profile memory leaks
$(PYTHON) -m glances -C $(CONF) --memory-leak
memory-profiling: TIMES = 2400
memory-profiling: PROFILE = mprofile_*.dat
memory-profiling: ## Profile memory usage
@echo "It's a very long test (~4 hours)..."
rm -f mprofile_*.dat
rm -f $(PROFILE)
@echo "1/2 - Start memory profiling with the history option enable"
$(venv_dev)/mprof run -T 1 -C -C $(CONF) --stop-after 2400 --quiet
$(venv_dev)/mprof plot --output ./docs/_static/glances-memory-profiling-with-history.png
rm -f mprofile_*.dat
$(venv_dev)/mprof run -T 1 -C -C $(CONF) --stop-after $(TIMES) --quiet
$(venv_dev)/mprof plot --output $(OUT_DIR)/glances-memory-profiling-with-history.png
rm -f $(PROFILE)
@echo "2/2 - Start memory profiling with the history option disable"
$(venv_dev)/mprof run -T 1 -C -C $(CONF) --disable-history --stop-after 2400 --quiet
$(venv_dev)/mprof plot --output ./docs/_static/glances-memory-profiling-without-history.png
rm -f mprofile_*.dat
$(venv_dev)/mprof run -T 1 -C -C $(CONF) --disable-history --stop-after $(TIMES) --quiet
$(venv_dev)/mprof plot --output $(OUT_DIR)/glances-memory-profiling-without-history.png
rm -f $(PROFILE)
# Trivy installation:
trivy: ## Run Trivy to find vulnerabilities in container images