.. _gpu: GPU === The GPU plugin is **only** compatible with ``NVIDIA`` GPUs. .. note:: You need to install the `nvidia-ml-py`_ library on your system. The GPU stats are shown as a percentage of value and for the configured refresh time. The total GPU usage is displayed on the first line, the memory consumption on the second one. .. image:: ../_static/gpu.png If you click on the ``6`` short key, the per-GPU view is displayed: .. image:: ../_static/pergpu.png .. note:: You can also start Glances with the ``--meangpu`` option to display the first view by default. You can change the threshold limits in the configuration file: .. code-block:: ini [gpu] # Default processor values if not defined: 50/70/90 proc_careful=50 proc_warning=70 proc_critical=90 # Default memory values if not defined: 50/70/90 mem_careful=50 mem_warning=70 mem_critical=90 Legend: ============== ============ GPU (PROC/MEM) Status ============== ============ ``<50%`` ``OK`` ``>50%`` ``CAREFUL`` ``>70%`` ``WARNING`` ``>90%`` ``CRITICAL`` ============== ============ .. _nvidia-ml-py: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/nvidia-ml-py