.. _memory: Memory ====== Glances uses two columns: one for the ``RAM`` and one for the ``SWAP``. .. image:: ../_static/mem.png If enough space is available, Glances displays extended information for the ``RAM``: .. image:: ../_static/mem-wide.png A character is also displayed just after the MEM header and shows the trend value: ======== ============================================================== Trend Status ======== ============================================================== ``-`` MEM value is equal to the mean of the six latests refreshes ``\`` MEM value is lower than the mean of the six latests refreshes ``/`` MEM value is higher than the mean of the six latests refreshes ======== ============================================================== Alerts are only set for used memory and used swap. Legend: ======== ============ RAM/Swap Status ======== ============ ``<50%`` ``OK`` ``>50%`` ``CAREFUL`` ``>70%`` ``WARNING`` ``>90%`` ``CRITICAL`` ======== ============ .. note:: Limit values can be overwritten in the configuration file under the ``[memory]`` and/or ``[memswap]`` sections.