.. _quickstart: Quickstart ========== This page gives a good introduction in how to get started with Glances. Glances offers 3 modes: - Standalone - Client/Server - Web server Standalone Mode --------------- Simply run: .. code-block:: console $ glances Client/Server Mode ------------------ If you want to remotely monitor a machine, called ``server``, from another one, called ``client``, just run on the server: .. code-block:: console server$ glances -s and on the client: .. code-block:: console client$ glances -c @server where ``@server`` is the IP address or hostname of the server. Glances can centralize available Glances servers using the ``--browser`` option. The server list can be statically defined via the configuration file (section ``[serverlist]``). In server mode, you can set the bind address with ``-B ADDRESS`` and the listening TCP port with ``-p PORT``. In client mode, you can set the TCP port of the server with ``-p PORT``. Default binding address is ```` (Glances will listen on all the available network interfaces) and TCP port is ``61209``. In client/server mode, limits are set by the server side. You can set a password to access to the server ``--password``. By default, the username is ``glances`` but you can change it with ``--username``. If you ask it, the SHA password will be stored in ``username.pwd`` file. Glances is ``IPv6`` compatible. Just use the ``-B ::`` option to bind to all IPv6 addresses. Autodiscover ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Glances can also detect and display all Glances servers available on your network via the ``zeroconf`` protocol (not available on Windows): .. code-block:: console client$ glances --browser Use ``--disable-autodiscover`` to disable it. SNMP ^^^^ As an experimental feature, if Glances server is not detected by the client, the latter will try to grab stats using the ``SNMP`` protocol: .. code-block:: console client$ glances -c @snmpserver .. note:: Stats grabbed by SNMP request are limited and OS dependent. Web Server Mode --------------- .. image:: _static/screenshot-web.png If you want to remotely monitor a machine, called ``server``, from any device with a web browser, just run the server with the ``-w`` option: .. code-block:: console server$ glances -w then on the client enter the following URL in your favorite web browser: :: http://@server:61208 where ``@server`` is the IP address or hostname of the server. To change the refresh rate of the page, just add the period in seconds at the end of the URL. For example, to refresh the page every ``10`` seconds: :: http://@server:61208/10 The Glances web interface follows responsive web design principles. Here's a screenshot from Chrome on Android: .. image:: _static/screenshot-web2.png