
220 lines
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# This file is part of Glances.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Nicolas Hennion <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only
"""Manage the Glances server."""
import json
import socket
import sys
from base64 import b64decode
from glances import __version__
from glances.autodiscover import GlancesAutoDiscoverClient
from glances.globals import SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler, SimpleXMLRPCServer
from glances.logger import logger
from glances.stats_server import GlancesStatsServer
from glances.timer import Timer
class GlancesXMLRPCHandler(SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler):
"""Main XML-RPC handler."""
rpc_paths = ('/RPC2',)
def end_headers(self):
# Hack to add a specific header
# Thk to:
def send_my_headers(self):
# Specific header is here (solved the issue #227)
self.send_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
def authenticate(self, headers):
# auth = headers.get('Authorization')
(basic, _, encoded) = headers.get('Authorization').partition(' ')
except Exception:
# Client did not ask for authentication
# If server need it then exit
return not self.server.isAuth
# Client authentication
(basic, _, encoded) = headers.get('Authorization').partition(' ')
assert basic == 'Basic', 'Only basic authentication supported'
# Encoded portion of the header is a string
# Need to convert to byte-string
encoded_byte_string = encoded.encode()
# Decode base64 byte string to a decoded byte string
decoded_bytes = b64decode(encoded_byte_string)
# Convert from byte string to a regular string
decoded_string = decoded_bytes.decode()
# Get the username and password from the string
(username, _, password) = decoded_string.partition(':')
# Check that username and password match internal global dictionary
return self.check_user(username, password)
def check_user(self, username, password):
# Check username and password in the dictionary
if username in self.server.user_dict:
from glances.password import GlancesPassword
# TODO: config is not taken into account: it may be a problem ?
pwd = GlancesPassword(username=username, config=None)
return pwd.check_password(self.server.user_dict[username], password)
return False
def parse_request(self):
if SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler.parse_request(self):
# Next we authenticate
if self.authenticate(self.headers):
return True
# if authentication fails, tell the client
self.send_error(401, 'Authentication failed')
return False
def log_message(self, log_format, *args):
# No message displayed on the server side
class GlancesXMLRPCServer(SimpleXMLRPCServer):
"""Init a SimpleXMLRPCServer instance (IPv6-ready)."""
finished = False
def __init__(self, bind_address, bind_port=61209, requestHandler=GlancesXMLRPCHandler, config=None):
self.bind_address = bind_address
self.bind_port = bind_port
self.config = config
self.address_family = socket.getaddrinfo(bind_address, bind_port)[0][0]
except OSError as e:
logger.error(f"Couldn't open socket: {e}")
super().__init__((bind_address, bind_port), requestHandler)
def end(self):
"""Stop the server"""
self.finished = True
def serve_forever(self):
"""Main loop"""
while not self.finished:
class GlancesInstance:
"""All the methods of this class are published as XML-RPC methods."""
def __init__(self, config=None, args=None):
# Init stats
self.stats = GlancesStatsServer(config=config, args=args)
# Initial update
# cached_time is the minimum time interval between stats updates
# i.e. XML/RPC calls will not retrieve updated info until the time
# since last update is passed (will retrieve old cached info instead)
self.timer = Timer(0)
self.cached_time = args.cached_time
def __update__(self):
# Never update more than 1 time per cached_time
if self.timer.finished():
self.timer = Timer(self.cached_time)
def init(self):
# Return the Glances version
return __version__
def getAll(self):
# Update and return all the stats
return json.dumps(self.stats.getAll())
def getAllPlugins(self):
# Return the plugins list
return json.dumps(self.stats.getPluginsList())
def getAllLimits(self):
# Return all the plugins limits
return json.dumps(self.stats.getAllLimitsAsDict())
def getAllViews(self):
# Return all the plugins views
return json.dumps(self.stats.getAllViewsAsDict())
def getPlugin(self, plugin):
# Update and return the plugin stat
return json.dumps(self.stats.get_plugin(plugin).get_raw())
def getPluginView(self, plugin):
# Update and return the plugin view
return json.dumps(self.stats.get_plugin(plugin).get_views())
class GlancesServer:
"""This class creates and manages the TCP server."""
def __init__(self, requestHandler=GlancesXMLRPCHandler, config=None, args=None):
# Args
self.args = args
# Init the XML RPC server
self.server = GlancesXMLRPCServer(args.bind_address, args.port, requestHandler, config=config)
except Exception as e:
logger.critical(f"Cannot start Glances server: {e}")
print(f'Glances XML-RPC server is running on {args.bind_address}:{args.port}')
# The users dict
# username / password couple
# By default, no auth is needed
self.server.user_dict = {}
self.server.isAuth = False
# Register functions
self.server.register_instance(GlancesInstance(config, args))
if not self.args.disable_autodiscover:
# Note: The Zeroconf service name will be based on the hostname
# Correct issue: Zeroconf problem with zeroconf service name #889'Autodiscover is enabled with service name {}'.format(socket.gethostname().split('.', 1)[0]))
self.autodiscover_client = GlancesAutoDiscoverClient(socket.gethostname().split('.', 1)[0], args)
else:"Glances autodiscover announce is disabled")
def add_user(self, username, password):
"""Add an user to the dictionary."""
self.server.user_dict[username] = password
self.server.isAuth = True
def serve_forever(self):
"""Call the main loop."""
# Set the server login/password (if -P/--password tag)
if self.args.password != "":
self.add_user(self.args.username, self.args.password)
# Serve forever
def end(self):
"""End of the Glances server session."""
if not self.args.disable_autodiscover: