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(ns hooks.regex-checks
"This hook try to find out those error-prone double escaping regex expressions"
(:require [clj-kondo.hooks-api :as api]))
(def double-escaped-checker #"\(re-pattern .*\\\\\\\\[\?\#\|\.\^\$\\\+].*\)")
(defn double-escaped-regex
[{:keys [node]}]
(let [[_ _content regex & _args] (:children node)
regex-string (str (api/sexpr regex))]
(when (and (= (api/tag regex) :regex)
(re-matches double-escaped-checker regex-string))
(api/reg-finding! (assoc (meta regex)
:message (str "double slash (\\\\) found in this regular expression followed by a regex special character (, + , * , ? , ^ , $ , | , \\ ), have you mistakenly double escaped a special character? Only escaping one-time is required. No escape is required in character class []. (use #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:regex-checks/double-escaped-regex]} to ignore)")
:type :regex-checks/double-escaped-regex)))))