
120 lines
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Raw Normal View History

(ns db-import
"Imports given file(s) to a db graph. This script is primarily for
developing the import feature and for engineers who want to customize
the import process"
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[datascript.core :as d]
["path" :as node-path]
["os" :as os]
["fs" :as fs]
["fs/promises" :as fsp]
[nbb.core :as nbb]
[babashka.cli :as cli]
[logseq.graph-parser.exporter :as gp-exporter]
[logseq.common.graph :as common-graph]
[logseq.tasks.db-graph.create-graph :as create-graph]
[promesa.core :as p]))
(defn- build-graph-files
"Given a file graph directory, return all files including assets and adds relative paths
on ::rpath since paths are absolute by default and exporter needs relative paths for
some operations"
(let [dir (node-path/resolve dir*)]
(->> (common-graph/get-files dir)
(concat (when (fs/existsSync (node-path/join dir* "assets"))
(common-graph/readdir (node-path/join dir* "assets"))))
(mapv #(hash-map :path %
::rpath (node-path/relative dir* %))))))
(defn- <read-file
(p/let [s (fsp/readFile (:path file))]
(str s)))
(defn- <copy-asset-file [file db-graph-dir file-graph-dir]
(p/let [parent-dir (node-path/dirname
(node-path/join db-graph-dir (node-path/relative file-graph-dir (:path file))))
_ (fsp/mkdir parent-dir #js {:recursive true})]
(fsp/copyFile (:path file) (node-path/join parent-dir (node-path/basename (:path file))))))
(defn- import-file-graph-to-db
"Import a file graph dir just like UI does. However, unlike the UI the
exporter receives file maps containing keys :path and ::rpath since :path
are full paths"
[file-graph-dir db-graph-dir conn options]
(let [*files (build-graph-files file-graph-dir)
config-file (first (filter #(string/ends-with? (:path %) "logseq/config.edn") *files))
_ (assert config-file "No 'logseq/config.edn' found for file graph dir")
options (merge options
{;; common options
:rpath-key ::rpath
:notify-user prn
:<read-file <read-file
;; :set-ui-state prn
;; config file options
;; TODO: Add actual default
:default-config {}
;; asset file options
:<copy-asset (fn copy-asset [file]
(<copy-asset-file file db-graph-dir file-graph-dir))})]
(gp-exporter/export-file-graph conn conn config-file *files options)))
(defn- resolve-path
"If relative path, resolve with $ORIGINAL_PWD"
(if (node-path/isAbsolute path)
(node-path/join (or js/process.env.ORIGINAL_PWD ".") path)))
(defn- import-files-to-db
"Import specific doc files for dev purposes"
[file conn {:keys [files] :as options}]
(let [doc-options (gp-exporter/build-doc-options conn {:macros {}} options)
files' (mapv #(hash-map :path %)
(into [file] (map resolve-path files)))]
(gp-exporter/export-doc-files conn files' <read-file doc-options)))
(def spec
"Options spec"
{:help {:alias :h
:desc "Print help"}
:verbose {:alias :v
:desc "Verbose mode"}
:tag-classes {:alias :t
:coerce []
:desc "List of tags to convert to classes"}
:files {:alias :f
:coerce []
:desc "Additional files to import"}
:property-classes {:alias :p
:coerce []
:desc "List of properties whose values convert to classes"}
{:alias :P
:coerce []
:desc "List of properties whose values convert to a parent class"}})
(defn -main [args]
(let [[file-graph db-graph-dir] args
options (cli/parse-opts args {:spec spec})
_ (when (or (< (count args) 2) (:help options))
(println (str "Usage: $0 FILE-GRAPH DB-GRAPH [OPTIONS]\nOptions:\n"
(cli/format-opts {:spec spec})))
(js/process.exit 1))
[dir db-name] (if (string/includes? db-graph-dir "/")
(let [graph-dir' (resolve-path db-graph-dir)]
((juxt node-path/dirname node-path/basename) graph-dir'))
[(node-path/join (os/homedir) "logseq" "graphs") db-graph-dir])
file-graph' (resolve-path file-graph)
conn (create-graph/init-conn dir db-name)
directory? (.isDirectory (fs/statSync file-graph'))]
(if directory?
(import-file-graph-to-db file-graph' (node-path/join dir db-name) conn (merge options {:graph-name db-name}))
(import-files-to-db file-graph' conn (merge options {:graph-name db-name})))
(when (:verbose options) (println "Transacted" (count (d/datoms @conn :eavt)) "datoms"))
(println "Created graph" (str db-name "!")))))
(when (= nbb/*file* (:file (meta #'-main)))
(-main *command-line-args*))