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(ns frontend.text-test
(:require [frontend.text :as text]
[cljs.test :refer [deftest is are testing use-fixtures]]))
(deftest page-ref?
(are [x y] (= (text/page-ref? x) y)
"[[page]]" true
"[[another page]]" true
"[single bracket]" false
"no brackets" false))
(deftest page-ref-un-brackets!
(are [x y] (= (text/page-ref-un-brackets! x) y)
"[[page]]" "page"
"[[another page]]" "another page"
"[[nested [[page]]]]" "nested [[page]]"
"[single bracket]" "[single bracket]"
"no brackets" "no brackets"))
(deftest sep-by-comma-or-quote
(are [x y] (= (text/sep-by-comma-or-quote x) y)
"foo,bar" ["foo" "bar"]
"foo, bar" ["foo" "bar"]
"foo bar" ["foo bar"]
"foo \"bar\"" ["foo" "bar"]
"[[foo]] [[bar]]" ["[[foo]] [[bar]]"]
"[[foo]],[[bar]]" ["[[foo]]", "[[bar]]"]
"[[foo]], [[bar]]" ["[[foo]]", "[[bar]]"]
"[[foo]]" ["[[foo]]"]
"[[nested [[foo]]]]" ["[[nested [[foo]]]]"]))
(defn split-page-refs-without-brackets
(are [x y] (= (text/split-page-refs-without-brackets x) y)
"foobar" "foobar"
"foo bar" "foo bar"
"foo, bar" #{"foo" "bar"}
"foo \"bar\"" #{"foo" "bar"}
"[[foo]] [[bar]]" #{"foo]] [[bar"}
"[[foo]],[[bar]]" #{"foo", "bar"}
"[[foo]], [[bar]]" #{"foo", "bar"}
"[[foo]]" #{"foo"}
"[[nested [[foo]]]]" #{"nested [[foo]]"}
"[[nested [[foo]]]], [[foo]]" #{"nested [[foo]]" "foo"}
"#tag," #{"tag"}
"#tag1,#tag2" #{"tag1" "tag2"}))
(defn extract-level-spaces
(testing "markdown"
(are [x y] (= (text/extract-level-spaces x :markdown) y)
"# foobar" "# "
"## foobar" "## "
"##################### foobar" "##################### "))
(testing "org mode"
(are [x y] (= (text/extract-level-spaces x :org) y)
"* foobar" "* "
"** foobar" "** "
"********************* foobar" "********************* ")))
(defn remove-level-spaces
(testing "markdown"
(are [x y] (= (text/remove-level-spaces x :markdown true) y)
"# foobar" "foobar"
"## foobar" "foobar"
"##################### foobar" "foobar"))
(testing "markdown without spaces between the `#` and title"
(are [x y] (= (text/remove-level-spaces x :markdown) y)
"#foobar" "foobar"
"##foobar" "foobar"
"#####################foobar" "foobar"))
(testing "org"
(are [x y] (= (text/remove-level-spaces x :org true) y)
"* foobar" "foobar"
"** foobar" "foobar"
"********************* foobar" "foobar"))
(testing "org without spaces between the `#` and title"
(are [x y] (= (text/remove-level-spaces x :org) y)
"*foobar" "foobar"
"**foobar" "foobar"
"*********************foobar" "foobar")))
(defn append-newline-after-level-spaces
(are [x y] (= (text/append-newline-after-level-spaces x :markdown) y)
"# foobar" "#\nfoobar"
"# foobar\nfoo" "#\nfoobar\nfoo"
"## foobar\nfoo" "##\nfoobar\nfoo")
(are [x y] (= (text/append-newline-after-level-spaces x :org) y)
"* foobar" "*\nfoobar"
"* foobar\nfoo" "*\nfoobar\nfoo"
"** foobar\nfoo" "**\nfoobar\nfoo"))
(defn remove-id-property
(are [x y] (= (text/remove-id-property x) y)
"hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:id: f9873a81-07b9-4246-b910-53a6f5ec7e04\n:END:\n"
"hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:id: f9873a81-07b9-4246-b910-53a6f5ec7e04\na: b\n:END:\n"
"hello\n:PROPERTIES:\na: b\n:END:"))
(defn remove-timestamp-property!
(are [x y] (= (text/remove-timestamp-property! x) y)
"hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:created_at: 1\n:END:\n"
"hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:created_at: 1\n:last_modified_at: 2\n:END:\n"
"hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:a: b\n:created_at: 1\n:last_modified_at: 2\n:END:\n"
"hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:a: b\n:END:"))
(deftest re-construct-block-properties
(testing "block content without a title"
(are [x y] (= x y)
(text/re-construct-block-properties :org "** :PROPERTIES:\n:x: y\n:END:\n" {"x" "y"} false)
"** \n:PROPERTIES:\n:x: y\n:END:\n"
(text/re-construct-block-properties :markdown "## :PROPERTIES:\n:x: y\n:END:\n" {"x" "y"} false)
"## \n:PROPERTIES:\n:x: y\n:END:\n"))
(testing "query block without a title"
(are [x y] (= x y)
(text/re-construct-block-properties :org "** #+BEGIN_QUERY
#+END_QUERY" {"created_at" 1609332958103} false)
"** \n:PROPERTIES:\n:created_at: 1609332958103\n:END:\n#+BEGIN_QUERY\ntest\n#+END_QUERY"))
(testing "table without a title"
(are [x y] (= x y)
(text/re-construct-block-properties :org "** |x|y|
|1|2|" {"created_at" 1609332958103} false)
"** \n:PROPERTIES:\n:created_at: 1609332958103\n:END:\n|x|y|\n|1|2|"))
(testing "block content with a title"
(are [x y] (= x y)
(text/re-construct-block-properties :org "** hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:x: y\n:END:\n" {"x" "y"} true)
"** hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:x: y\n:END:\n"
(text/re-construct-block-properties :markdown "## hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:x: y\n:END:\n" {"x" "y"} true)
"## hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:x: y\n:END:\n"))
(testing "block content with custom properties"
(are [x y] (= x y)
(text/re-construct-block-properties :org "** hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:x: y\n:END:\n" {"x" "z"} true)
"** hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:x: z\n:END:\n"
(text/re-construct-block-properties :markdown "## hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:x: y\n:END:\n" {"x" "y" "a" "b"} true)
"## hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:x: y\n:a: b\n:END:\n")))
(defn test-remove-properties!
(testing "properties with non-blank lines"
(are [x y] (= x y)
(text/remove-properties! "** hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:x: y\n:END:\n")
"** hello"
(text/remove-properties! "** hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:x: y\na:b\n:END:\n")
"** hello"))
(testing "properties with blank lines"
(are [x y] (= x y)
(text/remove-properties! "** hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n\n:x: y\n:END:\n")
"** hello"
(text/remove-properties! "** hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:x: y\n\na:b\n:END:\n")
"** hello")))
(defn test-insert-property
(are [x y] (= x y)
(text/insert-property "hello" "a" "b")
"hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:a: b\n:END:\n"
(text/insert-property "hello" "a" false)
"hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:a: false\n:END:\n"
(text/insert-property "hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:a: b\n:END:\n" "c" "d")
"hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:a: b\n:c: d\n:END:"
(text/insert-property "hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:a: b\n:END: world\n" "c" "d")
"hello\n:PROPERTIES:\n:c: d\n:END:\n:PROPERTIES:\n:a: b\n:END: world\n"))
#_(cljs.test/test-ns 'frontend.text-test)