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#!/usr/bin/env bb
(ns large-vars
"This script detects vars that are too large and that make it difficult for
the team to maintain and understand them."
(:require [babashka.pods :as pods]
[clojure.pprint :as pprint]
[clojure.set :as set]))
(pods/load-pod 'clj-kondo/clj-kondo "2021.12.19")
(require '[pod.borkdude.clj-kondo :as clj-kondo])
(def config
;; TODO: Discuss with team and agree on lower number
{:max-lines-count 100
;; Vars with these metadata flags are allowed. Name should indicate the reason
;; it is allowed
:metadata-exceptions #{::data-var
;; TODO: Address vars tagged with cleanup-todo. These
;; are left mostly because they are not high priority
;; or not well understood
(defn -main
(let [paths (or args ["src"])
{{:keys [var-definitions]} :analysis}
{:lint paths
:config {:output {:analysis {:var-definitions {:meta true}}}}})
vars (->> var-definitions
(keep (fn [m]
(let [lines-count (inc (- (:end-row m) (:row m)))]
(when (and (> lines-count (:max-lines-count config))
(empty? (set/intersection (set (keys (:meta m)))
(:metadata-exceptions config))))
{:var (:name m)
:lines-count lines-count
:filename (:filename m)}))))
(sort-by :lines-count (fn [x y] (compare y x))))]
(if (seq vars)
(println (format "The following vars exceed the line count max of %s:"
(:max-lines-count config)))
(pprint/print-table vars)
(System/exit 1))
(println "All vars are below the max size!"))))
(when (= *file* (System/getProperty "babashka.file"))
(-main *command-line-args*))