enhance: consistently create sanitized property ident

for new properties. Also made build-new-property easier to
use by making property name optional
Gabriel Horner 2024-04-05 16:55:40 -04:00
parent 3793cf6d81
commit 009e5b6d62
8 changed files with 54 additions and 54 deletions

View File

@ -275,9 +275,9 @@
(when (= (closed-value-name e) value-name)
e))) values)))
;; TODO: db ident should obey clojure's rules for keywords
(defn get-db-ident-from-name
(defn user-property-ident-from-name
"Makes a user property :db/ident from a name by sanitizing the given name"
(let [n (-> (string/lower-case property-name)
(string/replace #"^:\s*" "")
@ -285,8 +285,8 @@
(string/replace " " "-")
(string/replace "#" "")
(when-not (string/blank? n)
(keyword "user.property" n))))
(assert (seq n) "name is not empty")
(keyword "user.property" n)))
(defn get-class-ordered-properties

View File

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
(:closed-values property)))
property-schema (assoc (:block/schema property)
:values (mapv :block/uuid closed-value-blocks-tx))
property-tx (merge (sqlite-util/build-new-property db-ident prop-name property-schema)
property-tx (merge (sqlite-util/build-new-property db-ident property-schema {:original-name prop-name})
(into [property-tx page-tx]
(when-not closed-value-page-uuids? closed-value-blocks-tx))))

View File

@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
{:original-name prop-name})])]
(update blocks 0 default-db/mark-block-as-built-in)))

View File

@ -68,31 +68,32 @@
(def property-ref-types #{:page :block :date :entity})
(defn build-new-property
"Build a standard new property so that it is is consistent across contexts"
[db-ident prop-name prop-schema]
(assert (keyword? db-ident))
(let [db-ident' (if (or (db-property/property? db-ident)
(db-property/db-attribute-properties db-ident))
(keyword "user.property" (name db-ident)))]
{:db/ident db-ident'
:block/type "property"
:block/journal? false
:block/format :markdown
:block/schema (merge {:type :default} prop-schema)
:block/name (common-util/page-name-sanity-lc (name prop-name))
:block/uuid (d/squuid)
:block/original-name (name prop-name)}
(= :many (:cardinality prop-schema))
(assoc :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many)
(not= :many (:cardinality prop-schema))
(assoc :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one)
(contains? property-ref-types (:type prop-schema))
(assoc :db/valueType :db.type/ref)
(assoc :db/index true)))))
"Build a standard new property so that it is is consistent across contexts. Takes
an optional map with following keys:
* :original-name - Case sensitive property name. Defaults to deriving this from db-ident"
([db-ident prop-schema] (build-new-property db-ident prop-schema {}))
([db-ident prop-schema {:keys [original-name]}]
(assert (keyword? db-ident))
(let [db-ident' (if (qualified-keyword? db-ident)
(db-property/user-property-ident-from-name (name db-ident)))
prop-name (or original-name (name db-ident'))]
{:db/ident db-ident'
:block/type "property"
:block/journal? false
:block/format :markdown
:block/schema (merge {:type :default} prop-schema)
:block/name (common-util/page-name-sanity-lc (name prop-name))
:block/uuid (d/squuid)
:block/original-name (name prop-name)
:db/index true
:db/cardinality (if (= :many (:cardinality prop-schema))
(contains? property-ref-types (:type prop-schema))
(assoc :db/valueType :db.type/ref))))))
(defn build-new-class

View File

@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
(deftest has-page-property-rule
(let [conn (new-db-conn)
_ (d/transact! conn [(sqlite-util/build-new-property :user.property/foo "foo" {})
(sqlite-util/build-new-property :user.property/foo2 "foo2" {})
_ (d/transact! conn [(sqlite-util/build-new-property :user.property/foo {})
(sqlite-util/build-new-property :user.property/foo2 {})
(sqlite-util/build-new-page "Page")
{:block/original-name "Page" :user.property/foo "bar"}])]
(is (= ["Page"]
@ -41,10 +41,10 @@
(deftest page-property-rule
(let [conn (new-db-conn)
_ (d/transact! conn [(sqlite-util/build-new-property :user.property/foo "foo" {})
(sqlite-util/build-new-property :user.property/foo2 "foo2" {})
(sqlite-util/build-new-property :user.property/number-many "number-many" {:type :number :cardinality :many})
(sqlite-util/build-new-property :user.property/page-many "page-many" {:type :page :cardinality :many})
_ (d/transact! conn [(sqlite-util/build-new-property :user.property/foo {})
(sqlite-util/build-new-property :user.property/foo2 {})
(sqlite-util/build-new-property :user.property/number-many {:type :number :cardinality :many})
(sqlite-util/build-new-property :user.property/page-many {:type :page :cardinality :many})
(sqlite-util/build-new-page "Page")
(sqlite-util/build-new-page "Page A")
{:block/original-name "Page" :user.property/foo "bar"}

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
(->> properties
(fn [[prop-name val]]
[(db-property/get-db-ident-from-name (name prop-name))
[(db-property/user-property-ident-from-name (name prop-name))
;; set indicates a :many value
(if (set? val)
(set (map #(translate-property-value % uuid-maps) val))
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
(defn- build-property-refs [properties property-db-ids]
(fn [prop-name]
(db-property/get-db-ident-from-name (name prop-name)))
(db-property/user-property-ident-from-name (name prop-name)))
(keys properties)))
(def current-db-id (atom 0))
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
(fn [[prop-name]]
(if (get-in properties [prop-name :closed-values])
(let [db-ident (db-property/get-db-ident-from-name (name prop-name))]
(let [db-ident (db-property/user-property-ident-from-name (name prop-name))]
@ -178,14 +178,13 @@
{:db/id (or (property-db-ids (name prop-name))
(throw (ex-info "No :db/id for property" {:property prop-name})))}}))
[(let [db-ident (keyword "user.property" (name prop-name))]
(sqlite-util/build-new-property db-ident prop-name (get-in properties [prop-name :block/schema]))
{:db/id (or (property-db-ids (name prop-name))
(throw (ex-info "No :db/id for property" {:property prop-name})))}
(when-let [props (not-empty (get-in properties [prop-name :properties]))]
(assoc (->block-properties-tx props uuid-maps)
:block/refs (build-property-refs props property-db-ids)))))]))
(sqlite-util/build-new-property prop-name (get-in properties [prop-name :block/schema]))
{:db/id (or (property-db-ids (name prop-name))
(throw (ex-info "No :db/id for property" {:property prop-name})))}
(when-let [props (not-empty (get-in properties [prop-name :properties]))]
(assoc (->block-properties-tx props uuid-maps)
:block/refs (build-property-refs props property-db-ids))))]))

View File

@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
Two main ways to create a property are to set property-id to a qualified keyword
or to set it to nil and pass :property-name as an option"
[repo property-id schema {:keys [property-name properties]}]
(let [db-ident (or property-id (db-property/get-db-ident-from-name property-name))]
(let [db-ident (or property-id (db-property/user-property-ident-from-name property-name))]
(assert (qualified-keyword? db-ident))
(if-let [property (db/entity db-ident)]
(let [tx-data (->>
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
(name property-id))]
(assert (some? k-name)
(prn "property-id: " property-id ", property-name: " property-name))
(db/transact! repo [(sqlite-util/build-new-property db-ident k-name schema)]
(db/transact! repo [(sqlite-util/build-new-property db-ident schema {:original-name k-name})]
{:outliner-op :new-property})))))
(defn validate-property-value
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
[repo block-eid property-id v {:keys [property-name] :as opts}]
(let [block-eid (->eid block-eid)
property-id (if (string? property-id)
(db-property/get-db-ident-from-name property-id)
(db-property/user-property-ident-from-name property-id)
_ (assert (keyword? property-id) "property-id should be a keyword")
block (db/entity repo block-eid)
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
(if (string? property-id)
(if-let [ent (db/entity [:block/original-name property-id])]
[(:db/ident ent) ent]
[(db-property/get-db-ident-from-name property-id) nil])
[(db-property/user-property-ident-from-name property-id) nil])
[property-id (db/entity property-id)])
property-type (get-in property [:block/schema :type])
_ (upsert-property! repo db-ident

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
(name key)
(if (sqlite-util/db-based-graph? repo)
(when-let [property (d/entity db (db-property/get-db-ident-from-name property-name))]
(when-let [property (d/entity db (db-property/user-property-ident-from-name property-name))]
(get coll (:block/uuid property)))
(get coll key))))