chore: mv more tests to appropriate dep enabled by :build/journal

Gabriel Horner 2024-06-04 12:01:31 -04:00
parent 14222a546f
commit 05227f475b
2 changed files with 109 additions and 96 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
(:require [cljs.test :refer [deftest is]]
[cljs-time.core :as t]
[datascript.core :as d]
[ :as date-time-util]
[logseq.db.frontend.rules :as rules]
[logseq.db.frontend.schema :as db-schema]
[logseq.db.frontend.inputs :as db-inputs]
@ -120,4 +121,104 @@
:query '[:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?start ?end %
:where (between ?b ?start ?end)]}))))
":tomorrow and :Xd-after resolve to correct journal range")))
":tomorrow and :Xd-after resolve to correct journal range")))
(defn- block-with-content [db block-content]
(-> (d/q '[:find (pull ?b [:block/uuid])
:in $ ?content
:where [?b :block/content ?content]]
db block-content)
(defn- blocks-on-journal-page-from-block-with-content [db page-input block-content current-page-date]
(map :block/content
(custom-query db
{:inputs [page-input]
:query '[:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?page
:where [?b :block/page ?e]
[?e :block/name ?page]]
{:current-block-uuid (get (block-with-content db block-content) :block/uuid)
:current-page-fn (constantly
(date-time-util/int->journal-title (date-time-util/date->int current-page-date)
"MMM do, yyyy"))}})))
(deftest resolve-input-for-query-page
(let [current-date (t/date-time 2023 1 1)
conn (d/create-conn db-schema/schema-for-db-based-graph)
_ (sqlite-build/create-blocks
[{:page {:build/journal 20221231} :blocks [{:block/content "-1d"}]}
{:page {:build/journal 20230101} :blocks [{:block/content "now"}]}
{:page {:build/journal 20230102} :blocks [{:block/content "+1d"}]}])
db @conn]
(is (= ["now"] (blocks-on-journal-page-from-block-with-content db :current-page "now" current-date))
":current-page resolves to the stateful page when called from a block on the stateful page")
(is (= ["now"] (blocks-on-journal-page-from-block-with-content db :query-page "now" current-date))
":query-page resolves to the stateful page when called from a block on the stateful page")
(is (= ["now"] (blocks-on-journal-page-from-block-with-content db :current-page "+1d" current-date))
":current-page resolves to the stateful page when called from a block on another page")
(is (= ["+1d"] (blocks-on-journal-page-from-block-with-content db :query-page "+1d" current-date))
":query-page resolves to the parent page when called from another page")))
(defn- blocks-journaled-between-inputs [db a b]
;; reverse is for sort order and may be brittle
(map :block/content
(custom-query db
{:inputs [a b]
:query '[:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?start ?end %
:where (between ?b ?start ?end)]}))))
(deftest resolve-input-for-relative-date-queries
(let [conn (d/create-conn db-schema/schema-for-db-based-graph)
_ (sqlite-build/create-blocks
[{:page {:build/journal 20220101} :blocks [{:block/content "-1y"}]}
{:page {:build/journal 20221201} :blocks [{:block/content "-1m"}]}
{:page {:build/journal 20221225} :blocks [{:block/content "-1w"}]}
{:page {:build/journal 20221231} :blocks [{:block/content "-1d"}]}
{:page {:build/journal 20230101} :blocks [{:block/content "now"}]}
{:page {:build/journal 20230102} :blocks [{:block/content "+1d"}]}
{:page {:build/journal 20230108} :blocks [{:block/content "+1w"}]}
{:page {:build/journal 20230201} :blocks [{:block/content "+1m"}]}
{:page {:build/journal 20240101} :blocks [{:block/content "+1y"}]}])
db @conn]
(with-redefs [t/today (constantly (t/date-time 2023 1 1))]
(is (= ["now" "-1d" "-1w" "-1m" "-1y"] (blocks-journaled-between-inputs db :-365d :today))
":-365d and today resolve to correct journal range")
(is (= ["now" "-1d" "-1w" "-1m" "-1y"] (blocks-journaled-between-inputs db :-1y :today))
":-1y and today resolve to correct journal range")
(is (= ["now" "-1d" "-1w" "-1m"] (blocks-journaled-between-inputs db :-1m :today))
":-1m and today resolve to correct journal range")
(is (= ["now" "-1d" "-1w"] (blocks-journaled-between-inputs db :-1w :today))
":-1w and today resolve to correct journal range")
(is (= ["now" "-1d"] (blocks-journaled-between-inputs db :-1d :today))
":-1d and today resolve to correct journal range")
(is (= ["+1y" "+1m" "+1w" "+1d" "now"] (blocks-journaled-between-inputs db :today :+365d))
":+365d and today resolve to correct journal range")
(is (= ["+1y" "+1m" "+1w" "+1d" "now"] (blocks-journaled-between-inputs db :today :+1y))
":+1y and today resolve to correct journal range")
(is (= ["+1m" "+1w" "+1d" "now"] (blocks-journaled-between-inputs db :today :+1m))
":+1m and today resolve to correct journal range")
(is (= ["+1w" "+1d" "now"] (blocks-journaled-between-inputs db :today :+1w))
":+1w and today resolve to correct journal range")
(is (= ["+1d" "now"] (blocks-journaled-between-inputs db :today :+1d))
":+1d and today resolve to correct journal range")
(is (= ["+1d" "now"] (blocks-journaled-between-inputs db :today :today/+1d))
":today/+1d and today resolve to correct journal range"))))

View File

@ -2,12 +2,9 @@
(:require [cljs.test :refer [deftest is use-fixtures]]
[cljs-time.core :as t]
[clojure.string :as string]
[frontend.state :as state]
[ :as date]
[logseq.db.frontend.inputs :as db-inputs]
[frontend.test.helper :as test-helper :refer [load-test-files]]
[frontend.db.query-custom :as query-custom]
[frontend.db.utils :as db-utils]
[goog.string :as gstring]))
(use-fixtures :each {:before test-helper/start-test-db!
@ -32,42 +29,21 @@ adds rules that users often use"
[(>= ?timestamp ?start)]
[(<= ?timestamp ?end)]]}))))
(defn- blocks-journaled-between-inputs [a b]
(map :block/content (custom-query {:inputs [a b]
:query '[:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?start ?end
:where (between ?b ?start ?end)]})))
(defn- block-with-content [block-content]
(-> (db-utils/q '[:find (pull ?b [:block/uuid])
:in $ ?content
:where [?b :block/content ?content]]
(defn- blocks-on-journal-page-from-block-with-content [page-input block-content]
(map :block/content (custom-query {:inputs [page-input]
:query '[:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?page
:where [?b :block/page ?e]
[?e :block/name ?page]]}
{:current-block-uuid (get (block-with-content block-content) :block/uuid)})))
(defn- blocks-with-tag-on-specified-current-page [& {:keys [current-page tag]}]
(map :block/content (custom-query {:title "Query title"
:inputs [:current-page tag]
:query '[:find (pull ?b [*])
:inputs [:current-page tag]
:query '[:find (pull ?b [*])
:in $ ?current-page ?tag-name
:where [?b :block/page ?bp]
[?bp :block/name ?current-page]
[?b :block/ref-pages ?t]
[?t :block/name ?tag-name]]}
:where [?b :block/page ?bp]
[?bp :block/name ?current-page]
[?b :block/ref-pages ?t]
[?t :block/name ?tag-name]]}
{:current-page-fn (constantly current-page)})))
;; TODO: Move most resolve-input tests to deps/db when a load-test-files helper is available for deps
;; These tests rely on seeding timestamps with properties. If this ability goes
;; away we could still test page-level timestamps
;; TODO: Move this test to inputs-test
(deftest resolve-input-for-timestamp-inputs
(load-test-files [{:file/path "pages/"
:file/content (gstring/format "foo::bar
@ -156,70 +132,6 @@ created-at:: %s"
(is (= [] (blocks-created-between-inputs :-0d-abcd :+1d-23.45))
":-XT-HHMM and :+XT-HHMM will not reoslve with invalid time formats but will fail gracefully"))
(deftest resolve-input-for-relative-date-queries
(load-test-files [{:file/content "- -1y" :file/path "journals/"}
{:file/content "- -1m" :file/path "journals/"}
{:file/content "- -1w" :file/path "journals/"}
{:file/content "- -1d" :file/path "journals/"}
{:file/content "- now" :file/path "journals/"}
{:file/content "- +1d" :file/path "journals/"}
{:file/content "- +1w" :file/path "journals/"}
{:file/content "- +1m" :file/path "journals/"}
{:file/content "- +1y" :file/path "journals/"}])
(with-redefs [t/today (constantly (t/date-time 2023 1 1))]
(is (= ["now" "-1d" "-1w" "-1m" "-1y"] (blocks-journaled-between-inputs :-365d :today))
":-365d and today resolve to correct journal range")
(is (= ["now" "-1d" "-1w" "-1m" "-1y"] (blocks-journaled-between-inputs :-1y :today))
":-1y and today resolve to correct journal range")
(is (= ["now" "-1d" "-1w" "-1m"] (blocks-journaled-between-inputs :-1m :today))
":-1m and today resolve to correct journal range")
(is (= ["now" "-1d" "-1w"] (blocks-journaled-between-inputs :-1w :today))
":-1w and today resolve to correct journal range")
(is (= ["now" "-1d"] (blocks-journaled-between-inputs :-1d :today))
":-1d and today resolve to correct journal range")
(is (= ["+1y" "+1m" "+1w" "+1d" "now"] (blocks-journaled-between-inputs :today :+365d))
":+365d and today resolve to correct journal range")
(is (= ["+1y" "+1m" "+1w" "+1d" "now"] (blocks-journaled-between-inputs :today :+1y))
":+1y and today resolve to correct journal range")
(is (= ["+1m" "+1w" "+1d" "now"] (blocks-journaled-between-inputs :today :+1m))
":+1m and today resolve to correct journal range")
(is (= ["+1w" "+1d" "now"] (blocks-journaled-between-inputs :today :+1w))
":+1w and today resolve to correct journal range")
(is (= ["+1d" "now"] (blocks-journaled-between-inputs :today :+1d))
":+1d and today resolve to correct journal range")
(is (= ["+1d" "now"] (blocks-journaled-between-inputs :today :today/+1d))
":today/+1d and today resolve to correct journal range")))
(deftest resolve-input-for-query-page
(load-test-files [{:file/content "- -1d" :file/path "journals/"}
{:file/content "- now" :file/path "journals/"}
{:file/content "- +1d" :file/path "journals/"}])
(with-redefs [state/get-current-page (constantly (date/journal-name (t/date-time 2023 1 1)))]
(is (= ["now"] (blocks-on-journal-page-from-block-with-content :current-page "now"))
":current-page resolves to the stateful page when called from a block on the stateful page")
(is (= ["now"] (blocks-on-journal-page-from-block-with-content :query-page "now"))
":query-page resolves to the stateful page when called from a block on the stateful page")
(is (= ["now"] (blocks-on-journal-page-from-block-with-content :current-page "+1d"))
":current-page resolves to the stateful page when called from a block on another page")
(is (= ["+1d"] (blocks-on-journal-page-from-block-with-content :query-page "+1d"))
":query-page resolves to the parent page when called from another page")))
(deftest cache-input-for-page-inputs
(load-test-files [{:file/path "pages/" :file/content "- a #shared-tag"}
{:file/path "pages/" :file/content "- b #shared-tag"}])