feat: add frontend.pubsub ns (#8312)

* feat: add frontend.pubsub ns
* update clj-kondo config
rcmerci 2023-01-12 18:07:05 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent cfce689632
commit 08edcb76b4
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 85 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -22,7 +22,9 @@
;; frontend.pubsub/def-mult-or-pub generate vars clj-kondo cannot resolve
{:aliases {cljs.reader reader

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
[frontend.db :as db]
[frontend.fs :as fs]
[frontend.encrypt :as encrypt]
[frontend.pubsub :as pubsub]
[logseq.graph-parser.util :as gp-util]
[medley.core :refer [dedupe-by]]
[rum.core :as rum]
@ -2766,7 +2767,7 @@
(async/tap remote->local-sync-mult private-remote->local-sync-chan)
(async/tap remote->local-full-sync-mult private-remote->local-full-sync-chan)
(async/tap pause-resume-mult private-pause-resume-chan)
(async/tap util/app-wake-up-from-sleep-mult app-awake-from-sleep-chan)
(async/tap pubsub/app-wake-up-from-sleep-mult app-awake-from-sleep-chan)
(go-loop []
(let [{:keys [remote->local remote->local-full-sync local->remote-full-sync local->remote resume pause stop]}
@ -3074,7 +3075,7 @@
(async/untap remote->local-sync-mult private-remote->local-sync-chan)
(async/untap remote->local-full-sync-mult private-remote->local-full-sync-chan)
(async/untap pause-resume-mult private-pause-resume-chan)
(async/untap util/app-wake-up-from-sleep-mult app-awake-from-sleep-chan)
(async/untap pubsub/app-wake-up-from-sleep-mult app-awake-from-sleep-chan)
(when ops-chan (async/close! ops-chan))
(stop-local->remote! local->remote-syncer)
(stop-remote->local! remote->local-syncer)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
(ns frontend.pubsub
"All mults and pubs are collected to this ns.
vars with suffix '-mult' is a/Mult, use a/tap and a/untap on them. used by event subscribers
vars with suffix '-pub' is a/Pub, use a/sub and a/unsub on them. used by event subscribers
vars with suffix '-ch' is chan used by event publishers."
{:clj-kondo/config {:linters {:unresolved-symbol {:level :off}}}}
#?(:cljs (:require-macros [frontend.pubsub :refer [def-mult-or-pub chan-of]]))
(:require [clojure.core.async :as a :refer [chan mult pub]]
[clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as ap]
[malli.core :as m]
[malli.dev.pretty :as mdp]
[clojure.pprint :as pp]))
;;; helper macro
(defmacro chan-of [malli-schema malli-schema-validator & chan-args]
`(let [ch# (chan ~@chan-args)]
(~'take! [~'_ fn1-handler#]
(ap/take! ch# fn1-handler#))
(~'put! [~'_ val# fn1-handler#]
(if (~malli-schema-validator val#)
(ap/put! ch# val# fn1-handler#)
(do (mdp/explain ~malli-schema val#)
(throw (ex-info "validate chan value failed" {:val val#}))))))))
(defmacro def-mult-or-pub
"define following vars:
- `symbol-name`-ch for event publisher.
- `symbol-name`-mult or `symbol-name`-pub for event subscribers.
- `symbol-name`-validator is malli schema validator
def -pub var when `:topic-fn` exists otherwise -mult var"
[symbol-name doc-string malli-schema & {:keys [ch-buffer topic-fn]
:or {ch-buffer 1}}]
(let [schema-validator-name (symbol (str symbol-name "-validator"))
schema-name (symbol (str symbol-name "-schema"))
ch-name (symbol (str symbol-name "-ch"))
mult-or-pub-name (if topic-fn
(symbol (str symbol-name "-pub"))
(symbol (str symbol-name "-mult")))
doc-string* (str doc-string "\nMalli-schema:\n" (with-out-str (pp/pprint malli-schema)))]
(def ~schema-name ~malli-schema)
(def ~schema-validator-name (m/validator ~malli-schema))
(def ~ch-name ~doc-string* (chan-of ~malli-schema ~schema-validator-name ~ch-buffer))
~(if topic-fn
`(def ~mult-or-pub-name ~doc-string* (pub ~ch-name ~topic-fn))
`(def ~mult-or-pub-name ~doc-string* (mult ~ch-name))))))
;;; all chan, mult, pub defined here...
(def-mult-or-pub app-wake-up-from-sleep
"app wake up from sleep event"
[:last-activated-at :int]
[:now :int]])
(def-mult-or-pub sync-events
"file-sync events"
[:event [:enum
[:data :map]]
:topic-fn :event)

View File

@ -28,7 +28,8 @@
[rum.core :as rum]
[clojure.core.async :as async]
[cljs.core.async.impl.channels :refer [ManyToManyChannel]]
[medley.core :as medley]))
[medley.core :as medley]
[frontend.pubsub :as pubsub]))
[clojure.string :as string]
@ -1448,11 +1449,9 @@
(def ^:private app-wake-up-from-sleep-chan (async/chan 1))
(def app-wake-up-from-sleep-mult (async/mult app-wake-up-from-sleep-chan))
(defn <app-wake-up-from-sleep-loop
"start a async/go-loop to check the app awake from sleep.
Use (async/tap `app-wake-up-from-sleep-mult`) to receive messages.
Use (async/tap `pubsub/app-wake-up-from-sleep-mult`) to receive messages.
Arg *stop: atom, reset to true to stop the loop"
(let [*last-activated-at (volatile! (tc/to-epoch (t/now)))]
@ -1461,7 +1460,7 @@ Arg *stop: atom, reset to true to stop the loop"
(println :<app-wake-up-from-sleep-loop :stop)
(let [now-epoch (tc/to-epoch (t/now))]
(when (< @*last-activated-at (- now-epoch 10))
(async/>! app-wake-up-from-sleep-chan {:last-activated-at @*last-activated-at :now now-epoch}))
(async/>! pubsub/app-wake-up-from-sleep-ch {:last-activated-at @*last-activated-at :now now-epoch}))
(vreset! *last-activated-at now-epoch)
(async/<! (async/timeout 5000))