Fix agenda

Tienson Qin 2020-04-03 20:47:52 +08:00
parent f3bf9232c5
commit 096e6fae24
4 changed files with 167 additions and 122 deletions

View File

@ -53,69 +53,65 @@
(rum/defq agenda <
{:q (fn [state] (db/sub-agenda))}
[state tasks]
(let [tasks-ids (db/seq-flatten tasks)
tasks (db/pull-many tasks-ids)]
[:h2.mb-3 "Agenda"]
(if (seq tasks)
(let [parent-tasks (block/group-by-parent (block/sort-tasks tasks))]
(for [[parent tasks] parent-tasks]
(let [parent (cond
(string? parent)
[:h2.mb-3 "Agenda"]
(if (seq tasks)
(let [parent-tasks (block/group-by-parent (block/sort-tasks tasks))]
(for [[parent tasks] parent-tasks]
(let [parent (cond
(string? parent)
(and (map? parent)
(:label parent))
(title-cp (:label parent))
(and (map? parent)
(:label parent))
(title-cp (:label parent))
[:h4.mb-3.text-gray-500 parent]
(for [{:heading/keys [uuid marker title priority level tags children timestamps meta] :as task} tasks]
{:key (str "task-" uuid)
:style {:padding-left 8
:padding-right 8}}
[:div.row {:style {:align-items "center"}}
(case marker
(ui/checkbox {:on-change (fn [_]
;; FIXME: Log timestamp
;; (handler/check marker (:pos meta))
[:h4.mb-3.text-gray-500 parent]
(for [{:heading/keys [uuid marker title priority level tags children timestamps meta repo file] :as task} tasks]
{:key (str "task-" uuid)
:style {:padding-left 8
:padding-right 8}}
[:div.row {:style {:align-items "center"}}
(case marker
(ui/checkbox {:on-change (fn [_]
;; FIXME: Log timestamp
(handler/check repo file marker (:pos meta)))})
[:span {:style {:font-weight "bold"}}
[:span {:style {:font-weight "bold"}}
(prn marker)
(ui/checkbox {:checked true
:on-change (fn [_]
;; FIXME: Log timestamp
;; (handler/uncheck marker (:pos meta))
(ui/checkbox {:checked true
:on-change (fn [_]
;; FIXME: Log timestamp
(handler/uncheck repo file (:pos meta))
(if priority
(str "#[" priority "]")])
(title-cp title)
(marker-cp marker)
(when (seq tags)
(tags-cp tags))]]
(when (seq timestamps)
(timestamps-cp timestamps))
(if priority
(str "#[" priority "]")])
(title-cp title)
(marker-cp marker)
(when (seq tags)
(tags-cp tags))]]
(when (seq timestamps)
(timestamps-cp timestamps))
;; FIXME: parse error
;; (when (seq children)
;; (children-cp children))
;; FIXME: parse error
;; (when (seq children)
;; (children-cp children))

View File

@ -63,17 +63,16 @@
(js/localStorage.setItem datascript-db (db->string db)))
(defn reset-conn! [db]
(reset! conn db)
(posh/posh! conn))
(reset! conn db))
(d/listen! conn :persistence
(fn [tx-report] ;; FIXME do not notify with nil as db-report
;; FIXME do not notify if tx-data is empty
(prn "db changed.")
(when-let [db (:db-after tx-report)]
(js/setTimeout #(do
(persist db)
(posh/posh! conn)) 0))))
(prn "DB changed")
(js/setTimeout (fn []
(posh/posh! conn)
(persist db)) 0))))
;; (new TextEncoder().encode('foo')).length
(defn db-size
@ -217,7 +216,7 @@
(pull-many '[*] eids))
([selector eids]
(d/pull-many (d/db conn) selector eids)))
(posh/pull-many conn selector eids)))
(defn q
[query & inputs]
@ -366,18 +365,40 @@
(defn sub-agenda
(sub-agenda :week))
(let [duration (case time
:today []
:week []
:month [])
tasks-ids (-> @(q '[:find ?h
(or [?h :heading/marker "TODO"]
[?h :heading/marker "DOING"]
[?h :heading/marker "IN-PROGRESS"]
[?h :heading/marker "DONE"])]
(pull-many tasks-ids))))
(defn get-agenda
(get-agenda :week))
(let [duration (case time
:today []
:week []
:month [])]
(q '[:find ?h
(or [?h :heading/marker "TODO"]
[?h :heading/marker "DOING"]
[?h :heading/marker "IN-PROGRESS"]
[?h :heading/marker "DONE"])]
(d/q '[:find (pull ?h [*])
(or [?h :heading/marker "TODO"]
[?h :heading/marker "DOING"]
[?h :heading/marker "IN-PROGRESS"]
[?h :heading/marker "DONE"])]
(defn entity
(d/entity (d/db conn) id-or-lookup-ref))
(d/transact! conn [{:db/id -1

View File

@ -35,6 +35,21 @@
{:dir (get-repo-dir repo-url)
:ref "HEAD"})))
(defn fetch
[repo-url token]
(js/git.fetch (with-auth token
{:dir (get-repo-dir repo-url)
:ref "master"
:singleBranch true})))
(defn log
[repo-url token depth]
(js/git.log (with-auth token
{:dir (get-repo-dir repo-url)
:ref "master"
:depth depth
:singleBranch true})))
(defn pull
[repo-url token]
(js/git.pull (with-auth token

View File

@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
[promesa.core :as p]
[cljs-bean.core :as bean]
[reitit.frontend.easy :as rfe]
[goog.crypt.base64 :as b64])
[goog.crypt.base64 :as b64]
[goog.object :as gobj])
(:import [ EventHandler]))
;; We only support Github token now
@ -52,22 +53,44 @@
;; TODO: remove this
(declare load-repo-to-db!)
(defn get-latest-commit
(-> (git/log (db/get-current-repo)
(.then (fn [commits]
(handler (first commits))))
(.catch (fn [error]
(prn "get latest commit failed: " error)))))
(defonce latest-commit (atom nil))
;; TODO: Maybe replace with fetch?
;; TODO: callback hell
(defn pull
[repo-url token]
(util/p-handle (git/pull repo-url token)
(fn [result]
;; TODO: diff
(-> (load-files repo-url)
(fn []
(load-repo-to-db! repo-url)))))))
(fn [commit]
(when (or (nil? @latest-commit)
(and @latest-commit
(not= (gobj/get commit "oid")
(gobj/get @latest-commit "oid"))))
(prn "New commit oid: " (gobj/get commit "oid"))
(-> (load-files repo-url)
(fn []
(load-repo-to-db! repo-url)))))
(reset! latest-commit commit))))))
(defn periodically-pull
(when-let [token (db/get-github-token)]
(pull repo-url token)
(js/setInterval #(pull repo-url token)
(* 60 1000))))
(* 10 1000))))
(defn add-transaction
@ -84,24 +107,18 @@
"Gitnotes auto save tasks.\n\n"
(string/join "\n" transactions))))
(defn periodically-push-tasks
(let [token (db/get-github-token)
push (fn []
(let [transactions (:tasks-transactions @state/state)]
(when (seq transactions)
(transactions->commit-msg transactions)
(fn []
(prn "Commit tasks to Github.")
(fn []
(prn "Failed to push."))))))]
(js/setInterval push
(* 5 1000))))
(defn push
[repo-url file message]
(let [token (db/get-github-token)]
(fn []
(prn "Push successfully!"))
(fn []
(prn "Failed to push.")))))
(defn clone
@ -196,34 +213,38 @@
(clone repo-url))
(defn check
[repo-url file marker pos]
(let [token (db/get-github-token)]
(when-let [content (get-in @state/state [:repos repo-url :contents file])]
[repo file marker pos]
(let [repo (db/entity (:db/id repo))
file (db/entity (:db/id file))
repo-url (:repo/url repo)
file (:file/path file)
token (db/get-github-token)]
(when-let [content (db/get-file-content repo-url file)]
(let [content' (str (subs content 0 pos)
(-> (subs content pos)
(string/replace-first marker "DONE")))]
;; TODO: optimize, only update the specific block
;; (build-tasks content' file)
(db/set-file-content! repo-url file content')
(fs/write-file (git/get-repo-dir repo-url) file content')
(fn [_]
(swap! state/state assoc-in [:repos repo-url :contents file] content')
(add-transaction (util/format "`%s` marked as DONE." marker))))))))
(push repo-url file (util/format "`%s` marked as DONE." marker))))))))
(defn uncheck
[repo-url file pos]
(let [token (db/get-github-token)]
(when-let [content (get-in @state/state [:repos repo-url :contents file])]
[repo file pos]
(let [repo (db/entity (:db/id repo))
file (db/entity (:db/id file))
repo-url (:repo/url repo)
file (:file/path file)
token (db/get-github-token)]
(when-let [content (db/get-file-content repo-url file)]
(let [content' (str (subs content 0 pos)
(-> (subs content pos)
(string/replace-first "DONE" "TODO")))]
;; TODO: optimize, only update the specific block
;; (build-tasks content' file)
(db/set-file-content! repo-url file content')
(fs/write-file (git/get-repo-dir repo-url) file content')
(fn [_]
(swap! state/state assoc-in [:repos repo-url :contents file] content')
(add-transaction "DONE rollbacks to TODO.")))))))
(push repo-url file "DONE rollbacks to TODO.")))))))
(defn extract-headings
[repo-url file content]
@ -274,14 +295,6 @@
;; (doseq [repo repos]
;; (pull repo token))))
(defn periodically-pull-and-push
;; automatically pull
(periodically-pull repo-url)
;; automatically push
(periodically-push-tasks repo-url))
(defn get-github-access-token
(util/fetch (str config/api "token/github")
@ -307,7 +320,7 @@
(p/then (clone repo)
(fn []
(periodically-pull-and-push repo))))
(periodically-pull repo))))
(defn set-route-match!
@ -320,4 +333,4 @@
(db/set-current-repo! first-repo))
(let [repos (db/get-repos)]
(doseq [repo repos]
(periodically-pull-and-push repo))))
(periodically-pull repo))))