Make SR card hotkeys keyboard shortcut UI

Devon Zuegel 2021-09-20 22:00:39 -04:00 committed by Tienson Qin
parent ac5dd50205
commit 0a4b8846e2
3 changed files with 10 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -430,12 +430,11 @@
(when-not (and (not preview?) (= next-phase 1))
(ui/button (case next-phase
1 "Hide answers(s)"
2 "Show Answers(s)"
3 "Show clozes(s)")
1 [:span "Hide answers " (ui/keyboard-shortcut [:s])]
2 [:span "Show answers " (ui/keyboard-shortcut [:s])]
3 [:span "Show clozes " (ui/keyboard-shortcut [:s])])
:id "card-answers"
:class "mr-2"
:small? true
:on-click #(reset! phase next-phase)))
(when (and (> (count cards) 1) preview?)
@ -450,23 +449,19 @@
interval-days-score-4 (get (get-next-interval card 5) card-last-interval-property)
interval-days-score-5 (get (get-next-interval card 5) card-last-interval-property)]
(ui/button "Forgotten(f)"
(ui/button [:span "Forgotten " (ui/keyboard-shortcut [:f])]
:id "card-forgotten"
:small? true
:on-click (fn []
(score-and-next-card 1 card card-index cards phase review-records cb)
(let [tomorrow (tc/to-string (t/plus (t/today) (t/days 1)))]
(editor-handler/set-block-property! root-block-id card-next-schedule-property tomorrow))))
(ui/button "Remembered(r)"
(ui/button [:span "Remembered " (ui/keyboard-shortcut [:r])]
:id "card-remembered"
:small? true
:on-click #(score-and-next-card 5 card card-index cards phase review-records cb))
(ui/button "Take a while to recall(t)"
(ui/button [:span "Took a while to recall " (ui/keyboard-shortcut [:t])]
:id "card-recall"
:class (util/hiccup->class "opacity-60.hover:opacity-100")
:small? true
:on-click #(score-and-next-card 3 card card-index cards phase review-records cb))]))]
(when preview?
@ -480,7 +475,7 @@
:small? true
:on-click #(operation-reset! card))))]
(ui/button "Click to review"
(ui/button [:span "Review cards " (ui/keyboard-shortcut [:t :c])]
:small? true)])]))))
(rum/defc view-modal <
@ -642,3 +637,4 @@
(str (string/trim content) " #" card-hash-tag))))))

View File

@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
(state/pub-event! [:modal/show
[:h1.title "Reload Logseq?"]
(ui/button "YES"
(ui/button [:span "Yes " (ui/keyboard-shortcut ["enter"])]
:autoFocus "on"
:on-click (fn []

View File

@ -416,7 +416,7 @@
;; `sequence` can be a list of symbols or strings
(defn keyboard-shortcut [sequence]
(map-indexed (fn [i key]
[:code {:key i}
;; Display "cmd" rather than "meta" to the user to describe the Mac