enhance(mobile): onboarding graph picker for non-login user

charlie 2022-11-06 15:27:01 +08:00
parent 5d7e44c28f
commit 0dc6145391
6 changed files with 88 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -67,8 +67,11 @@
(rum/defcs picker < rum/reactive
[_state onboarding-and-home?]
(let [parsing? (state/sub :repo/parsing-files?)
native-ios? (mobile-util/native-ios?)]
(let [parsing? (state/sub :repo/parsing-files?)
_ (state/sub :auth/id-token)
native-ios? (mobile-util/native-ios?)
native-icloud? (not (string/blank? (state/sub [:mobile/container-urls :iCloudContainerUrl])))
logged? (user-handler/logged-in?)]
@ -81,7 +84,9 @@
(if native-ios?
;; TODO: open for all native mobile platforms
(graph-picker/graph-picker-cp {:onboarding-and-home? onboarding-and-home?})
(graph-picker/graph-picker-cp {:onboarding-and-home? onboarding-and-home?
:logged? logged?
:native-icloud? native-icloud?})
(if (or (nfs/supported?) (mobile-util/native-platform?))

View File

@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
(concat repo-links
[(when (seq repo-links) {:hr true})
{:title (t :new-graph) :options {:on-click #(page-handler/ls-dir-files! shortcut/refresh!)}}
{:title (t :new-graph) :options {:on-click #(state/pub-event! [:graph/setup-a-repo])}}
{:title (t :all-graphs) :options {:href (rfe/href :repos)}}

View File

@ -725,11 +725,14 @@
(fs/watch-dir! dir))))
(defmethod handle :graph/setup-a-repo [[_ opts]]
(if (mobile-util/native-ios?)
(do (state/set-modal!
#(graph-picker/graph-picker-cp {})
{:label "graph-setup"}))
(page-handler/ls-dir-files! st/refresh! opts)))
(let [opts' (merge {:picked-root-fn #(state/close-modal!)
:native-icloud? (not (string/blank? (state/get-icloud-container-root-url)))
:logged? (user-handler/logged-in?)} opts)]
(if (mobile-util/native-ios?)
(do (state/set-modal!
#(graph-picker/graph-picker-cp opts')
{:label "graph-setup"}))
(page-handler/ls-dir-files! st/refresh! opts'))))
(defmethod handle :file/alter [[_ repo path content]]
(p/let [_ (file-handler/alter-file repo path content {:from-disk? true})]

View File

@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
(defn ^:large-vars/cleanup-todo ls-dir-files-with-handler!
"Read files from directory and setup repo (for the first time setup a repo)"
([ok-handler] (ls-dir-files-with-handler! ok-handler nil))
([ok-handler {:keys [empty-dir?-or-pred dir-result-fn ios-logseq-sync?]}]
([ok-handler {:keys [empty-dir?-or-pred dir-result-fn picked-root-fn ios-logseq-sync?]}]
(let [path-handles (atom {})
electron? (util/electron?)
mobile-native? (mobile-util/native-platform?)
@ -149,6 +149,7 @@
(fn? empty-dir?-or-pred)
(empty-dir?-or-pred result)))
root-handle (first result)
_ (when (fn? picked-root-fn) (picked-root-fn root-handle))
dir-name (if nfs?
(gobj/get root-handle "name")

View File

@ -21,34 +21,52 @@
;; TODO: temporarily just load the existing folder
(p/resolved (util/node-path.join root dirname)))
(rum/defc toggle-item
[{:keys [on? disabled? title on-toggle]}]
[:strong title]
(ui/icon (if on? "toggle-right" "toggle-left"))]
:class (str "toggle-item " (when on? "is-on"))
:intent "logseq"
:on-mouse-down #(util/stop %)
:on-click #(when (fn? on-toggle)
(on-toggle (not on?)))))
(rum/defc graph-picker-cp
[{:keys [onboarding-and-home?]}]
[{:keys [onboarding-and-home? logged? native-icloud?] :as opts}]
(let [[step set-step!] (rum/use-state :init)
*input-ref (rum/create-ref)
native-ios? (mobile-util/native-ios?)
[sync-mode set-sync-mode!] (rum/use-state
logged? :logseq-sync
native-icloud? :icloud-sync))
icloud-sync-on? (= sync-mode :icloud-sync)
logseq-sync-on? (= sync-mode :logseq-sync)
*input-ref (rum/create-ref)
native-ios? (mobile-util/native-ios?)
open-picker #(page-handler/ls-dir-files!
(fn []
on-create (fn [input-val]
(let [graph-name (util/safe-sanitize-file-name input-val)]
(if (string/blank? graph-name)
(notification/show! "Illegal graph folder name.")
open-picker #(page-handler/ls-dir-files! shortcut/refresh! opts)
on-create (fn [input-val]
(let [graph-name (util/safe-sanitize-file-name input-val)]
(if (string/blank? graph-name)
(notification/show! "Illegal graph folder name.")
;; create graph directory under Logseq document folder
;; TODO: icloud sync
(when-let [root (state/get-local-container-root-url)]
(-> (validate-graph-dirname root graph-name)
(p/then (fn [graph-path]
(-> (fs/mkdir! graph-path)
(p/then (fn []
(web-nfs/ls-dir-files-with-path! graph-path)
(notification/show! (str "Create graph: " graph-name) :success))))))
(p/catch (fn [^js e]
(notification/show! (str e) :error)
(js/console.error e)))
;; create graph directory under Logseq document folder
;; TODO: icloud sync
(when-let [root (if icloud-sync-on? (state/get-icloud-container-root-url)
(-> (validate-graph-dirname root graph-name)
(p/then (fn [graph-path]
(-> (fs/mkdir! graph-path)
(p/then (fn []
(web-nfs/ls-dir-files-with-path! graph-path opts)
(notification/show! (str "Create graph: " graph-name) :success))))))
(p/catch (fn [^js e]
(notification/show! (str e) :error)
(js/console.error e)))
(fn []
@ -100,13 +118,14 @@
:ref *input-ref
:placeholder "What's the graph name?"}]
[:strong "Logseq sync"]
(ui/icon "toggle-right")]
(when logged?
(toggle-item {:title "Logseq sync"
:on? logseq-sync-on?}))
:intent "logseq"
:on-click #())
(when (and native-icloud? (not logseq-sync-on?))
(toggle-item {:title "iCloud sync"
:on? icloud-sync-on?
:on-toggle #(set-sync-mode! (if % :icloud-sync nil))}))
(ui/button [:span.flex.items-center

View File

@ -199,12 +199,31 @@ html.is-zoomed-native-ios {
.cp__graph-picker {
button.toggle-item {
@apply opacity-90 hover:text-inherit;
.ui__icon {
@apply scale-150;
&.is-on {
@apply opacity-100;
.ui__icon {
@apply text-indigo-600;
.ui__modal {
&[label=graph-setup] {
align-items: center;
.ui__modal-panel {
transform: translate3d(0, -60px, 0);
transform: translate3d(0, -70px, 0);
.panel-content {