fix: Chinese IMEs doesn't trigger slash command

Junyi Du 2021-12-15 03:55:46 +08:00 committed by Tienson Qin
parent 966ce3c752
commit 0dcc79e4ab
1 changed files with 95 additions and 95 deletions

View File

@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@
;; expand collapsed blocks
(mapv (fn [b] (if (:collapsed (:block/properties b))
(vec (tree/sort-blocks (db/get-block-children repo (:block/uuid b)) b))
[b])) )
block-ids* (mapv :block/uuid blocks*)
level-blocks (blocks-with-level blocks*)
@ -1698,9 +1698,9 @@
"^" "^"
"=" "="
"/" "/"
"+" "+"
"+" "+"})
;; ":" ":" ; TODO: only properties editing and org mode tag
(def reversed-autopair-map
(zipmap (vals autopair-map)
@ -2874,107 +2874,107 @@
[state input input-id search-timeout]
(fn [e key-code]
(let [k (gobj/get e "key")]
(when-not (= k "Process")
(let [code (gobj/getValueByKeys e "event_" "code")
format (:format (get-state))
current-pos (cursor/pos input)
value (gobj/get input "value")
c (util/nth-safe value (dec current-pos))
last-key-code (state/get-last-key-code)
blank-selected? (string/blank? (util/get-selected-text))
shift? (.-shiftKey e)]
(when-not (state/get-editor-show-input)
(and (not (contains? #{"ArrowDown" "ArrowLeft" "ArrowRight" "ArrowUp"} k))
(not (:editor/show-page-search? @state/state))
(not (:editor/show-page-search-hashtag? @state/state))
(wrapped-by? input "[[" "]]"))
(let [orig-pos (cursor/get-caret-pos input)
value (gobj/get input "value")
square-pos (string/last-index-of (subs value 0 (:pos orig-pos)) "[[")
pos (+ square-pos 2)
_ (state/set-last-pos! pos)
pos (assoc orig-pos :pos pos)
command-step (if (= \# (util/nth-safe value (dec square-pos)))
(commands/handle-step [command-step])
(reset! commands/*slash-caret-pos pos))
(let [code (gobj/getValueByKeys e "event_" "code")
format (:format (get-state))
current-pos (cursor/pos input)
value (gobj/get input "value")
c (util/nth-safe value (dec current-pos))
last-key-code (state/get-last-key-code)
blank-selected? (string/blank? (util/get-selected-text))
shift? (.-shiftKey e)]
(when-not (state/get-editor-show-input)
(and (not (contains? #{"ArrowDown" "ArrowLeft" "ArrowRight" "ArrowUp"} k))
(not (:editor/show-page-search? @state/state))
(not (:editor/show-page-search-hashtag? @state/state))
(wrapped-by? input "[[" "]]"))
(let [orig-pos (cursor/get-caret-pos input)
value (gobj/get input "value")
square-pos (string/last-index-of (subs value 0 (:pos orig-pos)) "[[")
pos (+ square-pos 2)
_ (state/set-last-pos! pos)
pos (assoc orig-pos :pos pos)
command-step (if (= \# (util/nth-safe value (dec square-pos)))
(commands/handle-step [command-step])
(reset! commands/*slash-caret-pos pos))
(and blank-selected?
(or (= keycode/left-square-bracket key-code (:key-code last-key-code))
(= keycode/left-square-bracket-code code (:code last-key-code)))
(not shift?)
(> current-pos 0)
(not (wrapped-by? input "[[" "]]")))
(commands/handle-step [:editor/input "[[]]" {:backward-truncate-number 2
:backward-pos 2}])
(commands/handle-step [:editor/search-page])
(reset! commands/*slash-caret-pos (cursor/get-caret-pos input)))
(and blank-selected?
(or (= keycode/left-square-bracket key-code (:key-code last-key-code))
(= keycode/left-square-bracket-code code (:code last-key-code)))
(not shift?)
(> current-pos 0)
(not (wrapped-by? input "[[" "]]")))
(commands/handle-step [:editor/input "[[]]" {:backward-truncate-number 2
:backward-pos 2}])
(commands/handle-step [:editor/search-page])
(reset! commands/*slash-caret-pos (cursor/get-caret-pos input)))
(and blank-selected?
(or (= keycode/left-paren key-code (:key-code last-key-code))
(= keycode/left-paren-code code (:code last-key-code)))
(:shift? last-key-code)
(> current-pos 0)
(not (wrapped-by? input "((" "))")))
(commands/handle-step [:editor/input "(())" {:backward-truncate-number 2
:backward-pos 2}])
(commands/handle-step [:editor/search-block :reference])
(reset! commands/*slash-caret-pos (cursor/get-caret-pos input)))
(and blank-selected?
(or (= keycode/left-paren key-code (:key-code last-key-code))
(= keycode/left-paren-code code (:code last-key-code)))
(:shift? last-key-code)
(> current-pos 0)
(not (wrapped-by? input "((" "))")))
(commands/handle-step [:editor/input "(())" {:backward-truncate-number 2
:backward-pos 2}])
(commands/handle-step [:editor/search-block :reference])
(reset! commands/*slash-caret-pos (cursor/get-caret-pos input)))
(and (= "〈" c)
(= "《" (util/nth-safe value (dec (dec current-pos))))
(> current-pos 0))
(commands/handle-step [:editor/input commands/angle-bracket {:last-pattern "《〈"
:backward-pos 0}])
(reset! commands/*angle-bracket-caret-pos (cursor/get-caret-pos input))
(reset! commands/*show-block-commands true))
(and (= "〈" c)
(= "《" (util/nth-safe value (dec (dec current-pos))))
(> current-pos 0))
(commands/handle-step [:editor/input commands/angle-bracket {:last-pattern "《〈"
:backward-pos 0}])
(reset! commands/*angle-bracket-caret-pos (cursor/get-caret-pos input))
(reset! commands/*show-block-commands true))
(and (= c " ")
(or (= (util/nth-safe value (dec (dec current-pos))) "#")
(not (state/get-editor-show-page-search?))
(and (state/get-editor-show-page-search?)
(not= (util/nth-safe value current-pos) "]"))))
(state/set-editor-show-page-search-hashtag! false)
(and (= c " ")
(or (= (util/nth-safe value (dec (dec current-pos))) "#")
(not (state/get-editor-show-page-search?))
(and (state/get-editor-show-page-search?)
(not= (util/nth-safe value current-pos) "]"))))
(state/set-editor-show-page-search-hashtag! false)
(and @*show-commands (not= k (state/get-editor-command-trigger)))
(let [matched-commands (get-matched-commands input)]
(if (seq matched-commands)
(reset! *show-commands true)
(reset! commands/*matched-commands matched-commands))
(reset! *show-commands false)))
(and @*show-commands (not= k (state/get-editor-command-trigger)))
(let [matched-commands (get-matched-commands input)]
(if (seq matched-commands)
(reset! *show-commands true)
(reset! commands/*matched-commands matched-commands))
(reset! *show-commands false)))
(and @*show-block-commands (not= key-code 188)) ; not <
(let [matched-block-commands (get-matched-block-commands input)]
(if (seq matched-block-commands)
(= key-code 9) ;tab
(when @*show-block-commands
(util/stop e)
(insert-command! input-id
(last (first matched-block-commands))
{:last-pattern commands/angle-bracket}))
(and @*show-block-commands (not= key-code 188)) ; not <
(let [matched-block-commands (get-matched-block-commands input)]
(if (seq matched-block-commands)
(= key-code 9) ;tab
(when @*show-block-commands
(util/stop e)
(insert-command! input-id
(last (first matched-block-commands))
{:last-pattern commands/angle-bracket}))
(reset! commands/*matched-block-commands matched-block-commands))
(reset! *show-block-commands false)))
(reset! commands/*matched-block-commands matched-block-commands))
(reset! *show-block-commands false)))
(nil? @search-timeout)
(close-autocomplete-if-outside input)
(nil? @search-timeout)
(close-autocomplete-if-outside input)
(when-not (= k "Shift")
(state/set-last-key-code! {:key-code key-code
:code code
:shift? (.-shiftKey e)})))))))
(when-not (= k "Shift")
(state/set-last-key-code! {:key-code key-code
:code code
:shift? (.-shiftKey e)}))))))
(defn editor-on-click!