fix(mobile): diff when write conflicts occur

leizhe 2022-01-20 23:25:30 +08:00 committed by Andelf
parent b628044569
commit 0eed799ccf
1 changed files with 91 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
(ns frontend.fs.capacitor-fs
(:require [frontend.fs.protocol :as protocol]
[lambdaisland.glogi :as log]
[frontend.util :as futil]
[frontend.config :as config]
(:require ["@capacitor/filesystem" :refer [Encoding Filesystem]]
[cljs-bean.core :as bean]
["@capacitor/filesystem" :refer [Filesystem Encoding]]
[promesa.core :as p]
[clojure.string :as string]
[ :as mobile-util]))
[frontend.config :as config]
[frontend.fs.protocol :as protocol]
[ :as mobile-util]
[frontend.util :as util]
[lambdaisland.glogi :as log]
[promesa.core :as p]
[frontend.encrypt :as encrypt]
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.db :as db]))
(when (mobile-util/native-ios?)
(defn iOS-ensure-documents!
@ -28,7 +31,7 @@
(when (string? uri)
(-> uri
(string/replace "file://" "")
(defn readdir
"readdir recursively"
@ -51,10 +54,10 @@
(= file "bak")))))
files (->> files
(map (fn [file]
(if (mobile-util/native-ios?)
(futil/url-encode file)
(util/url-encode file)
files-with-stats (p/all
@ -93,6 +96,70 @@
result (js->clj result :keywordize-keys true)]
(map (fn [result] (update result :uri clean-uri)) result)))
(defn- contents-matched?
[disk-content db-content]
(when (and (string? disk-content) (string? db-content))
(if (encrypt/encrypted-db? (state/get-current-repo))
(p/let [decrypted-content (encrypt/decrypt disk-content)]
(= (string/trim decrypted-content) (string/trim db-content)))
(p/resolved (= (string/trim disk-content) (string/trim db-content))))))
(defn- write-file-impl!
[_this repo dir path content {:keys [ok-handler error-handler old-content skip-compare?]} stat]
(println (string/join "\n" [repo dir path content stat]))
(if skip-compare?
(p/let [result (.writeFile Filesystem (clj->js {:path path
:data content
:encoding (.-UTF8 Encoding)
:recursive true}))]
(when ok-handler
(ok-handler repo path result)))
(fn [error]
(if error-handler
(error-handler error)
(log/error :write-file-failed error))))
(p/let [disk-content (-> (p/chain (.readFile Filesystem (clj->js {:path path
:encoding (.-UTF8 Encoding)}))
#(js->clj % :keywordize-keys true)
(p/catch (fn [error]
(js/console.error error)
disk-content (or disk-content "")
ext (string/lower-case (util/get-file-ext path))
db-content (or old-content (db/get-file repo path) "")
contents-matched? (contents-matched? disk-content db-content)
pending-writes (state/get-write-chan-length)]
(not= stat :not-found) ; file on the disk was deleted
(not contents-matched?)
(not (contains? #{"excalidraw" "edn" "css"} ext))
(not (string/includes? path "/.recycle/"))
(zero? pending-writes))
(p/let [disk-content (encrypt/decrypt disk-content)]
(state/pub-event! [:file/not-matched-from-disk path disk-content content]))
(p/let [result (.writeFile Filesystem (clj->js {:path path
:data content
:encoding (.-UTF8 Encoding)
:recursive true}))]
(p/let [content (if (encrypt/encrypted-db? (state/get-current-repo))
(encrypt/decrypt content)
(db/set-file-content! repo path content))
(when ok-handler
(ok-handler repo path result))
(p/catch (fn [error]
(if error-handler
(error-handler error)
(log/error :write-file-failed error)))))))))
(defrecord Capacitorfs []
(mkdir! [_this dir]
@ -145,16 +212,16 @@
(-> (str dir "/" path)
(string/replace "//" "/")))]
(p/let [result (.deleteFile Filesystem
{:path path}))]
(when ok-handler
(ok-handler repo path result)))
(fn [error]
(if error-handler
(error-handler error)
(log/error :delete-file-failed error))))))
(write-file! [_this repo dir path content {:keys [ok-handler error-handler]}]
(p/let [result (.deleteFile Filesystem
{:path path}))]
(when ok-handler
(ok-handler repo path result)))
(fn [error]
(if error-handler
(error-handler error)
(log/error :delete-file-failed error))))))
(write-file! [this repo dir path content opts]
(let [path (cond
(= (mobile-util/platform) "ios")
(js/encodeURI (js/decodeURI path))
@ -165,19 +232,10 @@
(-> (str dir "/" path)
(string/replace "//" "/")))]
(p/let [result (.writeFile Filesystem
{:path path
:data content
:encoding (.-UTF8 Encoding)
:recursive true}))]
(when ok-handler
(ok-handler repo path result)))
(fn [error]
(if error-handler
(error-handler error)
(log/error :write-file-failed error))))))
(p/let [stat (p/catch
(.stat Filesystem (clj->js {:path path}))
(fn [_e] :not-found))]
(write-file-impl! this repo dir path content opts stat))))
(rename! [_this _repo _old-path _new-path]
(stat [_this dir path]