enhance(ui): refactor the schedule inline date editor with the shui popup

charlie 2024-04-22 14:23:59 +08:00
parent 239590d205
commit 1017f90633
1 changed files with 32 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.template :as template]
[frontend.ui :as ui]
[logseq.shui.ui :as shui]
[frontend.util :as util]
[frontend.extensions.pdf.utils :as pdf-utils]
[frontend.util.clock :as clock]
@ -78,7 +79,7 @@
[logseq.common.util.block-ref :as block-ref]
[logseq.common.util.page-ref :as page-ref]
[logseq.common.util.macro :as macro-util]
[logseq.shui.core :as shui]
[logseq.shui.core :as shui-core]
[medley.core :as medley]
[promesa.core :as p]
[reitit.frontend.easy :as rfe]
@ -2157,12 +2158,30 @@
[:button.p-1.mr-2 p])]
[:code "Property name begins with a non-numeric character and can contain alphanumeric characters and . * + ! - _ ? $ % & = < >. If -, + or . are the first character, the second character (if any) must be non-numeric."]]))
(rum/defc timestamp-editor
[ast *show-datapicker?]
(let [*trigger-ref (rum/use-ref nil)]
(fn []
(let [pid (shui/popup-show!
(.closest (rum/deref *trigger-ref) "a")
(datetime-comp/date-picker nil nil (repeated/timestamp->map ast))
{:id :timestamp-editor
:align :start
:root-props {:onOpenChange #(reset! *show-datapicker? %)}
:content-props {:onEscapeKeyDown #(reset! *show-datapicker? false)}})]
#(do (shui/popup-hide! pid)
(reset! *show-datapicker? false))))
[:i {:ref *trigger-ref}]))
(rum/defcs timestamp-cp
< rum/reactive
(rum/local false ::show-datepicker?)
[state block typ ast]
(let [ts-block-id (get-in (state/sub [:editor/set-timestamp-block]) [:block :block/uuid])
active? (= (get block :block/uuid) ts-block-id)
_active? (= (get block :block/uuid) ts-block-id)
*show-datapicker? (get state ::show-datepicker?)]
@ -2170,24 +2189,16 @@
(str typ ": ")]
{:on-pointer-down (fn [e]
(util/stop e)
(editor-handler/escape-editing false)
(if active?
(reset! *show-datapicker? false)
(reset! commands/*current-command nil)
(state/set-timestamp-block! nil))
(reset! *show-datapicker? true)
(reset! commands/*current-command typ)
(state/set-timestamp-block! {:block block
:typ typ}))))}
[:span.time-start "<"] [:time (repeated/timestamp->text ast)] [:span.time-stop ">"]]]
;; date-picker in rendering-mode
(if (and active? @*show-datapicker?)
(datetime-comp/date-picker nil nil (repeated/timestamp->map ast))
(reset! *show-datapicker? false))]))
(util/stop e)
(editor-handler/escape-editing false)
(reset! *show-datapicker? true)
(reset! commands/*current-command typ)
(state/set-timestamp-block! {:block block
:typ typ}))}
[:span.time-start "<"] [:time (repeated/timestamp->text ast)] [:span.time-stop ">"]
(when (and _active? @*show-datapicker?)
(timestamp-editor ast *show-datapicker?))]]]))
(defn- target-forbidden-edit?
@ -3284,7 +3295,7 @@
(config/db-based-graph? (state/get-current-repo))
(assoc-in [:block :properties]
(db-pu/readable-properties (get-in config [:block :block/properties]))))]
(shui/table-v2 {:data (concat [[header]] groups)}
(shui-core/table-v2 {:data (concat [[header]] groups)}
(make-shui-context v2-config inline)))
1 (let [tr (fn [elm cols]