fix: handle situations when datom entity has gone or children exists

Tienson Qin 2024-05-15 10:34:34 +08:00
parent 53658f4ed5
commit 114c0524fa
2 changed files with 82 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -500,6 +500,8 @@
:block/content ""
:block/format :markdown})
;; TODO: why not generate a UUID for all local graphs?
;; And prefer this local graph UUID when picking an ID for new rtc graph?
(defn get-graph-rtc-uuid
(when db (:graph/uuid (d/entity db :logseq.kv/graph-uuid))))

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@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
"Undo redo new implementation"
(:require [datascript.core :as d]
[frontend.worker.db-listener :as db-listener]
[frontend.worker.state :as worker-state]))
[frontend.worker.state :as worker-state]
[clojure.set :as set]
[logseq.db :as ldb]))
;; TODO: add malli schema for op
;; Each `op` is a combination of `::record-editor-info`, `::db-transact` and maybe
@ -65,56 +67,96 @@
e)) e->datoms)
(defn- other-children-exist?
"return true if there are other children existing(not included in `ids`)"
[entity ids]
(set (map :db/id (:block/_parent entity)))
(defn get-reversed-datoms
[conn redo? {:keys [tx-data added-ids retracted-ids]}]
(let [e->datoms (->> (if redo? tx-data (reverse tx-data))
(when (and (seq added-ids) (seq retracted-ids))
(throw (ex-info "entities are created and deleted in the same tx"
{:error :entities-created-and-deleted-same-tx})))
(let [undo? (not redo?)
e->datoms (->> (if redo? tx-data (reverse tx-data))
(group-by :e))
moved-blocks (get-moved-blocks e->datoms)
schema (:schema @conn)]
schema (:schema @conn)
added-and-retracted-ids (set/union added-ids retracted-ids)
rtc-graph? (some? (ldb/get-graph-rtc-uuid @conn))
transact-reverse-datoms-f (fn [datoms]
(fn [[id attr value _tx add?]]
(let [ref? (= :db.type/ref (get-in schema [attr :db/valueType]))
op (if (or (and redo? add?) (and undo? (not add?)))
(when-not (and ref?
(not (d/entity @conn value))
(not (and (retracted-ids value) undo?))
(not (and (added-ids value) redo?))) ; ref has been deleted
[op id attr value])))
(fn [[e datoms]]
;; block has been moved or target got deleted by another client
(and (moved-blocks e)
(let [b (d/entity @conn e)
cur-parent (:db/id (:block/parent b))
move-datoms (filter (fn [d] (contains? #{:block/parent} (:a d))) datoms)]
(when cur-parent
(let [before-parent (some (fn [d] (when (and (= :block/parent (:a d)) (not (:added d))) (:v d))) move-datoms)
after-parent (some (fn [d] (when (and (= :block/parent (:a d)) (:added d)) (:v d))) move-datoms)]
(if redo?
(or (not= cur-parent before-parent)
(nil? (d/entity @conn after-parent)))
(or (not= cur-parent after-parent)
(nil? (d/entity @conn before-parent))))))))
;; skip this tx
(throw (ex-info "This block has been moved or its target has been deleted"
{:error :block-moved-or-target-deleted}))
(let [entity (d/entity @conn e)]
;; FIXME: files graphs may need to reset undo stack when there're changes from disk
(if-not rtc-graph?
(transact-reverse-datoms-f datoms)
;; entity has been deleted
(and (nil? entity)
(not (contains? added-and-retracted-ids e)))
(throw (ex-info "Entity has been deleted"
{:error :entity-deleted}))
;; The entity should be deleted instead of retracting its attributes
(or (and (contains? retracted-ids e) redo?)
(and (contains? added-ids e) (not redo?)))
[[:db/retractEntity e]]
;; block has been moved or target got deleted by another client
(and (moved-blocks e)
(let [b (d/entity @conn e)
cur-parent (:db/id (:block/parent b))
move-datoms (filter (fn [d] (contains? #{:block/parent} (:a d))) datoms)]
(when cur-parent
(let [before-parent (some (fn [d] (when (and (= :block/parent (:a d)) (not (:added d))) (:v d))) move-datoms)
after-parent (some (fn [d] (when (and (= :block/parent (:a d)) (:added d)) (:v d))) move-datoms)]
(and before-parent after-parent ; parent changed
(if redo?
(or (not= cur-parent before-parent)
(nil? (d/entity @conn after-parent)))
(or (not= cur-parent after-parent)
(nil? (d/entity @conn before-parent)))))))))
(throw (ex-info (str "This block has been moved or its target has been deleted"
{:redo? redo?})
{:error :block-moved-or-target-deleted}))
(fn [[id attr value _tx add?]]
(let [ref? (= :db.type/ref (get-in schema [attr :db/valueType]))
op (if (or (and redo? add?) (and (not redo?) (not add?)))
(when-not (and ref?
(not (d/entity @conn value))
(not (and (retracted-ids value) (not redo?)))
(not (and (added-ids value) redo?))) ; ref has been deleted
[op id attr value])))
;; new children blocks have been added
(or (and (contains? retracted-ids e) redo?
(other-children-exist? entity retracted-ids)) ; redo delete-blocks
(and (contains? added-ids e) undo? ; undo insert-blocks
(other-children-exist? entity added-ids)))
(throw (ex-info "Children still exists"
{:error :block-children-exists}))
;; The entity should be deleted instead of retracting its attributes
(or (and (contains? retracted-ids e) redo?) ; redo delete-blocks
(and (contains? added-ids e) undo?)) ; undo insert-blocks
[[:db/retractEntity e]]
;; reverse datoms
(transact-reverse-datoms-f datoms)))))
(remove nil?)))
(catch :default e
(when (not= :block-moved-or-target-deleted (:error (ex-data e)))
(throw e)
(when-not (contains? #{:entities-created-and-deleted-same-tx
:block-moved-or-target-deleted :block-children-exists
(:error (ex-data e)))
(throw e)))))
(defn undo