fix indent/outdent/move-up-down cursor when there's a link block

This commit also replaces setTimeout with rum/schedule
Tienson Qin 2023-09-07 01:29:43 +08:00
parent 0cbd6c09f8
commit 128e03452f
4 changed files with 84 additions and 60 deletions

View File

@ -1105,7 +1105,7 @@
(let [pos (state/get-edit-pos)]
(route-handler/redirect-to-page! id)
(js/setTimeout #(edit-block! {:block/uuid id} pos id) 50)))
(util/schedule #(edit-block! {:block/uuid id} pos id))))
(defn zoom-out!
@ -1120,14 +1120,14 @@
(:block/uuid block-parent))]
(route-handler/redirect-to-page! id)
(js/setTimeout #(edit-block! {:block/uuid block-id} :max block-id) 50))
(util/schedule #(edit-block! {:block/uuid block-id} :max block-id)))
(let [page-id (some-> (db/entity [:block/uuid block-id])
(when-let [page-name (:block/name (db/entity page-id))]
(route-handler/redirect-to-page! page-name)
(js/setTimeout #(edit-block! {:block/uuid block-id} :max block-id) 50)))))))
(util/schedule #(edit-block! {:block/uuid block-id} :max block-id))))))))
(defn cut-block!
@ -1684,12 +1684,17 @@
(.scrollIntoView block-node #js {:behavior "smooth" :block "nearest"})))]
(if edit-block-id
(when-let [block (db/pull [:block/uuid edit-block-id])]
(let [blocks [block]]
(move-nodes blocks))
(when-let [input-id (state/get-edit-input-id)]
(when-let [input (gdom/getElement input-id)]
(.focus input)
(js/setTimeout #(util/scroll-editor-cursor input) 100))))
(let [blocks [block]
pos (state/get-edit-pos)]
(move-nodes blocks)
(when-let [input-id (state/get-edit-input-id)]
(when-let [input (gdom/getElement input-id)]
(.focus input)
(util/scroll-editor-cursor input))
(util/schedule (fn []
(when-not (gdom/getElement input-id)
;; could be crossing containers
(edit-block! block pos (:block/uuid block))))))))
(let [ids (state/get-selection-block-ids)]
(when (seq ids)
(let [lookup-refs (map (fn [id] [:block/uuid id]) ids)
@ -1937,13 +1942,12 @@
(defn- edit-last-block-after-inserted!
(fn []
(when-let [last-block (last (:blocks result))]
(let [last-block' (db/pull [:block/uuid (:block/uuid last-block)])]
(edit-block! last-block' :max (:block/uuid last-block')))))
(edit-block! last-block' :max (:block/uuid last-block')))))))
(defn- nested-blocks
@ -2184,13 +2188,17 @@
(let [parent-node (tree/-get-parent node)
target (if (parent-is-page? node)
(:data parent-node))]
(:data parent-node))
pos (state/get-edit-pos)
block (:data node)]
(when target
{:outliner-op :move-blocks
:real-outliner-op :indent-outdent}
(outliner-core/move-blocks! [(:data node)] target true)))))))
(outliner-core/move-blocks! [block] target true))
(when original-block
(util/schedule #(edit-block! block pos (:block/uuid block)))))))))
(defn- last-top-level-child?
[{:keys [id]} current-node]
@ -2768,14 +2776,22 @@
(state/set-editor-op! :indent-outdent)
(let [pos (some-> (state/get-input) cursor/pos)
(let [editor (state/get-input)
crossing-container? (when editor
(or (and (not indent?) (outliner-core/get-current-editing-original-block))
(and indent?
(when-let [sibling (db-model/get-prev-sibling (db/get-db) (:db/id (state/get-edit-block)))]
(some? (:block/link sibling))))))
pos (some-> editor cursor/pos)
{:keys [block]} (get-state)]
(when block
(state/set-editor-last-pos! pos)
{:outliner-op :move-blocks
:real-outliner-op :indent-outdent}
(outliner-core/indent-outdent-blocks! [block] indent?)))
(outliner-core/indent-outdent-blocks! [block] indent?))
(when crossing-container?
(util/schedule #(edit-block! block (state/get-edit-pos) (:block/uuid block)))))
(state/set-editor-op! :nil)))
(defn keydown-tab-handler

View File

@ -73,10 +73,10 @@
:whiteboard/select {:binding ["1" "w s"]
:fn #(.selectTool ^js (state/active-tldraw-app) "select")}
:whiteboard/pan {:binding ["2" "w p"]
:fn #(.selectTool ^js (state/active-tldraw-app) "move")}
:whiteboard/portal {:binding ["3" "w b"]
:fn #(.selectTool ^js (state/active-tldraw-app) "logseq-portal")}
@ -85,13 +85,13 @@
:whiteboard/highlighter {:binding ["5" "w h"]
:fn #(.selectTool ^js (state/active-tldraw-app) "highlighter")}
:whiteboard/eraser {:binding ["6" "w e"]
:fn #(.selectTool ^js (state/active-tldraw-app) "erase")}
:whiteboard/connector {:binding ["7" "w c"]
:fn #(.selectTool ^js (state/active-tldraw-app) "line")}
:whiteboard/text {:binding ["8" "w t"]
:fn #(.selectTool ^js (state/active-tldraw-app) "text")}
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@
:editor/toggle-undo-redo-mode {:binding false
:fn undo-redo/toggle-undo-redo-mode!}
:editor/toggle-number-list {:binding "t n"
:fn #(state/pub-event! [:editor/toggle-own-number-list (state/get-selection-block-ids)])}
@ -895,7 +895,7 @@

View File

@ -1897,46 +1897,44 @@ Similar to re-frame subscriptions"
([edit-input-id content block cursor-range]
(set-editing! edit-input-id content block cursor-range true))
([edit-input-id content block cursor-range move-cursor?]
(if (> (count content)
(block-content-max-length (get-current-repo)))
(let [elements (array-seq (js/document.getElementsByClassName (str "id" (:block/uuid block))))]
(when (first elements)
(util/scroll-to-element (gobj/get (first elements) "id")))
(exit-editing-and-set-selected-blocks! elements))
(when (and edit-input-id block
(not @publishing?)))
(let [block-element (gdom/getElement (string/replace edit-input-id "edit-block" "ls-block"))
container (util/get-block-container block-element)
block (if container
(assoc block
:block.temp/container (gobj/get container "id"))
content (string/trim (or content ""))]
(set-state! :editor/editing edit-input-id)
(swap! state
(fn [state]
(-> state
:editor/set-timestamp-block nil
:cursor-range cursor-range))))
(set-state! :editor/block block)
(set-state! :editor/content content :path-in-sub-atom edit-input-id)
(set-state! :editor/last-key-code nil)
(if (> (count content)
(block-content-max-length (get-current-repo)))
(let [elements (array-seq (js/document.getElementsByClassName (str "id" (:block/uuid block))))]
(when (first elements)
(util/scroll-to-element (gobj/get (first elements) "id")))
(exit-editing-and-set-selected-blocks! elements))
(when (and edit-input-id block
(not @publishing?)))
(let [block-element (gdom/getElement (string/replace edit-input-id "edit-block" "ls-block"))
container (util/get-block-container block-element)
block (if container
(assoc block
:block.temp/container (gobj/get container "id"))
content (string/trim (or content ""))]
(set-state! :editor/editing edit-input-id)
(swap! state
(fn [state]
(-> state
:editor/set-timestamp-block nil
:cursor-range cursor-range))))
(set-state! :editor/block block)
(set-state! :editor/content content :path-in-sub-atom edit-input-id)
(set-state! :editor/last-key-code nil)
(when-let [input (gdom/getElement edit-input-id)]
(let [pos (count cursor-range)]
(when content
(util/set-change-value input content))
(when-let [input (gdom/getElement edit-input-id)]
(let [pos (count cursor-range)]
(when content
(util/set-change-value input content))
(when move-cursor?
(cursor/move-cursor-to input pos))
(when move-cursor?
(cursor/move-cursor-to input pos))
(when (or (util/mobile?) (mobile-util/native-platform?))
(set-state! :mobile/show-action-bar? false))))))))))
(when (or (util/mobile?) (mobile-util/native-platform?))
(set-state! :mobile/show-action-bar? false)))))))))
(defn remove-watch-state [key]
(remove-watch state key))

View File

@ -1538,3 +1538,13 @@ Arg *stop: atom, reset to true to stop the loop"
(if (satisfies? IMeta o)
(with-meta o meta)
;; from rum
(def schedule
(or (and (exists? js/window)
(or js/window.requestAnimationFrame
#(js/setTimeout % 16))))