Add shui/shortcut component

Display mod+up/down for show more/less
Tienson Qin 2023-11-03 00:47:31 +08:00
parent 8d2d857ca3
commit 12ddf65a22
5 changed files with 77 additions and 52 deletions

View File

@ -1,29 +1,34 @@
(ns logseq.shui.core
[logseq.shui.button.v2 :as shui.button.v2]
[logseq.shui.context :as shui.context]
[logseq.shui.dialog.v1 :as shui.dialog.v1]
[logseq.shui.icon.v2 :as shui.icon.v2]
[logseq.shui.list-item.v1 :as shui.list-item.v1]
[logseq.shui.table.v2 :as shui.table.v2]))
[logseq.shui.table.v2 :as shui.table.v2]
[logseq.shui.shortcut.v1 :as shui.shortcut.v1]))
;; table component
(def table shui.table.v2/root)
(def table-v2 shui.table.v2/root)
;; button component
;; shortcut
(def shortcut shui.shortcut.v1/root)
(def shortcut-v2 shui.shortcut.v1/root)
;; button component
(def button shui.button.v2/root)
(def button-v2 shui.button.v2/root)
;; icon
;; icon
(def icon shui.icon.v2/root)
(def icon-v2 shui.icon.v2/root)
;; list-item
;; list-item
(def list-item shui.list-item.v1/root)
(def list-item-v1 shui.list-item.v1/root)
;; dialog
;; dialog
(def dialog shui.dialog.v1/root)
(def dialog-v1 shui.dialog.v1/root)

View File

@ -4,35 +4,9 @@
[rum.core :as rum]
[clojure.string :as string]
[logseq.shui.icon.v2 :as icon]
[logseq.shui.button.v2 :as button]))
[logseq.shui.shortcut.v1 :as shortcut]))
(defn to-string [input]
(string? input) input
(keyword? input) (name input)
(symbol? input) (name input)
(number? input) (str input)
(uuid? input) (str input)
(nil? input) ""
:else (pr-str input)))
(defn print-shortcut-key [key]
(case key
("cmd" "command" "mod" "⌘") "⌘"
("return" "enter" "⏎") "⏎"
("shift" "⇧") "⇧"
("alt" "option" "opt" "⌥") "⌥"
("ctrl" "control" "⌃") "⌃"
("space" " ") " "
("up" "↑") "↑"
("down" "↓") "↓"
("left" "←") "←"
("right" "→") "→"
("disabled" "Disabled") ""
("backspace" "delete") ""
("tab") ""
(nil) ""
(name key)))
(def to-string shortcut/to-string)
(defn normalize-text [app-config text]
(cond-> (to-string text)
@ -97,7 +71,6 @@
[:span text-string]))))))
;; result-item
(rum/defc root [{:keys [icon icon-theme query text info shortcut value-label value title highlighted on-highlight on-highlight-dep header on-click hoverable compact rounded on-mouse-enter component-opts] :as _props :or {hoverable true rounded true}}
{:keys [app-config] :as context}]
(let [ref (rum/create-ref)
@ -153,17 +126,4 @@
(when shortcut
[:div {:class "flex gap-1"
:style {:opacity (if highlighted 1 0.5)}}
(for [[index option] (map-indexed vector (string/split shortcut #" \| "))]
(when (< 0 index)
[:div.text-gray-11.text-sm "|"])
(for [sequence (string/split option #" ")
:let [text (->> (string/split sequence #"\+")
(map print-shortcut-key)
(apply str))]]
(button/root {:theme :gray
:interactive false
:text (string/upper-case (to-string text))
:tiled true
:size :sm}
(shortcut/root shortcut context)])]]))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
(ns logseq.shui.shortcut.v1
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[logseq.shui.button.v2 :as button]
[rum.core :as rum]))
(defn print-shortcut-key [key]
(case key
("cmd" "command" "mod" "⌘") "⌘"
("return" "enter" "⏎") "⏎"
("shift" "⇧") "⇧"
("alt" "option" "opt" "⌥") "⌥"
("ctrl" "control" "⌃") "⌃"
("space" " ") " "
("up" "↑") "↑"
("down" "↓") "↓"
("left" "←") "←"
("right" "→") "→"
("disabled" "Disabled") ""
("backspace" "delete") ""
("tab") ""
(nil) ""
(name key)))
;; TODO: shortcut component shouldn't worry about this
(defn to-string [input]
(string? input) input
(keyword? input) (name input)
(symbol? input) (name input)
(number? input) (str input)
(uuid? input) (str input)
(nil? input) ""
:else (pr-str input)))
(rum/defc root
[shortcut context]
(for [[index option] (map-indexed vector (string/split shortcut #" \| "))]
(when (< 0 index)
[:div.text-gray-11.text-sm "|"])
(for [sequence (string/split option #" ")
:let [text (->> (string/split sequence #"\+")
(map print-shortcut-key)
(apply str))]]
(button/root {:theme :gray
:interactive false
:text (string/upper-case (to-string text))
:tiled true
:size :sm
:mused true}

View File

@ -367,8 +367,12 @@
(when (or can-show-more? can-show-less?)
[ {:on-click (if (= show :more) show-less show-more)}
(if (= show :more)
"Show less"
"Show more")])]
"Show less"
(shui/shortcut "mod up" nil)]
"Show more"
(shui/shortcut "mod down" nil)])])]
(for [item visible-items

View File

@ -28,7 +28,9 @@
"~" "shift+`"
"⇧" "shift"
"←" "left"
"→" "right"}]
"→" "right"
"↑" "up"
"↓" "down"}]
(-> binding
(str/replace #"[;=-\[\]'\(\)\~\→\←\⇧]" #(get keynames %))
(str/replace #"\s+" " ")
@ -50,6 +52,8 @@
(str/replace "shift+/" "?")
(str/replace "left" "←")
(str/replace "right" "→")
(str/replace "up" "↑")
(str/replace "down" "↓")
(str/replace "shift" "⇧")
(str/replace "open-square-bracket" "[")
(str/replace "close-square-bracket" "]")