refactor: simplify p/let

Yukun Guo 2020-11-30 17:39:17 +08:00 committed by Tienson Qin
parent 47b30bc3e5
commit 14e11c6740
1 changed files with 19 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -463,21 +463,21 @@
(if js/window.pfs
(let [repo config/local-repo]
(p/let [result (-> (fs/mkdir (str "/" repo))
(p/catch (fn [_e] nil)))
_ (state/set-current-repo! repo)
_ (db/start-db-conn! nil repo)
_ (when-not config/publishing?
(let [dummy-notes (get-in dicts/dicts [:en :tutorial/dummy-notes])]
(create-dummy-notes-page repo dummy-notes)))
_ (when-not config/publishing?
(let [tutorial (get-in dicts/dicts [:en :tutorial/text])
tutorial (string/replace-first tutorial "$today" (date/today))]
(create-today-journal-if-not-exists repo tutorial)))
_ (create-config-file-if-not-exists repo)
_ (create-contents-file repo)
_ (create-custom-theme repo)]
(state/set-db-restoring! false)))
(p/do! (-> (fs/mkdir (str "/" repo))
(p/catch (fn [_e] nil)))
(state/set-current-repo! repo)
(db/start-db-conn! nil repo)
(when-not config/publishing?
(let [dummy-notes (get-in dicts/dicts [:en :tutorial/dummy-notes])]
(create-dummy-notes-page repo dummy-notes)))
(when-not config/publishing?
(let [tutorial (get-in dicts/dicts [:en :tutorial/text])
tutorial (string/replace-first tutorial "$today" (date/today))]
(create-today-journal-if-not-exists repo tutorial)))
(create-config-file-if-not-exists repo)
(create-contents-file repo)
(create-custom-theme repo)
(state/set-db-restoring! false)))
(js/setTimeout setup-local-repo-if-not-exists! 100)))
(defn periodically-pull
@ -555,10 +555,10 @@
(spec/validate :repos/repo repo)
(db/remove-conn! url)
(-> (p/let [_ (db/remove-db! url)
_ (db/remove-files-db! url)
_ (fs/rmdir (util/get-repo-dir url))]
(clone-and-pull url))
(-> (p/do! (db/remove-db! url)
(db/remove-files-db! url)
(fs/rmdir (util/get-repo-dir url))
(clone-and-pull url))
(p/catch (fn [error]
(prn "Delete repo failed, error: " error)))))