enhance(ui): WIP polish emojis&icons picker

charlie 2024-02-28 17:16:18 +08:00
parent b43c576158
commit 15dce782ae
3 changed files with 122 additions and 67 deletions

View File

@ -2,9 +2,21 @@
(:require [rum.core :as rum]
[logseq.shui.ui :as ui]
[logseq.shui.popup.core :refer [install-popups update-popup! get-popup]]
[frontend.components.icon :refer [emojis-cp emojis]]))
[frontend.components.icon :refer [emojis-cp emojis icon-search]]))
(rum/defc page []
(rum/defc page
"UI X Emojis & Icons Picker"]
{:class "w-fit"}
(rum/defc popup-demo
[:h1.text-3xl.font-bold.border-b.pb-4 "UI X Popup"]

View File

@ -79,10 +79,7 @@
:name name}))}
(not (nil? hover))
(assoc :on-mouse-over #(reset! hover emoji)
:on-mouse-out #(js/setTimeout
(fn []
(when (and @hover (= id (:id @hover)))
(reset! hover nil))) 1000)))
:on-mouse-out #()))
[:em-emoji {:id id}]])
(rum/defc emojis-cp < rum/static
@ -105,7 +102,7 @@
:id icon
:name icon
:icon icon})
:on-mouse-out #(reset! hover nil)}
:on-mouse-out #()}
(ui/icon icon {:size 24})])
(rum/defc icons-cp < rum/static
@ -127,53 +124,62 @@
result @*result
emoji-tab? (= @*tab :emoji)
opts (assoc opts :hover *hover)]
{:auto-focus true
:placeholder "Select icon"
:default-value ""
:on-change (debounce
(fn [e]
(reset! *q (util/evalue e))
(if (string/blank? @*q)
(reset! *result {})
(p/let [result (search @*q)]
(reset! *result result))))
(if (seq result)
(when (seq (:emojis result))
(emojis-cp (:emojis result) opts))
(when (seq (:icons result))
(icons-cp (:icons result) opts))]
;; header
{:auto-focus true
:placeholder "Select icon"
:default-value ""
:on-change (debounce
(fn [e]
(reset! *q (util/evalue e))
(if (string/blank? @*q)
(reset! *result {})
(p/let [result (search @*q)]
(reset! *result result))))
;; body
{:on-mouse-leave #(reset! *hover nil)}
(if (seq result)
(when (seq (:emojis result))
(emojis-cp (:emojis result) opts))
(when (seq (:icons result))
(icons-cp (:icons result) opts))]
(if emoji-tab?
(emojis-cp emojis opts)
(icons-cp (get-tabler-icons) opts))])]]
;; footer
(if-not @*hover
;; tabs
{:intent "logseq"
:small? true
{:intent "logseq"
:small? true
:on-click #(reset! *tab :emoji)})
{:intent "logseq"
:small? true
{:intent "logseq"
:small? true
:on-click #(reset! *tab :icon)})]
(if emoji-tab?
(emojis-cp emojis opts)
(icons-cp (get-tabler-icons) opts))])]
(when @*hover
{:style {:font-size 32}
:key (:id @*hover)
:title (:name @*hover)}
(if (= :tabler-icon (:type @*hover))
(ui/icon (:icon @*hover) {:size 32})
(:native (first (:skins @*hover))))]
[:strong (:name @*hover)]])]))
;; preview
[:strong (:name @*hover)]
{:style {:font-size 30}
:key (:id @*hover)
:title (:name @*hover)}
(if (= :tabler-icon (:type @*hover))
(ui/icon (:icon @*hover) {:size 32})
(:native (first (:skins @*hover))))]])]]))
(rum/defc icon-picker
[icon-value {:keys [disabled? on-chosen icon-props]}]
@ -181,11 +187,10 @@
(if config/publishing?
(constantly [])
(fn [{:keys [id]}]
{:on-chosen (fn [e icon-value]
(on-chosen e icon-value)
(shui/popup-hide! id))})]))]
{:on-chosen (fn [e icon-value]
(on-chosen e icon-value)
(shui/popup-hide! id))})))]
;; trigger
{:variant :ghost

View File

@ -1,8 +1,22 @@
.cp__emoji-icon-picker {
@apply w-[320px] max-h-[346px] relative;
@apply w-[380px] max-h-[396px] relative;
@apply pt-14 pb-16;
> .hd {
@apply absolute w-full pt-3 pb-1 px-3 top-0 left-0;
> .bd {
@apply pb-20 max-h-96 px-2 py-2;
@apply overflow-y-scroll;
> .ft {
@apply absolute w-full py-3 px-3 bg-gray-02 bottom-0 left-0;
@apply border-t h-[50px] overflow-hidden;
.search-result {
@apply overflow-y-scroll max-h-80;
.emojis button:hover, .icons button:hover {
@ -15,22 +29,46 @@
.hover-preview {
@apply flex flex-1 flex-row items-center gap-2 shadow-lg;
@apply absolute bottom-0 left-0 right-0 bg-gray-01 m-[-16px] p-2;
@apply flex flex-1 items-center justify-between leading-none;
> strong {
@apply opacity-75 text-lg whitespace-nowrap font-normal
overflow-ellipsis overflow-hidden;
@apply opacity-60 text-base whitespace-nowrap font-normal
overflow-ellipsis overflow-hidden mr-2;
.ls-icon {
&-Backlog { @apply text-gray-05; }
&-Todo { @apply text-gray-11; }
&-InProgress50 { @apply text-yellow-rx-08; }
&-InReview { @apply text-blue-rx-09; }
&-Done { @apply text-green-rx-08; }
&-Cancelled { @apply text-red-rx-08; }
.dropdown-wrapper .cp__emoji-icon-picker {
@apply -m-4;
.ui__dropdown-menu-content .cp__emoji-icon-picker {
@apply -m-1;
.ls-icon {
&-Backlog {
@apply text-gray-05;
&-Todo {
@apply text-gray-11;
&-InProgress50 {
@apply text-yellow-rx-08;
&-InReview {
@apply text-blue-rx-09;
&-Done {
@apply text-green-rx-08;
&-Cancelled {
@apply text-red-rx-08;