fix: e2e tests

Tienson Qin 2022-08-15 16:52:18 +08:00
parent 453c17289a
commit 16cb18f734
1 changed files with 5 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(ns frontend.mixins
(:require [rum.core :as rum]
[goog.dom :as dom]
[frontend.util :refer [profile]]
[frontend.util :refer [profile] :as util]
[frontend.state :as state])
(:import [ EventHandler]))
@ -26,30 +26,6 @@
(detach state)
(dissoc state ::event-handler))})
;; (defn timeout-mixin
;; "The setTimeout mixin."
;; [name t f]
;; {:will-mount
;; (fn [state]
;; (assoc state name (util/set-timeout t f)))
;; :will-unmount
;; (fn [state]
;; (let [timeout (get state name)]
;; (util/clear-timeout timeout)
;; (dissoc state name)))})
;; (defn interval-mixin
;; "The setInterval mixin."
;; [name t f]
;; {:will-mount
;; (fn [state]
;; (assoc state name (util/set-interval t f)))
;; :will-unmount
;; (fn [state]
;; (when-let [interval (get state name)]
;; (util/clear-interval interval))
;; (dissoc state name))})
(defn hide-when-esc-or-outside
[state & {:keys [on-hide node visibilitychange? outside?]}]
@ -58,8 +34,10 @@
(let [click-fn (fn [e]
(let [target (.. e -target)]
;; If the click target is outside of current node
(when (and (not (dom/contains dom-node target))
(not (.contains (.-classList target) "ignore-outside-event")))
(when (and
(not (util/input? dom-node))
(not (dom/contains dom-node target))
(not (.contains (.-classList target) "ignore-outside-event")))
(on-hide state e :click))))]
(when-not (false? outside?)
(listen state js/window "mouseup" click-fn)))